
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by thegoodguylives

  1. This was such an fantastic cast guys. It's so bittersweet. Can't wait for the video!

    It warmed my heart to see the (#51) continuation of the original Idle Thumbs podcast.

    There will now be an enormous video game podcast deficiency in my life. Giant Bomb and Gamer's With Jobs are decent, but nothing comes close to our beloved Thumbs.

    One last time, thanks so much for the incredible cast guys and best of luck.

  2. Some of my earliest memories are of video games. I have memories of playing the Intellivision as far back as I can imagine. Since it came out in 79 and I was born in 1983, I guess I've been playing video games since I was a baby. The Dungeons and Dragons game on Intellivision used to scare the crap out of me. The loud, jarring sounds in that game along with the extremely limited visibility made for many startling encounters with monsters. I still hold that the gameplay mechanics of this game made it scarier than it would seem for a 2-bit system.

    A video of that game if you never played it:

    In about 1988 or 1989 my brother and I got a Nintendo. We played all the classics, Zelda, Mario, Final Fantasy, Contra, Blaster Master, Castlevania, Excitebike and had other less known games such as Milon's Secret Castle (one of the hardest games I've ever played), Fester's Quest, Strider, Lifeforce and the list goes on and on.

    My brother and I played the hell out of the Nintendo and have both since bought every Nintendo console that has come out (not including handheld units). On the SNES we played a lot of Final Fantasy IV & VI. And on the 64 I remember thinking the world of Mario 64 was so lush and full that I didn't even need bad guys to have a good time. I could just run around and explore the beautiful world forever.

    In 1993 a friend of my brother's (who also happens to by Olympic gold medalist Joey Cheek :-D) got the Doom shareware on a computer. I remember thinking there was nothing like it. It wasn't long before we had our own 75 megahertz Hewlett-Packard and had beaten the Doom shareware (on a floppy disk) hundreds of times. It wasn't long before I saved up enough money from working at a grocery and mowing lawns that I got my own computer. Let the games begin!

    Then I had my first multiplayer experience with Doom's not-so-user-friendly modem connection program. I played a lot of cooperative and a little deathmatch with my brother and his friends. I remember calling up his friends who I barely knew (my brother is 4 years older than me) and asking them to play with me. Nobody wanted to deathmatch anymore though, because I was the first of our group that began using the keyboard AND the mouse. The rest just relied on the keyboard. As a result, I was often the winner. Yay for right click strafing! :tup:

    Then multiplayer games became much more common. I played a lot of Diablo and Starcraft (thanks Battlenet!) with friends and then I was finally, fully pulled into the world of PC gaming when my friend in high school introduced me to a game that would change my life. The game with the highest skill ceiling I've seen in any game to date (in my humble opinion!)

    Team Fortress Classic. I played TFC for nearly 10 years, about 5 of those competitively. As a natural progression, I now play a lot TF2. Basically any Valve game, as I have a great appreciation for what they have done for cooperative gaming.

    In conclusion, I used to be 100% console, and now am about 90% PC gamer.

  3. This little section of the podcast was so bizarre, but it had me reeling in laughter. I just had to transcribe it. Hopefully, this proves to you Thumbs (and former-Thumbs) that I (think I) could tell the difference between Nick and Jake. Well, that's one! :)

    Jake (huffing): I would, ha, I would never! Ah! (offended) *silence* Huh! Your mustache is bristling.

    Chris: Monocle popping out.

    Jake: Monocle’s MMM! (pretentiously)

    Chris: Yeah. Wig flying-

    Jake: The wig VVVVVV! (cartoon sound effect)

    (Nick laughing meanwhile)

    Chris: Bow-ties spinning.

    Jake: Well, eh, possibly.

    Chris: Maybe, eh?

    Jake: HMM!

    Chris: You went too far with the bow-tie.

    Jake: H-h-hardly a bow-tie.

    Chris (laughing): Monocle popping!

    Jake: HMM! HMM!

    (Nick laughing)

    Chris: What are we talking about?

    Jake: Recursive, just uhh, OHHH (scared sounds). This episode has a twist ending.

    (The silence is broken by Nick’s “offended” outburst)

    Jake: We're all just scandalized! About everything!

    Nick: TWIST!

    (Nick and Jake huffing & feigning laughter)

    Chris: Idle Thumbs isn’t ending!

    (short silence followed by laughter)

    Chris: Oh no, it actually is, I’m sorry.

    Jake: Uhh…HMM!

    Chris: Sorry that was in poor taste maybe.

    Jake: That was terrible.

    Chris: Umm, so anyway…

    Jake: That was the spinning bow-tie of this conversation.

    (Chris laughs)

    Nick (laughing): Yeah.

  4. It was coincidental that Jake and I already lived relatively close to one another, although we now live even closer than we did before. When we first met Steve, lived in a different state, but about a year later he moved to San Francisco, where I was living, and got a job in games. Nick lived in Michigan and moved to San Francisco after working at Shacknews for a while, because that's where the game coverage is. Now he's lame.

    Hmm! I suppose this does make sense given that SF basically a video game mecca. Or at least compared to where I live in North Carolina. This place is a mecca of...well...jack and shit. And, to borrow from a fantastic classical film, "Jack left town."

    Also, lol @ big dog with a ladder head.

  5. or maybe they moved closer to each other

    I mean, of course, but I still find that highly coincidental since people live where they are employed. Unless you guys were making full time profit from Idle Thumbs and didn't need other jobs, lol ... which would clearly be grrrrrrreat! (Frosted Flakes style)

    Anyway, yeah, just curious. I'm a Geography major, so I guess I was just thinking spatially. :yep:

  6. I haven't played the game yet so I'm still fairly ignorant about it. It seems like everything I've read about it has been praise.

    But it's nice to actually see some negativity about it (not being sarcastic). It seems like if a game generates enough of a buzz (pre or post release), people jump on the bandwagon and praise the hell out of it just because it's in the spotlight - because it's easy to agree with other people.

    It's nice to see some people who aren't afraid to say that they don't like it!

  7. Awesome pod-shit! I feel the new group is beginning to solidify very well. I busted out laughing a couple times in my office, which always manages to get me unwanted attention from curious coworkers. People are always weirded out by that. For some reason if you're wearing headphones the assumption is that you're listening to music. And music can't be funny, RIGHT? SO WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING DUDE!?!

    I feel ya Chris, I used to be Moonsmart too. Now I'm not even Earthsmart. And I'm a Geographer. I guess because I care more about video games than the Earth. lol, boy that sounds crappy!

  8. It's hard to describe. It's definitely being generated by my sound card, and is not a physical noise being made inside the case. It comes through the speakers. I have no idea what process results in its existence though.

    Oh man that's funny stuff. Jake definitely hates that sound.

    My girlfriend's speakers sometimes pick up some weird frequencies and transmit faint, ghost-like communications. But nothing of the calibar that you're dealing with. I mean is the sound disproportionate to how high your volume is?

    Let's be honest, it's probably Aliens. :yep:

    Edit: On second thought, if it is aliens, it sounds like they're screaming in agony as they are being bloodily ground down to a pulp by some nightmarish alien-blender. And thusly Jake's horror! The question is, why did they choose to transmit to you, Chris Remo?