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Posts posted by Doorselfin

  1. I loved just about every minute of this. The amazingly heartfelt relationship, the parallels and contrast between past and present situations and settings, and the ending was spot on.


    I'm also really curious to know what Hot Scoops thought about how they approached the relationship themes.


    (PS. Druckman is a Thumbs Games Themes Stealer)

  2. I played this all the way through, and while I thoroughly enjoyed it I think I vastly preferred 999. It's perhaps because this time I was expecting the BIG REVEAL, which ended up being perhaps a bit too large in scope and open-ended for me to really get a sense of satisfaction at the end.

    I also didn't really like the polygonal characters this time around, but that's just nitpicking.

  3. I've also taped a small paper circle over the minimap. It makes the game way, WAY better. I actually explore

    Haha what. This seems a bit excessive, but I do something similar by not unjamming the radio towers. That way all you see is a bunch of black, and some major encampment/quest markers. No topography, nothing.

    I only unjam them when I'm running out of things to do, since they unlock a few sidequests.

    Also that blindfire revelation, what. That's amazing. Best FPS cover system ever.

  4. Anyone encounter a crocodile yet? So good!

    ANECDOTE: It was the middle of the night, and I stumbled across an enemy outpost across a large river. I got myself into a great vantage position, hiding in some long grass behind a tree. I pull out my silenced sniper rifle, and start taking strategic potshots, taking them out in a clean, orderly manner. No-one has seen me.

    As my magazine runs empty, I'm feeling pretty chuffed with how well I'm managing to stealth this encounter. I begin to reload, and as my Far Cry guy (Cry Guy) is banging the fresh mag into the rifle, a crocodile pounces from the water and pulls me under. I proceed to mash buttons in a quicktime event where Cry Guy is stabbing the everloving bejezus of this crocodile. I finally triumph, and swim to the surface to grab some air.

    When I poke my head out from the water, I'm staring at about five guys unloading their assault rifles at me. WAKKA WAKKA.

    Oh and the best loot I've found so far is 'a photo of a dwarf'

    The best I've found is a pair of 'Pink Handcuffs' in underground ruins, supposedly untouched for decades.

  5. Can you pet any of the wild animals? Do grenades still roll down hills? Ok real question: what are the camp respawn times like? That was the main thing that bugged me in Far Cry 2.

    You can pet them... with your machete. Grenades still roll down hills. As far as I can tell there are no more camp respawns. Once you clear out an outpost, your buddies roll in and take over, and it becomes a safehouse/fast travel point/bounty board hub. You'll still have hostile groups in the area, so you might stumble on a small scouting group while you're hunting or something which is actually kind of cool and feels organic.

    Actually, something I love the feeling of is walking down the road, hearing a vehicle in the distance, thinking 'oh shit' and running into the bushes and hiding, watching and waiting for it to drive by only to see that it's full of friendlies and sighing a gasp of relief.

  6. So this is out in Australia this week, a week before the US for some reason, and I've put a few good hours into it so far. Wanted to write down some thought points on it and figured I'd share it with Thumbs guys.

    Initial impressions are pretty good. I'm enjoying it. The open world aspect of the game feels very much like Far Cry 2, and the first thing I did was jump off a cliff and make sure there were still the gross "heal from critical state" animations. There were.

    But there were a bunch of things that bugged me, most of which are the 'game-venient' changes that slap you out of the zone every so often. Things like no diegetic map (a huge travesty), lots of mission notifications, the ability to watch dozens of enemies through fucking walls (completely shocked me), a persistent minimap, and fast travel from anywhere you are to main hubs (teleport out of danger zones what).

    I also didn't realise that there was an RPG-esque skill tree system. You get EXP for killing dudes and you spend it in the three different trees to unlock various buffs and abilities, such as sprint-sliding around everywhere like a dork. It's weird.

    The best things by far have been the pleasant discovery of how well the game is built for stealth. There's the Dishonored-esque dark vision which you activate by tagging dudes on the DSLR camera you're apparently lugging around, a detection indicator, silent takedowns and the ability to drag bodies (both of which you have to unlock, unfortunately). To top it all off, the game rewards you extremely generously if you manage to take down an outpost without being detected, something like 3x the EXP from just shooting all the mans.

    Also, the bow is rad and somebody mentioned cold beer and I smiled.

    Anyway, if you guys have super specific questions about Far Cry 3 I'll try and answer them.

  7. I'm looking for some cool people to dote with. Are there many/any Aussie/SEA players in this thread/steam group?

    Yes, me! I want to get some Thumb community games in, but don't really know how to go about it via the group. My steam name is the same as this forums handle.

    I play on US West and want to play more games with people I kinda have an affiliation with!

  8. Players better than bots? Interesting you say that. In the first co-op bot match I played, we lost horribly and one of the team members yelled at us all for wasting his time. Needless to say I went back to bots after that, but I might give it another shot.

    Comforting to know that I'm already across all the tips you mentioned, but HOLY SHIT I didn't even realise you could turn off auto-attack. Looking forward to not mashing buttons, thanks!

    I'll definitely keep working at getting more matches under my belt, just hope that I don't run into too many other Carries.

  9. Man, I have no idea how to get better at this game, I've had maybe 8 or so hours with it and I still get trounced on normal 5v5 bot matches.

    Drow Ranger was recommended to me since I don't like to juggle too many active skills (I'm terrible at micro) and I like to stay far away. I like the way she plays, I just don't know how I can improve.

    Any general thoughts or training tips people can offer?