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Posts posted by kennyken67
i had the classic controller, its a lot like the SNES controller.
not comfortable at all... I would recommend the GC controller.
Did I mention how shit Double Dragon is on XBLA?
NOOO!! say it aint so....
I was very excited to get this when I saw it a couple days ago.
havent yet... just to spite the OP, please do tell why <subject> sucks.
<subject> in this case = Double Dragon on XBLA
there are way more stupid ideas... like Rambo 4There can only be one!
and that title belongs to .... Rocky Balboa
Yeah, that is actually a pretty slick piece of kit. I'd probably pick one up as well, had I a PS3. If they do in fact price the 360 one decently in the coming months, then I may go for it. Honestly it could be a fun little addition to a few games and I'm all for it, but like with the new 120GB HDD, MS just doesn't seem to have a clue about pricing its peripherals sensibly.I have my 360 networked and file sharing with my PC. I see no need to buy the bigger HDD, even had they priced it better.
But I agree, what is it?? $179? waaaaay too much.
I've heard rumour that Microsoft intends to price the cameras very aggressively over the coming months, as they intend for most people to get them.Being able to offer realtime P2P video through your TV is another incentive to keep people tethered to the motherbrain, i.e. Xbox Live Gold.
My brother is trying to convince me to get one on those grounds
my brother has the camera, so I just took my HDD to his house and made them there.
I haven't been too thrilled to go out and spend $60 on the camera either, considering my only drive to buy it would be to make the digi-heads.
Im going to take a screen shot with my digi camera and post em up soon
Has anyone here created one using the camera?
I made a couple last night, one for WSOP : Tournament of Champions and another for RS6 : Las Vegas.
Its a eerie feeling looking at a computer rendition of your own face.
Im going to take a few pics and post em up later
what does GH360 retail for in Canada?
thats a clear cut case of acting without thinking.
and a quite stupid one at that... Ive only seen one episode of that show, from a link someone on here posted.
Is it just me or did that guy seem like he was slightly mentally challenged?
Struck a deal with a friend,
will be trading a wii for a 360 straight up, only he gets the better end of the software deal.. he gets 7 games, i only get 2.
The wii seemed to be a huge novelty to me, I fell for the hype and loved it at first, but the last month I maybe played it for 1 hour.
So, now that I have a 360, anyone here play Rainbow Six : Las Vegas??
looking to build a good friends list
thanks Wrestlevania.
someone help a poor n00b out with posting a pic.
i clicked insert image and all it did was put in a link
all the world leaders need to go to Hooters, have a few brews, smoke a couple J's and chill the fuck out.
that is all.
congrats on the raise miffy.
projectionist would be a sweet job, do you have a good view of the screen?
the only thing that would suck is watching a movie you dont like many many times.
finally made it through the cave of ordeals.. BARELY
ended up with 1 and 1/2 hearts left, 0 rupees from using the magic armour.. but i made it at least
if you ever are in need of rupees you could just go through the cave to the first fairy, warp out and repeat, collecting some nice booty.
ps. for shame nintendo! showing scantily clad fairies with hair covered breasts!
goonies! ha i didnt know that about her.
i loved that movie as a child. hell i still do.
i work in sales for a company that manufactures hvac (heating,ventilation,air conditioning) equipment mostly for schools and larger building structures.
was in an administrative position, but just got a sales rep position. salary and commission make me a happy camper
On that note, I can stiffen my fingers and bend them at only the outer joint, keeping the rest straight and rigid.Double Jointed. Many O' People are
On that note,how many people can curl their tongues? apparently only roughly half the population can. Count me as yes
not that anyone cares, but i just got a promotion at work.
go team me:yep:
very interesting, I have an old magic eye book with predictions in it, and the cure for cancer was predicted for 2002 (the book being published in the early '90s)
also, WWIII 2008.. which is kinda scary
We have to listen to a crap radio station at work, and everytime Girls Just Wanna Have Fun comes on I instantly think of Rayman and want to dance.
I feel ashamed deep inside.
the guy at my work in charge of purchasing told me his computer is too slow and as a result needs a new monitor to speed things up.
(he is 66, and whoever half-assed taught him to even use a computer needs to be shot)
wandered into the cave of ordeals not knowing what it was all about...
definately going in prepared next time, full bomb bags, full quiver, and bottles o fairies.
dont wanna say too much more in case i spoil something
anyone else stumble in there unprepared?
Thumbs Meet-Up Thing
in Idle Banter
LOL that made me think of Kindergarten Cop
Who is your daddy and what does he do!