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Posts posted by BigJKO
I'm also trying desperately to get World 7, but avoiding Petey Piranha as Tiny Mario is really hard! Not to mention it's really difficult to get hold of a Mini Mushroom in the first place!There's an easier way..
Go to World 4's ghost house and find the hidden exit. I remember it not being so hard to find.
And I'm loving this game. I'm pleasantly surprised in almost every level. Nearly every level has a little homage to almost every iteration of Super Mario, or something entirely new. Mario controls better than ever, IMO.
About saving, you can either just put the DS in sleep mode (closing the lid) or just go to the nearest Star Coin gate (if you have the right amount of Star Coins, of course.) I think it's a nice system.
The Mega Mushroom is useful for getting some easy 1-ups. Although, if you're used to playing the Super Mario games, 1-ups are pretty easy to get.
The only new thing I think is pretty useless is the double and triple jump.
People aren't that good at totally standing still. Even pilots actually sit in a chair when they do their flying.And the Wii controller does not allow you to sit in a chair?
And, to be fair, I still think any Gabriel Knight game has a better storyline than Broken Sword, which is equally raved-about.Yes, yes, yes! Broken Sword fails miserably at setting up its own plot, and then usually its just a plot involving some idiotic things. At least Gabriel Knight gets me interested in the plot right from the start, and then throws the idiotic crap at me.
Just for potential laughs:
I think they'd be best off taking one of the unknown survivors of Flight Whatever, where he has his own sub-plot.
And I'd love to have some playable flashbacks. That would rock my world.
I'm glad Finland "won", at least what they put forth was a bit original (still not great tho).I'm trying very hard to think of how it was original. Screaming and shouting, I've seen before (and sometimes to better effect, too..) And underneath the screaming and shouting was a very, very typical Eurovision formula melody.
So, yeah. Original...
Wait, wait. They had masks. Err, nope. Also done before.
Don't know if we need another Sony thread, but this has to be one of the most arrogant quotes I've heard in a long time. From an interview with David Reeves:
We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even [if] it didn't have games.I never really hated Sony until now. They don't deserve their number one spot any longer.
No, I watched the videos...
Man, Super Mario Galaxy, despite not even using the Wiimote that much, looks awesome. That robot boss battle was just magnificent. Didn't even notice how big the robot really was until Mario started running up it. No gravity =
Yes, this is one to look forward to.
And since you mentioned it, Final Fantasy III looks awesome!
Mm, indeed. Everyone needs to watch the new video.
Favorite moment when all the goombas come falling down on Mario.
Sadly still having problems running the game at home, albeit different ones this time. But it's awesome that Dan has been sending me e-mails regularly to check if I've been able to solve the problems.
As for the new demo, played it at school and it's really bitching. Everyone check it out now! The game is still immensely enjoyable, simple fun. And now the intro music is totally awesome.
I was just looking at them and thinking they looked pretty good, almost on par with the stuff from Dreamfall...Nooooo, no. No.
While I agree that they've been getting a bit more crap than they deserve, and the characters look pretty detailed, they don't look better than Dreamfall. Dreamfall's got some great art direction. BS4 has next to none, in the screenshots.
Here's the official site for the game, apparently..
from an interview with Nintendo of America's senior director of public relations, Beth Llewelyn:
IGN: Have you seen these Nintendo Go photographs floating around the Internet?Beth: You're about the fourth person who has asked me that. I have know idea what that is. I haven't been on the Internet yet today, but I have no idea what that is.
IGN: Are you going to keep the name 'Virtual Console' for your Wi-Fi download service?Beth: That's my understanding.
That Nintendo GO picture is fake, and Virtual Console is the name of the download service.
Or he's just lying. Take your pick.
Oh, I love how you can draw notes on the dungeon map.
Zelda on the DS.
Sega Mega Drive on the Revolution.
I mostly felt bad for IGN, as they felt the need to include that last picture (you can barely see the console), which is obviously just there to "show her off". Lame as fuck.Well, on the bright side it shows how fucking small the Revolution is.
Is anyone else hoping they just call it the Nintendo?
But hey, awesome news! Psychonauts wins for best writing. Hurrah!
Funnily enough, that's still the old model we saw at the last GDC. According to Nintendo the final console will be even smaller.
If you're following Iwata's keynote at the GDC, then join in on the thread.
Supposedly we'll get the final name of the console. Not big, but at least we get to say it's stupid. And that's always fun.
Hopefully we get some new game info. At least a demonstration of how awesome the Revolution is..
At any rate, there are pictures. Glorious pictures.
Played it over at the school computers and had some awesome fun with it. It's super fast and I'm in love with the graphics.
Sadly, there's not a whole lot of geeks at my school willing to sit down and play computer games, so I just played against the A.I, which is kind of depressing. (Mostly because it's loads better than me..
) I'm in love with the concept of bringing the power cubes over to your central. Keeps you on your toes.
I'd give it the
but I'm gonna wait until I've played it against a REAL HUMAN BEING! And played in something other than the tutorial..
Man, this is really annoying. I can't further than starting a level, and then it crsahes, while the players are "materializing".
Gorgeous as the game is, it can't be THAT far above what most people can run. Otherwise they'd just be completely fucking themselves over for casual consumers.Well, that's exactly what they did with Morrowind. Even at low settings it was slow on my computer. My computer wasn't high-end but it certainly wasn't any old crap.
If you can get your creature to wiggle into the shape of an ampersand ("&"), it will grow a top hat, and the soundtrack will change into a medley of tap-dance tunes from "Gold Diggers Of 1929".Awesome!
EDIT: Never mind.. Just a joke. Good one..
Would've been cool, though.
DS Lite
in Video Gaming
There's supposed to be some fancy way of transporting your old friend codes to your new machine. I think.