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Posts posted by TonicBH

  1. So I was the butthead who asked that Far Cry 2 question at the panel. While I absolutely loved the story that spawned from it, I still feel bad for putting you guys "on the spot" about it. :getmecoat

    At least I came to a revelation about FC2 while playing Saints Row 2 recently, so I'm not as harsh about it as I was last year. At least we got a story about a grenade rolling down a hill, so I don't think it was a complete bust.

  2. As I saw the pictures on the main Idle Thumbs site, all I could think was "And there I am, in the plaid red shirt, staring off into the distance, looking like a putz."

    I had fun, surely, but I didn't stay the whole time as there was gonna be a panel happening around 7, so I left early. I walked away with "Time Gentlemen, Please," which I will have to download and see what it's all about.