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Posts posted by BigJKO

  1. I like The Leftovers a lot, but I was a person who loved the character drama of LOST, and this feels like Damon Lindelof hammering down on that aspect and basically saying "Forget about the mystery" at every turn. There's still some mystery and twists and magical realism, but he goes out of his way to signal to the audience that in the end it's what the characters do, and not how things became like this, that matters. I like that a lot, but it's probably not everyone's cup of tea, especially consider how bleak and nihilistic the drama can be at times.


    I enjoyed Season 1 myself but Season 2 is generally regarded as a much stronger season.


    Excited for the third and final season!

  2. 2 hours ago, elmuerte said:

    Your stupid Scandinavian cottage scared away the wolves, had to walk five hundred miles to find another wolf. But now I have a wolf pack!

    Now if I can only figure out why the snow golem won't create a snow trail.


    You mean our amazing Scandinavian cottage scared away the wolves. :tup:


    Dibs the chicken has had quite the life, already. Everytime I tried to put up a "dibs the chicken" sign a creeper snuck up on me and toblix and blew up his chicken coop. Luckily, he survived three of these and produced a baby dibs. :tup:

  3. Me and @toblix have been building a sweet, Scandinavian Cottage outside the town. We have a wheat farm, porches and everything a Scandinavian person would want! We even have a chicken called @dibs the chicken and his baby chick dibs jr. There's a road with a sign just outside the center town's (inhumane) cow enclosure, just follow that windy road under the trees if you want to check out our Cottage! Of course as soon as we have placed our cottage in the idyllic, peaceful wilderness someone just built a gigantic castle right next to us! High-rises, amirite?





  4. Thanks everyone! Hope I can get all this new stuff implemented before Part 2 of the WizJam stream! :tup:


    @Ben X Oh man, you're right, I somehow managed to pick the exact angle where Mr. Puffin's leg blocks the sword from view.. It won't matter in the game, because you'll walk up to it and there'll be a "Press A to Pick Up Rusty Sword" or something. I guess I was too excited to share the Mr. Puffin's head tuck to notice I'd hidden the sword behind him.:o

  5. I did a tiny update, putting in some sort of particle BLAST when you hit or are hit by zombies. *AND* a first version of a z-targeting system! Right now it automatically focuses on the nearest zombie, and you can right-stick to the right or left to focus a new zombie. When you attack you'll always face the zombie you're targeting.

  6. I really liked it!


    Wish it had had better characters.. K-2SO was fantastic! Highlight of the film for me. Second half of the film I preferred to the a bit too rushed first half.


    The first half was a lot of flying establishing shots of various planets that felt really unnecessary and just used up time I would've loved to spend with the characters instead.


    CGI Tarkin was technically super impressive, but I was just so distracted by his slightly uncanny mouth movements that I paid no attention to the plot in those scenes. I'm afraid that and Leia's little cameo are going to be things that'll feel really dated in 10/20 years, when they rest of the film feels so lived in and real.


    All in all, I really enjoyed it.

  7. 2 hours ago, Nappi said:

    I was a bit confused at first as to why I died because I didn't notice that the zombies were actually hitting/damaging me. Maybe you could add some sound for when you take damage. Or was there already, but I somehow missed it? Even better, you could come up with some stylish visual trick to indicate that.


    Yeah, this is one of the first thing's I'm gonna fix when I have time. Visual indication and some z-targeting to make combat not rubbish!

  8. 3 hours ago, SamKD said:

    You can compete against friends!  I just tried to beat you on the castle level.  I lost pretty badly...I don't have a grip on the timing quite yet.  I think if it chooses a level your friends have already done, it preferentially puts them on the list of competitors.


    Ahh, ok! I hadn't seen any friends on the list yet, so just assumed it was completely random.