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Posts posted by BigJKO

  1. Yeah, I just rewatched the original and that romance scene was... more than uncomfortable. I assume it was on purpose..? He wa very aggressive in closing the door and basically commanded her to say and do a bunch of stuff... then suddenly romantic sax kicks in. Was there some voiceover on top of that scene in the Theatrical Cut that made it seem more romantic or something?


    Watching the Final Cut and having never watched the Theatrical Cut, I just kept thinking I couldn't imagine how this entire film would even work with a voiceover...


    Anyway, I'm excited to see the new one tomorrow! :tup:


    Also, weird little goof: When Ford begins testing Rachel he doesn't actually lift anything out of the case (I don't know which cut this is from or if it's been fixed later): 


  2. 19 hours ago, Erkki said:

    Another note, I saw it in 3D and I thought it was subtle, but quite well done. Since I actually recently saw some old 3-D from early last century, and mentally made some notes what seemed to work in 3-D and what didn't, I was now watching with that in mind, but... I think it broke what I thought was a hard rule that everything should be sharp, because blurry stuff will seem jarring to the eyes in 3D. I was surprised that there were out-of-focus stuff in many of the scenes, but it didn't look jarring at all. Maybe it was because the depth in the scenes was limited and I don't remember anything coming out of the scene. I haven't paid attention to this stuff before, but maybe they have improved the 3D technology/techniques enough nowadays that they can get around some of the limitations of earlier 3-D? Better cameras or what? Or maybe my home 3D projector and DLP-link glasses isn't comparable to cinema 3D?


    I haven't seen it yet, but apparently cinematographer Roger Deakins oversaw the 3D conversion process himself, so that might account to why it is so subtle and well done. According to some very quick googling it's all 2d-to-3d conversion, so none of it was actually shot with two cameras.

  3. I like to mix it up. I introduced my son to educational ones, but he also gets to play Angry Birds 2 because he does learn *some* fine-motor skills while playing it. You can slowly see him getting better at making micro-adjusments to the shooting curve, which is wonderful to see. But he's still only five, so he still quite likes the educational stuff and goes back and forth between that stuff.


    That said, I'm probably way looser with the iPad compared to other parents. As long as he also plays outside and wants to do other stuff, I'm fine with him doing whatever on the iPad when he wants to cool down.. 


    What kind of apps are the stupid ones she likes? Like.. Farmville stuff?

  4. I recently got Cinema4D R19 at work, which included some very nice updates to the Voronoi Fracture tool. So I've been playing around with that, rendering some tests using Octane Render (a fantastic unbiased render)


    Here's my latest test:




    Here it is in (30fps) video form.

  5. 5 hours ago, TychoCelchuuu said:

    For me, the scene with the Greasers in the cafe was hilarious, the motorcyle chase was great (it's no accident that it's the action scene with the least special effects, I think), Marion is perfect in basically every scene she's in, the opening setpiece  is pretty great before it devolves into the actual chase (which itself is fine), and the atomic bomb scene is a fucking classic up there with my favorite scenes from the other movies, like the gun-sword fight, the flying wing fight, the boulder chase, the Ark melting faces, and the motorcycle chase from The Last Crusade.


    Agree with everything here. :tup: :tup:

  6. I've started watching the latest Netflix version, Ten Years Later and am really enjoying it.


    I don't have a lot of thoughts yet, but I felt I'd make a thread now in case anyone else is watching as well and has any thoughts.


    So here's your official Wet Hot American Summer thread for all your Wet Hot American Summer chat about the movie and the two Netflix seasons. :tup:

  7. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was mostly shallow and devoid of character development. I just loved it nonetheless because of its endless amounts of charm. How affecting you'll find that charm will differ, I guess! :)


    I don't think just the technical aspect of the music-matching and choreography would've worked as well for me without the charming cast, humour, directing. Which is why I wouldn't slot this anywhere near a Zack Snyder movie, which I typically find completely devoid of any charm..


    The movie did seem like it was trying for some subtext about identity during the last act, with all the behind-the-nickname reveals, but it never actually seemed to go anywhere. With the the whole movie directed and shot to very rigid music lengths, I imagine the structure of the story was very rigid after they started shooting. So there's no room for the kind of character building Simon and Nick are so good at when they just improvise whole scenes.

  8. I just bought it! It's pretty neat! :tup:


    I'm "bigjko" on there if anyone wants to play.


    Also, none of my missions have lasted an hour so far. They've been like 10-20 min games, maybe? They're over pretty quickly, I feel. You could, theoretically just not activate the objective and go resource-hunting for hours, I guess?

  9. Here's the opening car chase for anyone who isn't going to go see it in theaters again, but wants to relive that great opening.



    There's lots of great audio/visual matching going on there. First time around I didn't notice that John Bernthals shooting in the bank is timed to the music. Or that the wall blocks whizzing past the camera are in sync with the snare drum at 3:05 and 5:11. The editing here is *fantastic*, but also some great timed stuff, like when they switch the cars at the end. That's one continuous shot where they have 10 seconds to switch places and get into the new car and close the doors before the song ends. :tup:


    I've watchd this opening sequence 10 times now. It's just so much fun!

  10. 13 hours ago, Chris said:


    The last several seconds of Season 2's opening titles, however, rank among the best recurring moments ever committed to television:




    I laughed so hard at that final pause every single episode to the point where my wife got mad at me.. It's A++!!