tegan Posted April 5, 2015 I don't have a microphone and I'm uncomfortable with my voice besides, but I'll at least listen, and I'd be interested in doing a guest spot somewhere in the future if it ever becomes feasible. I'm mostly into vintage manga, which I feel could be a useful knowledge base. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
seamus2389 Posted April 5, 2015 You could do a manga podcast as well or with a differnt cast. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted April 5, 2015 You could do a manga podcast as well or with a differnt cast. Until we know the relative size and availability of our pool, I'd much rather just let people talk about manga as well as anime on this podcast. They use most of the same language and cover most of the same subjects, so it'd probably be as noticeable (and objectionable) as the Thumbs talking about board games on a video game podcast, which is to say not at all. I don't think manga's off limits. It'd be especially interesting for when said manga becomes an anime. I suggest we do a pilot, say next weekend? I also think for a pilot we should discuss an anime that's short and sweet, so I'm thinking Little Witch Academia. It's trigger's first attempt at an anime (bar Inferno Cop), and you can compare it to stuff like FLCL and Kill La Kill, and it's only one episode long, so shouldn't take too much time out of peoples lives. It's also ace. Thoughts? I can do next weekend, if my microphone arrives in time (bless Amazon's heart, it didn't ship before the weekend even though I ordered it Thursday afternoon). I can still do next weekend, even if my microphone doesn't arrive, but you'll all have to deal with my low-grade webcam mic in that case. Should we set up a Doodle or something to nail down a time to record Episode 00? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Codicier Posted April 5, 2015 . They use most of the same language and cover most of the same subjects, so it'd probably be as noticeable (and objectionable) as the Thumbs talking about board games on a video game podcastArgh I'm gonna be the miserable git who everyone hates upon for saying this but even though I know Gorms trying to be as inclusive as possible & I know I'm over simplifying, I feel like it's very much a mistake to conflate two very different form of art, just because they both use some of the same craft in the creation of their content.To me a game is a form, it's content can be pixels or pawns but it's the rules of the game (be they hidden in imergent systems or written on cardboard) and the way they allow the user to interact with the content Is what defines games as a art form to me. Where are comics and animation are both two different art forms which happen to feature some of the same sorts of content. I mean, man I'd love to hear a whole episode of Tegan talking about Tezuka and what makes him so important but of the Tezuka I've read so far some of the things I've loved about it are things like panel composition and the the way he makes use of transitions are things that Anime either simply can't do or struggles with (admittedly Tezuka might be a bad example because he was also a master charcter designer and storyteller, and those are very much applicable to anime). I think what I'm saying is i feel like having manga discussed in the same conversation as anime could leave us doing justice to neither and so we should tread very carefully. That said I'm mid way through making a response about Shiribako on the anime thread which talks heavily about a technique I've seen used in comics which seems very relevant in this particular case, so we can talk about the craft where it overlaps but as I say I think it's very definitely something where concentrating too much on the craft might make us forget the medium. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted April 5, 2015 Also, urgently seeking better thread title (and possibly podcast title). PM me ASAP with ideas. - The name of the Pod I suggest Mouth Flaps (or Lip Flaps). Love this thread title though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted April 5, 2015 jesus christ ouran is nearly a decade old fuck me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Codicier Posted April 5, 2015 I suggest Mouth Flaps (or Lip Flaps). Love this thread title though. Oh god I remember listening to one of the animation tutors at my uni go into a near incandescent rage rant on that whole subject. jesus christ ouran is nearly a decade old fuck me & probably still unsurpassed in terms of the most consistently funny anime I've watched Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted April 6, 2015 Oh god I remember listening to one of the animation tutors at my uni go into a near incandescent rage rant on that whole subject. Yeah, I spent the better part of my life trying to break into animation before deciding it wasn't for me, and anime was hugely looked down on by my college professors for reasons that generally boiled down to its cost-cutting techniques, which is funny since American TV animation was techniques for cutting costs until right around the time the Disney Afternoon rolled around. Regardless, though, my animator brain still primarily divides Eastern and Western animation by its lip-sync. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Blambo Posted April 6, 2015 Mouth Flaps is amazing, I second (third?) it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobbyBesar Posted April 6, 2015 Lip sync is such a weird thing to get hung up on in animation to me. Its such an abstraction that I absolutely do not notice. My childhood circumstances (growing up with significant multi-lingual content and ubiquitous subtitling) probably predisposes me to disregard it though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted April 6, 2015 Lip sync is such a weird thing to get hung up on in animation to me. Its such an abstraction that I absolutely do not notice. My childhood circumstances (growing up with significant multi-lingual content and ubiquitous subtitling) probably predisposes me to disregard it though. It's really hard to get right and is a pretty important part of western animation, but I imagine it's way easier to flub in Japanese where the language seems to have a much more strict, predictable rhythm. Plus there was a precedent of manga characters doing all of their expression through their eyes with relatively small mouths for years before animation hit Japanese TV. See, this kind of discussion is why I actually would like to be on this thing. As and aside, my anatomy teacher hated anime because it led to year after year of students who didn't know how to draw a damn nose, which is reasoning I can get behind. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted April 6, 2015 It's really hard to get right and is a pretty important part of western animation, but I imagine it's way easier to flub in Japanese where the language seems to have a much more strict, predictable rhythm. That is, almost word for word, Isao Takahata's reasoning for the rise of limited animation in Japan. It's moderately accepted, but that still puts you in good company. Also, "Mouth Flaps" is hardly glamorous, but is the best anime pun I've heard so far, so it gets my vote. Argh I'm gonna be the miserable git who everyone hates upon for saying this but even though I know Gorms trying to be as inclusive as possible & I know I'm over simplifying, I feel like it's very much a mistake to conflate two very different form of art, just because they both use some of the same craft in the creation of their content. I agree that spotlighting Japanese manga and games is probably beyond the purview of our hypothetical podcast, but I am vociferously in favor of allowing discussion of them in the "free talk" segment. If someone's reading a great series that's somehow relevant to anime as a medium, that's only going to elevate the conversation as a whole, at least if they're knowledgeable or opinionated about it. Maybe that's my academic background talking, which always tends towards the interdisciplinary, but I don't want to have (say) Tegan on the show to talk with everyone about Ouran and feel like she can't bring up (what is no doubt an awesome) manga she's reading when we say what we've been enjoying lately. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patrick R Posted April 6, 2015 I'm going to listen to this. Just remember to do this podcast right: have every person record locally and then edit the sound files together. It takes a little longer to edit (at most a couple hours, if there's a sync problem) but it sounds 500% better than if you have one person record all the Skype audio. Also, don't use Skype at all, use G-Chat. It doesn't automatically mute other people when you talk, which makes having natural sounding conversations way easier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Twig Posted April 6, 2015 I can do next weekend, if my microphone arrives in time (bless Amazon's heart, it didn't ship before the weekend even though I ordered it Thursday afternoon). I can still do next weekend, even if my microphone doesn't arrive, but you'll all have to deal with my low-grade webcam mic in that case. Should we set up a Doodle or something to nail down a time to record Episode 00? I can do next weekend as well! Hopefully I'm not the absolute worst! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaizokubanou Posted April 6, 2015 Patrick R raises an interesting suggestion... so is local recording going to be required? If so, what software is recommended here? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Spenny Posted April 6, 2015 Patrick R raises an interesting suggestion... so is local recording going to be required? If so, what software is recommended here? Audacity would do you fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted April 6, 2015 Also I want to devote another five minutes to arguing about Dragon Ball Z with an arbitrary other person. (Okay I'm joking about this one. Or am I?!) Oh hey! I may still be a noob when it comes to my exposure to anime but I think I've watched the entire Dragon Ball Z series and all of the movies enough times that I could totally go toe to toe with you. But you would probably still win. The Cell Games is still one of my favorite block of episodes of any show ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Codicier Posted April 6, 2015 I suggest Mouth Flaps (or Lip Flaps). Love this thread title though. I've actually really kinda grown to like this idea but ...I tried saying 'Mouth Flaps' out loud and had to be very careful to avoid real trouble with way the soft consonant end of one and the soft start to the other, they end up kinda merged. But I really like the lack of pretension it carries, and the way it manages to talk about a flaw/characteristic of some anime in a sorta affectionate but aware tone(& also is a sorta call back to Idle Thumbs in a way). All of which are things I'd like any name we came up with to have. Flapping Mouths? Maybe as a slight variation? Idk just I really like the concept of the name name in some ways but don't want it to be a tongue twister. My provisional inner brain title was the much more boring but easy to say "The Anime Readers Club" Edit: Zeus's size1 comment actualy wants me want to think of some pun on the word "Cell" for the name but I'm comming up blank Edit No2: I'm also probably free next wkend for a prospective episode 0/ general chat about the cast itself but would really need to know the time any recording would take place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted April 6, 2015 Okay, so we're recording next weekend. Here's a checklist: Title: Mouth Flaps Participants: Gormongous, Twig, N1njaSquirrel, and whoever else answers the poll below Time: This weekend, April 10-12, vote for a two-hour bloc here Spotlight: Little Witch Academia Communication Software: Google Chat Recording Software: Audacity Editor: Codicier Anything else I'm missing? I'll update this list as need be, because nothing's set in stone, even the time slots on the poll. I tried saying 'Mouth Flaps' out loud and had to be very careful to avoid real trouble with way the soft consonant end of one and the soft start to the other, they end up kinda merged.But I really like the lack of pretension it carries, and the way it manages to talk about a flaw/characteristic of some anime in a sorta affectionate but aware tone(& also is a sorta call back to Idle Thumbs in a way). All of which are things I'd like any name we came up with to have. As much as I think Lip Flaps is the grosser-sounding option, it doesn't have the problem with sibilance. Maybe that should be our choice, instead? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gaizokubanou Posted April 6, 2015 Going to test audacity and few of my poor mics to see if any of them are worthwhile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Codicier Posted April 7, 2015 Okay, so we're recording next weekend. Here's a checklist: Title: Mouth Flaps Participants: Gormongous, Twig, and whoever else answers the poll below Time: This weekend, April 10-12, vote for a two-hour bloc here Spotlight: Little Witch Academia Communication Software: Google Chat Recording Software: Audacity Editor: Codicier Anything else I'm missing? I'll update this list as need be, because nothing's set in stone, even the time slots on the poll.As much as I think Lip Flaps is the grosser-sounding option, it doesn't have the problem with sibilance. Maybe that should be our choice, instead? Gorm does that chart/time thing take into account time zones etc?Also is this still going to be a dry run/off air/getting to know peps test episode or would you like to aim for rolling properly? Sidenote: it may be that I'm confusing stuf again but for some reason I feel someone mentioning having backed the LWA 2 kickstarter and I'd love to get their opinion on what seems to have been a seemingly distinct lack of action on triggers part on getting it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N1njaSquirrel Posted April 7, 2015 [*]Participants: Gormongous, Twig, and whoever else Hey don't forget about me! U,: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gormongous Posted April 7, 2015 Gorm does that chart/time thing take into account time zones etc? Also is this still going to be a dry run/off air/getting to know peps test episode or would you like to aim for rolling properly? I checked the box for it to factor in time zones, but obviously I have no way of testing it. If the first option isn't Friday, April 10 at 5:00 pm, let me know and I'll go back to poking it. Also, yes, this'll be a dry run to feel everything out. If it's amazing (it won't be) we'll post it later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted April 7, 2015 I would love to join in on the conversation but I know I'd just end up being that dumb guy asking dumb questions and liking all the worst shows and hating all the best shows. And also I'd have no idea what anyone is talking about cause I've only seen like 15 anime. But I totally want to listen to this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Codicier Posted April 7, 2015 I checked the box for it to factor in time zones, but obviously I have no way of testing it. If the first option isn't Friday, April 10 at 5:00 pm, let me know and I'll go back to poking it. Also, yes, this'll be a dry run to feel everything out. If it's amazing (it won't be) we'll post it later. This is how it shows for me set as london GMT currently I'll try inputting some times when I'm back at my desktop just incase ipad plays havoc in some unintended way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites