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Found 2 results

  1. Hey folks! Project details here: As it says in the title, desperately looking for a concept artist! I have a sudden opportunity to pitch to a publisher coming up, and I'd love to be able to bring in a piece of art to sell my idea. I can pay upfront for the first pieces of art, but as it says on my Artist Recruitment page, I'd like to offer my services in work-exchange for the mid-term while I'm securing funding. If you're interested, or have any suggestions or advice, please let me know. Thank you for your time.
  2. Invisible Inc.

    Klei's (makers of fine games like Don't Starve and Mark of the Ninja) new game comes out on Early Access today, and I've heard surprisingly little about it so far aside from a few posts about it on RPS. The concept of a turn-based stealth tactics game sounds interesting to me, mostly because I tend to screw up in games like Mark of the Ninja due to my own clumsiness. I'll probably hold off on getting it for the moment since I've bought into too many early access games already, and it seems likely that RPS or someone else will post a review or impressions that will give a sense of the state of the game. Still, it looks interesting. Thoughts?