Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by BigJKO

  1. Straight from the horses mouth: Raving Rabbids will be a collection of 'party games'. That's quite a shock for people who were definitely expecting a somewhat more cohesive adventure out of this. But the way Nintendo presented it sounded more like a Wario Ware type of thing to me; using the WiiMote in a variety of minigames all named like those movies (Bunnies can't jump), but always contricted to a single action instead of a seamless platforming/action orchestra.


    That would explain this jump rope screenshot.

    I'm ok with this. In fact, I'm glad. I love that kind of games, and I'm hoping there's going to be multiplayer fun too. And that FPS mini-game with the plunger gun looks awesome!

  2. I loved every bit of it. Never thought it became too repetitive, and thought the length of it was perfect. The endboss took a lot of time, but I never died on him. Can't even remember dying once, and I suck at RPGs. The dialogue was funny, although maybe sometimes trying too hard. The story was just an excuse to throw all these different characters at you in all these different settings, so I didn't feel cheated by the so-so, but fun, story.

    So, yeah. Overall, I loved it.

  3. Yeah, I was pleasantly surprised. The characters don't look like some bastard child of animé and are actually very well animated.

    And the timing of Michaelangelo falling into the dumpster worked pretty well, IMO

  4. The [Portal] voice was a bit lame, maybe

    Valve are most likely putting this into the Half-Life universe, somehow. Maybe the robot voice is to give the impression that the entities making experiments on you aren't able to speak with a human-like voice. Like... aliens.

    Some have theorized it's Shephard from Opposing Forces who has been sold by the G-Man to some alien race, for experiments.

  5. Having played Team Fortress to no end back in the old days, there is simply no question here. After seeing that art I will be playing TF2!

    And looking at the background in that picture, it bodes well for the levels. Over-sized cartoony objects ahoy!

  6. WHOA !!!

    Well maybe not that good, but it was still great. David Hyde Pierce went over the top a bit much as Emperor Zombie, but besides that the voice acting was fantastic. His voice is a good fit though.

    I found his voice acting perfect. Damn, I would so buy this pilot on DVD if just to get this show on the air.