
Heroes of The Storm Thumb ID swap

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Hey Everyone, 


I am just writing to see if there are any fellow HOTS players in the idle thumbs community. Heroes of the Storm is the lords management game by Blizzard that is a ton of fun to play. It may not be a complex and popular as DOTA but it is also less toxic and the games are much shorter (usually).  At the same time individuals have less of an effect than they do in other LMG's and this prevents things like carries. 


If anyone else would like to play, I am on the NA servers but live in Europe so play during weird hours. Still maybe other would like to play together. I usually main specialists like Abathur, Zagara, and Azmodan. But also supports when needed like Reghar and Tassadar. 


My tag is Vegas2121#1571. 


Cheers and have fun. 

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Hey Vegas (and fellow Thumbs),


I play sporadically but I'm on now and again. I like playing support but will play whatever. 



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Hey guys!


I'm Drahnoel#1356 on Feel free to add me...I'm fairly active in Heroes & Hearthstone. Still dabble in WoW & StarCraft, but not much to speak of.

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