Ben X

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Posts posted by Ben X

  1. Listen here fucker, I got tired of my fellow thumbs making awesome games I can't play so I bought Crossover games just to play your shit... I better be good, buying it right now.

    Sorry! And good luck - did you try the demo? I think it works on Parallels, but not sure about Crossover...

    SuperDouche, I pm'ed you...

  2. I think the best compliment I can give this game is that if someone told me this was an old, forgotten, LucasArts game I'd believe them.

    Lumme, that's a compliment and a half! Thanks SSD!

    Thanks for the bugs. That last one was found just recently and should be fixed in the latest build - I know that's not much comfort to you now you've played through it! The second one is bizarre and new! It is frustrating to have these bugs found after we've released, but unfortunately we can't afford to employ proper full-time playtesters. And, hey, we're still less buggy than a Bioware release!

  3. Glad you're enjoying it Noyb! That error has actually been fixed already - you must have downloaded an earlier version. You can re-download for the latest version, or contact Dan (dan at zombie-cow dot com) for a fixed version. Or, to sort it for the version you've got:

    If you installed to Program Files/Time Gentlemen Please - right click the icon, go to Properties, and add the following to the "Start In" box:

    "C: \Program Files\Time Gentlemen Please" (had to put a space in there to avoid smilies!)

    Have fun!

  4. Thanks for trying the game out, and for the feedback (and the bug, brkl - I'll pass it on), guys!

    SSDouche - I haven't read any Rankin, but I'll put that trilogy on my list! Re. the example of arbitrariness you mention -

    Dan does mention when he exits the rip that the cold water is very refreshing.

    We hoped that would be enough to plant the seed... I'm glad you're enjoying it, though!

    Good luck, everyone!

  5. Hi everyone!

    I'm afraid my bi-annual plugfest has now become annual, because within a year of releasing Ben There, Dan That!, Zombie Cow Studios Size Five Games has released the sequel, Time Gentlemen, Please!

    The new game, co-designed and co-written by me, is available for £3/$5-ish here (demo available).

    If you haven't played the first game, it's pay-what-you-want, min. £2, but you're probably better off buying the double-bundle for £3 total on Steam.

    I hope you guys can try it out, and enjoy it. If you do, please pass it on to all your friends, family, employees, people in the street!


  6. Shit. Shooting on the production I'm currently working on may be indefintely postponed, due to cast illness, which will leave me without money for rent.

    Everyone donate hundreds of pounds to Zombie Cow, with the stipulation that it all go towards my rent, please!



    My life's pros:

    Amazing girlfriend

    Exciting job (film/tv)

    Releasing next adventure game in the next few days

    My life's cons:

    Girlfriend living an hour's train journey away for a few months

    Living hand to mouth, with not much work and no immediate way to climb up to the next highest position (from floor runner to 3rd AD).

    Your lives' cons:

    Will soon be getting spammed about my next adventure game :buyme:

  8. Can anyone tell me what the kids story was where a hunter catches an animal's tail in a trap, or something, and then it comes back at night saying 'I want my tail back!' I think there may also have been some business about him repeatedly seeing a lump under the bedcovers, then realising it's his feet or his knees.

    It was incredibly scary!

  9. That's what the M stands for.

    Ah, it all makes sense now! I thought when you said...

    I get a bit paranoid about being like that sometimes. SORRY IF I AM. meant being like Murray the demonic skull!

    I hope if that guy was older than 11, you kicked him square in the goolies.

  10. Someone at school kept referring to me as "Murray the talking skull" (guess why) at school before I'd played the game. It was pretty annoying. He was one of those people who's kind of boring and keeps saying the same things or making the same jokes to you over and over. I get a bit paranoid about being like that sometimes. SORRY IF I AM.

    How on earth are you like Murray?

  11. What was the explanation for LeChuck being able to change form at will? I can't actually remember, and I think it kind of took away from the coolness of LeChuck permanently being in a changed form in the prior three games thanks to Guybrush.

    Well, he pretends to be that dude in the first one by shapeshifting, doesn't he? Then in the second, he (arguably)

    makes Guybrush see him as his brother

    . Then in the third one, not really anything although it does feel a little like he chooses his firey appearance - it doesn't really follow on logically from his ship getting sunk by a voodoo cannonball...

    I think LeChuck being able to change at will was pretty much the smallest departure from the previous games!

  12. Monkey Island 3 and 4 were JUST A DREAM.

    There, done.

    Monkey Island Adventures: Monkey Island 3b

    Scene 1

    LeChuck: Wakey wakey, Threepwood!

    Guybrush: Wha? What's going on?

    LeChuck: I put a spell on you to make you be believin' I was your brother!

    Guybrush: And all the stuff after that with me escaping on a dodgem and marrying Elaine, and Herman turning out to be Governor Marley, and me fighting statue you and a thinly veiled Rupert Murdoch satire with a big monkey robot?

    LeChuck: Uhhh... aye, that all must have been part of the dream too!

    Guybrush: That explains why it didn't make any sense. Phew!

    LeChuck: Yarrr!

    [NB: LeChuck voiced by Earl Boen]

  13. I'd recommend not stopping after ten seconds. Just keep writing, no matter what comes out. It can be crap, or even just free-association, it doesn't matter. DO NOT STOP, keep on writing - just a string of random words if necessary. No one will ever read it but you, and you don't have to feel bad about it being crap because you know it's just an exercise to prime the pumps.

    Do this every day for an hour or so (or whatever). Hopefully, you'll eventually get back into the habit of writing, and be able to start working on editing, structure etc without second-guessing yourself to a standstill.