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Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord

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Anyone object to moving this thread to Idle Banter rather than Video Gaming? Seems more appropriate.

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Anyone object to moving this thread to Idle Banter rather than Video Gaming? Seems more appropriate.

I often look for it there, makes sense to me.

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Is the idlethumbsreaders slack still active? I'd be interested to join, but am getting a dead link from the OP. Thanks!

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Yeah, it's still active. Unfortunately that link is broken, but if you PM me with your e-mail address I can send you an invite :).

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I'll make sure that thing doesn't go down later on today. I am assuming the host had to reboot and I never setup any init scripts for those.

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I actually finally migrated everything over to a new host and set it up all proper with systemd and stuff. So all the crazy instability of the last 2-3 months (or longer?) should now be fixed and the sign up url shouldn't go down anymore. 

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Oh yeah I need to set up a new host for that tool - I'll try to get that done tonight, sorry!

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On 17.3.2017 at 9:41 PM, tabacco said:

Oh yeah I need to set up a new host for that tool - I'll try to get that done tonight, sorry!

Hey is this slack invite thingy working nowadays? Tried to go to that link and didn't seem to work...

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I was talking about breakfast and then I lost connection to Slack. Is this my fault or did the server get eaten for breakfast by some sort of robot?

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7 minutes ago, Cordeos said:

We should just spam minions at Jenna's twitter until slack is back up


the minions sustain me. www.twitter.com/jennegatron

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It seems like generating invite links has been switched off somewhere along the way - I am not a Slack expert and don't know whether that was deliberate or who can turn it back on or how. For now new people will need to give their email address to someone already in the Slack again - posting in this thread is probably a decent way to show interest.

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I get the feeling that basically Slack and Discord are the new forums so I guess I'd better get with the program, grumble grumble

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