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[Release] Unmasking the Brain Burglar

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I'm still going to work on this, probably porting it over to processing. Sorry you guys had trouble with it. I found that the mac version works cool, but the windows version has more bugs. I think in the final version of the game I'll give the burglar more tells, and obviously fix all the bugs.


I'm working through The Nature of Code, which I think was recommended elsewhere on this forum. when I think I've gone through enough of it, I'll come back and work on this. I've decided to move my devlog over to my site,, although I'll let you guys know about the state of the game periodically. Thanks for checking it out!

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Sweet! Even if you're not working on a specific thing and just learning, dip into the game dev subforum here. There's good stuff/people in there!

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Really liked the look and sound of this, and the idea is solid - but I could not get left mouse button to work, which was a shame. I'll keep an eye on the project and try it again in a bit - I still hope to unmask that heinous fiend!



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No worries. I'm missing three whole levels in my release. =) How did you detect the mouse click? OnMouseDown or Input.GetButton("Fire1") or what?



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private void OnMouseDown() {
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown (0)) {


Both... in hindsight, that sounds stupid. I wanted to catch just the left mouse button and if i just had the Input.GetMouseButtonDown the enemy check fired n matter where i clicked.

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a) I no Mac

2) I no expert


...but, yeah, that might be a problem. Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) is only going to return true if it catches the act of pushing the button DOWN - and that's probably already happened to call the event OnMouseDown. To my distinctly unprofessional eyes, it looks like Input.GetMouseButtonDown couldn't ever return true - all you could get to return true in that context is GetMouseButton and GetMouseButtonUp.


I think? Good spot, either way.



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I've removed the input.getmousedown, and it seems to still work on the mac. I think it has exposed another bug where you can't accuse npcs who are below you. I am the worst. Try to stand horizontally next to the person, and let me know if you have any luck. 

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I'm sorry to report, but I'm still not getting input with left mouse on Windows (generally, in game, but specifically horizontal accusations). I also appear to be able to trap myself... inside (?)... other characters if we decide to occupy the same square at the same time, making further movement impossible.




Actually! Another bug that might be related - character select doesn't seem to be working for me! I continually select the character on the LEFT (red hair) and then the game loads with the character on the RIGHT (dark hair, blue suit). So... my selection isn't going through, but it's receiving a general input to load the game? What ho?


No worries, dude (gerbil? gerbilette?), this is all a learning experience. The first version I released of my game would send players back to the home screen after a couple of seconds in-game, so... your bug is relatively minor. =)



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I've mentioned in my notes already about the character select screen that there are a whole host of bugs when you choose the female character, and even more when I disabled the character select screen, so whatever you pick, I defaulted it  to the male character to get the game out of the door before the deadline. I also mentioned about the characters slamming themselves into a joint existence - I realised early on that this game was a little too much for me. I'm going to work on a few different projects to build up on my ai skills, and come back and revisit this. I may even take it down, and completely restart now I know some of the potential issues I would be running into.

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By the way, I don't know if I mentioned this, but meanhouseart's artwork is fucking sweet. Super clean, captures the period nicely, very charming. =)



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Personally I'd recommend leaving it up and highlighting that it's a buggy release you intend to update at a later date.

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