
Duelyst! Final Fantasy Tactics Hearthstone crossover! Yt's good!

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This game has been slowly consuming me.


It's basically the metagame of Hearthstone (open packs of 5 cards, build a deck, play it vs. other people, there's a limited mode that gives rewards, destroy cards to get currency for creating other cards, etc). But the game itself plays out on a tactical map instead of the almost dimensionless board of Hearthstone.

For those old enough to remember it, this is basically to Pox Nora what Hearthstone was to Magic: the Gathering.

My name in the game is the same as here. Feel free to hit me up for a game, or some tips. You get a free pack of cards for playing against someone on your friends list once.

Also, use the code 'redditpals' when creating an account for some free stuff.

This game is much more generous than Heartstone, having a lot of extremely cool single-player puzzle scenarios that reward you with currency, a pretty solid starter deck for each faction that can carry you at least to rank 20 (out of 30) and in general a much better odds of getting high-rarity cards from packs.

Give it a shot!

There's an excellent beginners'guide here:


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The only thing I know about the game is that in its kickstarter it said it wasn't going to be free to play and then came out as free to play. People were not pleased. Still, I'm sure there was a reason for it and I'm glad to hear it's turned out well. Might have to give it a go at some point.

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I really like it too! I'm not sure how long I can hang in there though... I didn't keep up with Hearthstone and now find it completely inscrutable. I think Duelyst will be different, hopefully I'm not just being optimistic.

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I tried a round of this and I got stomped! I will never play again. :(


But seriously though this seems really cool but I have such a hard time reckoning with the tactical depth of games like this when I first jump in that it turns me away 90% of the time. Willing to give this a fair shake though since I like the concept, and it's pretty.

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I tried a round of this and I got stomped! I will never play again. :(


But seriously though this seems really cool but I have such a hard time reckoning with the tactical depth of games like this when I first jump in that it turns me away 90% of the time. Willing to give this a fair shake though since I like the concept, and it's pretty.

I can't recommend the single-player puzzles enough to give you an idea of the things you can do. I can't count the amount of times where I've had turns in pvp games that I was certain victory was within my grasp but couldn't see it - and then I shifted my mindset to the puzzling one and got it.

Plus, they give you gold.

Finally, if you've got pvp anxiety, they just added a pretty competent AI opponent.

Also, don't be afraid to friend me up or ping me on steam if anyone wants to have a go.

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Downloaded and signed up for this today, not sure when I'll actually have a chance to try it though,

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Been getting into this 'un recently. 

I put in a few hours with Hearthstone, but I hate to spend money on these things in a 'Software as a Service' way (while I generally don't mind just paying an up-front cost), and I lost interest before I had enough of a decent card collection to really make a fun deck.


Duelyst seems to be a bit more generous, but I'm only now nearing rank 20, so we'll see how I manage out in the cold, real world.  (For those who haven't played, in 'Bronze League', which is rank 30 - 20, you don't lose ranks for losing matches, so if you can at least manage the occasional win you'll get to 'Silver League' with sufficient stubborness).


Folks looking for friendly matches, by all means look me up, am 'BonusWavePilot' there also.

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This game has slowly been eating away at my hearthstone time.

I find it more fun and crazy in a good way.


My name on there should be the same as the one here if anyone is interested. 


I do wish the lore was presented differently though. I remember being excited for it before it was released in the game and now that it is being released, walls of text with voiceover is not doing it for me. 

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