
WIZARD JAM 2016 // Welcome Thread

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Hi, I'm new here. I don't know anything about jams or wizards. So, does work on a game start on May 7th or is that when games are submitted? Sorry for my ignorance!

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Starts on the 7th, and then runs for two weeks! Games need to be submitted by the 22nd of May.

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Cool, thanks. Maybe I'll make a thing. Excited to see everyone else creations though!

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Cool beans! Looking forward to making a game of my own this Jam!

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Revive #wizardjam on twitter!

Okay, I think I've got something for Twenty Year Old Weird House. Shooting to make it even weirder than my Battletoads madness last year...

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Since I'm between jobs at the moment, I should really hang onto get off my butt and participate this year... I have a lot of self doubt and conflict about my career/role in the industry however, so I might have to make it a solo effort so as not to expose this rad community that I appreciate to my baggage.


None of the episode titles are leaping out at me just yet, but we'll see what develops...

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I'm doing Zombie Train Beyond Earth probably. My friend said he's gonna try XCOM Obama. We'll see how it goes.

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Since I'm between jobs at the moment, I should really hang onto get off my butt and participate this year... I have a lot of self doubt and conflict about my career/role in the industry however, so I might have to make it a solo effort so as not to expose this rad community that I appreciate to my baggage.


None of the episode titles are leaping out at me just yet, but we'll see what develops...


Hey, I'm unemployed right now, too!  I am bad at everything but I'm willing to team up!

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Hey hey HEY we have a team-up thread, you know!

Oh, I know! (click for team-up thread)


Like I said mine will probably be a solo effort, so my current plan is to bone up on Twine, because I sure as heck don't have engineering chops.


I am basically the KING of procrastination, so this is mostly me increasing personal pressure to do something for once by exposing others to my plans.

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Between yesterday and today I think I've watched that trailer like twenty times.  So psyched.  SO psyched.

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I've got a lot of time right now so I think I'm gonna finally check out Twine and see if I can make something neat. Really excited to see what everyone comes up with!

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So... I see there are 0 rules, but I just want to ask anyways. I will be on a trip for a week during the jam time. Can I start early to make up for that?

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So... I see there are 0 rules, but I just want to ask anyways. I will be on a trip for a week during the jam time. Can I start early to make up for that?


I won't tell  :shifty:

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Hey! New to the forums but really excited to participate in this thing.


What does everyone think about using a title from one of the interview/tv/book casts? Technically not against the rules, but I wonder if it goes against the spirit of Wizard Jam. I guess it does, and I don't think I'll end up doing that, but thought it's a point of discussion worth throwing out there, since the joke they made on the show about games named after developers was a good one, and Twin Peaks Rewatch has some excellent titles: "Drive With a Dead Girl", "May the Giant Be With You", "Rest in Pain", etc.

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Re-read the OP! Any podcast in the network is fair game!

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Hey! New to the forums but really excited to participate in this thing.


What does everyone think about using a title from one of the interview/tv/book casts? Technically not against the rules, but I wonder if it goes against the spirit of Wizard Jam. I guess it does, and I don't think I'll end up doing that, but thought it's a point of discussion worth throwing out there, since the joke they made on the show about games named after developers was a good one, and Twin Peaks Rewatch has some excellent titles: "Drive With a Dead Girl", "May the Giant Be With You", "Rest in Pain", etc.


Nope, there's no problem with that; it's totally allowed! Any podcast on the network is fine.  :)


Also, welcome to the forums!

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As I said, I know it's not against the rules, but was just curious to hear if people thought it was in the spirit of the jam, since I can see it being seen as a kind of weird, cheaty approach, stretching the concept of the jam. Or am I overthinking it?


Thanks for the warm welcome and quick responses!

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Please make Rob Pardo pt 2. (I don't think it's against the spirit. The whole jam is a chance to be creative and build something out of a funny phrase. And it's all technically idle thumbs podcasts and in the network.)

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As I said, I know it's not against the rules, but was just curious to hear if people thought it was in the spirit of the jam, since I can see it being seen as a kind of weird, cheaty approach, stretching the concept of the jam. Or am I overthinking it?


Thanks for the warm welcome and quick responses!


Nah dude it's totally fine. I've personally been eyeing up the Terminal 7 titles because some of those are amazing.

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