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Attack boars on fire off the shoulder of a potato field - Rimworld seeded start

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So, we have decided to start up a game of Rimworld where we all start with the same save on crashdown and see what happens to everyone after that.


Update: File is here.


Copy the file into C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld\Saves

and relaunch the game:) Good luck!



I'm proposing the following settings:

  • Default Narrator on medium difficulty
  • 3 Colonist crashdown
  • Minimum rerolls of characters to fill up minimum viable starting skills
  • No mods (had a bad experience with one) though feel free to add QoL mods in if you think they will be stable with a no mod save
  • Iron man - Update: Tested Linux generated iron man save game in windows machine with no issues.


I'll post up the save late tonight my time, but fee free to DL and grab it whenever you want. Once the file is up, this will morph into a storybook of our parallel universes.


In so far:

  • dibs
  • ratamero
  • lastair
  • superbiasedman
  • vasari
  • brkl (do it)


Taking requests for:

  • Colony Name
  • Colonist Names

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Please give them good, thumbs appropriate names so that I'll actually remember them. Otherwise I'll be terrible and not remember at all.

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Quality thread title. Quality idea. Kind of attached to my current colony right now :X

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You can turn on iron man mode on this, right? So that nobody can savescum? I think this should be a one-run game.

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Yes, Ironman is a good idea. I look forward to being the quickest one to fail spectacularly!

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Would iron man be finnicky about passing the save around? I have no issue living with my mistakes. I just don't want weird protections in it to disrupt the fun.

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Brilliant idea! I don't think I have time to join, but I can't wait to hear your stories.

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You can still download the save Dewar, and print it out and draw pictures of disasters on it.

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Well I mean I'm gonna buy it soon, but I'd be coming in with little or no experience besides Chris's streams.

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Oh, I see, I thought this was going to be a succession game. OK, I can dig playing with the same start that way I'm not sabotaging anyone else with my poor play.

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It'll be interesting to see where everyone has chosen to set up their colony. Here's mine:




Highlights so far: Cool Uncle proved just how cool she is by one-shotting an attacking Robot. That's the only time she's done anything cool with guns though, it takes her about 50 shots to kill anything while hunting.


Goldblum spent all day outside during a heatwave in a malnourished daze. When she passed out I brought her back to base and installed a cooler to keep the temperature down. But I installed it backwards so it was blowing heat into her room and she nearly died!

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I have successfully purchased Rimworld. My first game ever will be from this seed and posted here for the hilarity of all. I'll probably start it tomorrow.

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So, my colony was doing really nicely till a two pronged bandit attack took out most of my food stores and sent three of my peeps to hospital.




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Well, it is all over. RIP Colonists of Baboobaboo.


HEre is the beginning of the end. Enraged at not being able to eat at a table, and the death of a fellow colonist, both Cool and Goldblum attacked eachother in bezerker rages. Eventually Goldblum lay dead on teh floor and Cool was subdued by her father Rich. Rich dutifully carried her to a medical bed, before himself subcomming to a bezerker rage. Cool recovered to subdue him, unfortunately entering another bezerker rage soon afterwards. Rich recovered and brought her to bed after a vicious turkey and prisoner bashing. Unfortunatly, Cool recovered only long enough to eat something and murder her own father beside the bed he had tended her. Cool then stumbled out into the open air, where she slowly died from a combination of Bruises, turkey scratches, yorkshire terrier cuts and malnutrition.


While this was going on, the aforementioned Yokie himself went bezerk and attacked the prisoners. One died lying on a bed (not in) and the other subdied the Yorkie, before himself going on a bezerker rage where he used his 1337 melee skills to down every turkey in sight before stubling south of the base, falling down and dying.


The beginning of the end




Cool dying in the open while the corpse of Rich lies in the medical wing. Some raiders arrived, set things on fire and stole my uranium aslo.



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RIP in peace, colonists.


Well, it is all over. RIP Colonists of Baboobaboo.


...I wonder how many of us named our colony some variation of the word "Baboo" because I know I did.

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I downloaded the game, made my colony, had a good thing going for a few game days, naming the colony "CloseCry." But, as usual, I failed to get my kitchen-and-hunting online, and starvation began to take its toll. Cool was the first to... lose her cool.


In desperation, I sent Goldblum to slay a grizzly bear lurking in front of the compound. Naturally, the grizzly sought revenge. It maimed Goldblum, and murdered Cool and Rich. 


Meanwhile, at the moment of outraging the Grizzly bear, another Grizzly across the map spontaneously tamed itself. 


Here is that moment of catastrophe:




Here is Goldblum's dying breath; covered in lacerations from his ferocious hunting victims.




Soon after I get the Game Over screen. But is the game truely over? Or has the pet Grizzly's game just begun? I continue playing.


In the following picture you can see the pet Grizzly and Turkey chillin' out in their bungalo. The Grizzly lead an active life, wandering around the house, happily eating corpses.




Eventually that bear defeats some raiders; and is killed by other raiders. Later a survivor named Ernesto takes refuge in my abandon Compound. Ernesto, a Sheriff, bears the curse of having only 6 skills, and none of the useful ones. He is soon wounded by a raider and goes to die in bed.


See in this image, Ernesto's sleeping corpse, the raider hell bent on trashing my kitchen, and the rotten corpse of my former pet Grizzly.




The end.


Well, maybe not, maybe I'll let it play out some time later and see if survivors with any skills will wander in. Probably not before everything useful burns or rots away.




It is worth noting that this "permadeath" file format does not completely prohibit save-scumming, it just makes it slightly inconvenient. I went ahead and save-scummed to the original file from Dibs. This new colony soon died in a fire. I took this as a message that I shouldn't be save-scumming this. Also as a message that I am not effective at any difficulty level above "Basebuilder."

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Took this screenshot at what I assumed to be the beginning of the end:




It didn't turn out to be the definitive end, actually, but I don't know how I can proceed at this point. Three out of five of my colonists are in the hospital incapacitated, including all my growers/cooks/doctors. I don't have enough medicine left to treat all the wounds, burns, muscle parasites, severe flu AND asthma that I have to deal with, nor do I have a way to grow more medicine in the first place. I'm basically out of food. Oh, and the place is filthy!


I may load this up later with fresh eyes but I think it's a slow death from here on out.


That said, this was definitely the hardest setting I've played on (and with starting characters I don't consider ideal) and up until this exact point it didn't feel unmanageable. I feel like I'm so much better equipped for my next rimworld game.

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As expected, this being my first game was a total disaster. I took the suggestion earlier of trying to dig into a hill and setup my base Dwarf Fortress style, but the colonists dig so slow and leave a mess everywhere. Still, I managed to get a barracks and a medbay up and running.




I killed one raider and had a single joiner. Food is in good supply, but being completely unable to keep up with all of the complaints about dirty, ugly, small, etc. started taking it's toll. This fire starting spree eventually signaled the beginning of the end.




One of my colonists went berserk, another went pyro, the two of them fought and the berserk one ended up in the hospital. The pyromaniac recovered, just in time for a third to go into a psychotic break and stand in a corner silently as three more raiders attacked. They injured and carried away my two functional folks, and killed my dog too.




It's possible I might have been able to recover from that, but I'm tired and I should really try playing at a lower difficulty first. Is the plan to post a new seed like once a week or something, or should we take multiple runs at this one?

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