Tanukitsune Posted March 27, 2015 I was fortunate enough to actually find some good PS2 games in a used games store, (Metal Arms for example), but when I tried them at home, I found out my PS2 no longer reads discs. The two repair stores I called told me that the lens is impossible to replace, so it looks like repairing it is out of the question. I could get a used one, but the big question is... is it worth it? Looking at my collection, only a few of them have not been re-released as an HD-remake, PSP or Vita port. I don't see me playing the PS2 version of Ratchet & Clank when I have the HD versions, but I don't see me parting with games like Michigan: A Report from Hell or Gregory Horror Show. By the way, I tried DEFINITELY NOT emulation and... it looked and sounded messy. I could just get rid of the PS2 games I no longer need and in the same store get a used PS2? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zeusthecat Posted March 27, 2015 I had a similar problem with my PS2 in the past and was able to get it reading discs again by running one of those PS2 lens cleaning discs. It was basically just a DVD with a little brush on the underside that ran for like 5 minutes. Worked like a charm for me. Here's one that might be worth trying: http://www.amazon.com/Trisonic-CD-ROM-Laser-Cleaner-Liquid-Included/dp/B000P24DMY Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sno Posted March 27, 2015 First off, are you sure it's not just a dirty lens? That's usually the most common cause of disc read errors, and it's usually a relatively easy fix.Edit: Yes, what Zeus says is one solution, there are others too. All in all, fairly easy fixes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted March 27, 2015 Ok, I'll see if I have one or get one. I really hope it's something this simple, it was working fine the last time I used it and it is stored in a dusty place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cordeos Posted March 27, 2015 I am worried about this with my PS3, i have a big library of PS1, PS2 and PS3 games. Backwards compatible PS3s are pricey used. So I might have to give up on the old games when my system dies (It already has overheat issues with Bluray movies) and buy what I can on steam. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dartmonkey Posted March 28, 2015 If you have the space and the dollar, I would buy a nice slim if the lens cleaner fails. It's a lovely little object and probably represents many happy hours for you. If I had the space (and, indeed, the dollar!) I'd have all my old consoles displayed in cabinets or something, in a 'study' with all my accumulated games, books and films on shelves. And a red leather backed chair next to the fireplace. Pipe and jacket. Cognac. Large Georgian-barred window overlooking the grounds... Ok, got carried away there. Still, it seems a shame to have them pugged away in the loft, or worse, sold because the HD catalogue is on some hard drive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Brett E Posted March 28, 2015 It's not a 'solution' but I remember with my PS2 it would often fail but would always eventually succeed with repeated tries. Strangely some games took less tries than others, I guess the must have been made differently or perhaps some were dual layer? Anyway, if you have the patience it's worth a shot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted March 28, 2015 Good news: My PS2 is working. Bad news, the controller isn't... I guess I could try to fix it and if not get a new or used one? EDIT: I found an extra controller and it works fine! Huzzah! Now I can finally play Metal Arms: A Glitch in the System! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 28, 2015 For what it's worth, amazon STILL has new slim PS2s in stock. I actually bought mine new at Blockbuster in 2009 for only fourty dollars. There's so many of them out there that you can probably find a replacement one fairly easily in case this ever happens again. Also I forgot you jerks got Gregory Horror Show and we didn't. It's one of the only PS2 games that hasn't been emulated too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
djpooppants Posted March 28, 2015 After a certain amount of time every console can only be powered by a combination of VooDoo magic and profane ritual. Take a handful of peyote buttons in to the Mojave for one week and you shall find the knowledge that you seek. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted March 28, 2015 For every game Europe gets, there is 100 we don't and will never get. XP EDIT: Aslo, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is RIDICULOUSLY FUN AND AMAZING! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wren Posted March 28, 2015 For what it's worth, amazon STILL has new slim PS2s in stock. I actually bought mine new at Blockbuster in 2009 for only fourty dollars. Seeing the prices various sellers are pushing for new units, oof. I also remember seeing the glut of new PS2s between 2008-10 ready for the taking. I remember snagging one for about 50 bucks along with the ludicrously small GameBoy micro (with two extra faceplates). Haha, remember faceplates? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted March 29, 2015 The 3DS still sells faceplates I think. Does anybody know any tips on when it's the disc that's actually not being readable? The used game store where I bought them has some CD polisher/sandpaper like thing that seems a bit extreme. It sucks that are the two Series 2000 games that I miraculously found by chance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 30, 2015 Does anybody know any tips on when it's the disc that's actually not being readable? The used game store where I bought them has some CD polisher/sandpaper like thing that seems a bit extreme. I have a CD polisher kit like that. I don't use the sandpaper, but the actual polish stuff and a soft cloth usually works. Barring that, toothpaste sometimes works, at least for audio or video discs. Not sure about games. Seeing the prices various sellers are pushing for new units, oof. I also remember seeing the glut of new PS2s between 2008-10 ready for the taking. I remember snagging one for about 50 bucks along with the ludicrously small GameBoy micro (with two extra faceplates). Haha, remember faceplates? I managed to snag a micro right before they got crazy expensive on ebay. I paid $70 for a practically-new Famicom one. It could have been cheaper if I'd bought one when they were new and failing, but I'm still pretty pleased about what I got. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yasawas Posted March 30, 2015 Also I forgot you jerks got Gregory Horror Show and we didn't. It's one of the only PS2 games that hasn't been emulated too. Is this meant to be good? I have a minty fresh copy of this inherited with a stack of PS2 games a friend was giving away and I've always been interested to try it but never got round to it. It just sits on my shelf depressing me with memories of when Capcom took risks as they had a glut of incredible games out during that time - Okami, God Hand, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe. I appreciate it's partly those same risks not paying off that has turned them into a Street Fighter/Monster Hunter/DLC factory these days but still, good times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted March 30, 2015 From what I remember it's a weird stealth horror game? You had to spy on the guests to learn secrets and clues and then try to retrieve some item from them? Some guests are aggressive and attack, while others are not or will just bother you a bit or steal from you. I remember keeping a timetable to know where everybody was at each time, but I think that was in game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tegan Posted March 30, 2015 Is this meant to be good? I have a minty fresh copy of this inherited with a stack of PS2 games a friend was giving away and I've always been interested to try it but never got round to it. It just sits on my shelf depressing me with memories of when Capcom took risks as they had a glut of incredible games out during that time - Okami, God Hand, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe. I appreciate it's partly those same risks not paying off that has turned them into a Street Fighter/Monster Hunter/DLC factory these days but still, good times. Give it to meeeeeee. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sno Posted March 30, 2015 For every game Europe gets, there is 100 we don't and will never get. XP EDIT: Aslo, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is RIDICULOUSLY FUN AND AMAZING! I have some pretty fond memories of that game, i take it actually holds up? Impromptu PS2 nostalgia thread: Anybody else played Robot Alchemic Drive? Of course you haven't, you haven't because you're a terrible person. (Or in Europe, i guess.) and it's from Sandlot, the developer behind the Earth Defense Force series.You play from the perspective of a human running around trying to get a safe perspective of his giant transforming remote control mecha. (When controlling the mech, triggers control the legs, sticks control the punches! There's tons of dumb special moves and weapons.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tanukitsune Posted April 11, 2015 Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! The two "Simple 2000" series games I got the other week refuse to work, the store where I got them had a CD polisher so I thought it would be worth a try. One of them worked once.... when I reset the PS2 it stopped working. To make things MORE frustrating I found a copy of Earth Defense Force/Global Defense Force and that won't isn't readable either! I'm debating whether to try to toothpaste trick I heard of, or something similar, is it worth the risk? :\ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
twmac Posted April 13, 2015 I have some pretty fond memories of that game, i take it actually holds up? Impromptu PS2 nostalgia thread: Anybody else played Robot Alchemic Drive? Of course you haven't, you haven't because you're a terrible person. (Or in Europe, i guess.) and it's from Sandlot, the developer behind the Earth Defense Force series.You play from the perspective of a human running around trying to get a safe perspective of his giant transforming remote control mecha. (When controlling the mech, triggers control the legs, sticks control the punches! There's tons of dumb special moves and weapons.) Oh Sno, of course I have played it and it is fucking awesome (it is made by Sandlot and features giant robots). It is basically QWOP with Mechs. When you manage to clock a giant monster with a good right hook - it is magic. Me and a friend managed to play through about 30 levels. On tips: the US version of the slim PS2 actually works without a power converter so buying one from the US (for about 30 dollars used) and then buying US games is a viable option. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dizzywasanegg Posted April 15, 2015 There's a fix you can do (and I did) if your PS2 has difficulty reading discs. It involves taking the thing to bits but it's pretty straightforward and, at this stage, the warranty isn't going to be a concern. I'm almost certain this is the guide I used back in... 2006 after Hitman: Blood Money came out and my PS2 struggled to run it: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2003/11/ps2-repair-guide/1/ You can also do a bit of dusting in there while you've got the top off. It took less than an hour to do if I remember correctly and my PS2 was at still functional when I boxed it up a year or so later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GameSpeak Posted May 11, 2015 If you check out any of your local flea-markets it's almost certain there'll be a PS2 with a bunch of game for $20 or so; you can sell the games and basically recoup your investment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yasawas Posted May 18, 2015 Does anyone know if I can use the power supply of my UK model slim PS2 directly with a Japanese console? Either plugging the kettle lead into the power pack, or the power pack itself into the unit. That would save a bit of hassle and it would seem like it would've been easier to design the console to work that way so I'm quietly optimistic. Thinking about picking one up to get around the 50Hz issue and enjoy some dumb rhythm games I've missed on PS1 and PS2. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
syntheticgerbil Posted May 18, 2015 You could also try Swap Magic with those little metal tabs you can buy that kind of stick on so you can easily swap the discs. I'm not seeing anyone still selling the little PS2 slim tabs anymore, but they are kind of cheap and stick on with adhesive and sometimes too bulky and can scratch discs so you aren't missing anything. This site shows a different way to mod them without buying anything. http://www.instructables.com/id/Mod-a-PlayStation-2-Slimline-for-FREE!-NO-CHIPS!/ You still have to buy the Swap Magic Discs though, which the PAL ones seem to be available here: http://www.ps2swapmagic.com/product_info.php/swap-magic-coder-pal-p-29 There's some NTSC ones on Amazon US for cheaper but then you'd still have to buy another console. Not sure if any of this is a good answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Yasawas Posted May 18, 2015 Well it's an answer so thanks! I did look at that as well as that memory card hack they have now but I think I've talked myself out of both of them. I seem to remember from when friends were using it ten years ago that Swap Magic wasn't 100% compatible and shat the bed with dual-layered disc games like Shadow of the Colossus. Also not sure how it handles PS1 titles, it's a bit vague on that. The memory card hack sounded amazing and I got all excited but it seems to not play imports at all and is only good for piracy which is not my bag, I love collecting all them colourful boxes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites