Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by BigJKO

  1. 1 hour ago, hedgefield said:

    What more can I add - it's a very impressive moodpiece so far. I really enjoyed the directed on-rails-y camera and the dramatic shadows and angles. Would be real interested to play a full version of this (no pressure!), the premise is just mint.


    Thanks! So, what I gather from this is that I might need to put a prompt in that you can control the camera.... :tup:

  2. Thaaaanks! Yeah, without any z-targeting the fighting is quite too hard. Honestly, the whole combat system is weird and sometimes you'll get punched by the zombies' punch colliders even though they've finished their animation. It's a mess! :tup:


    I would totally love to flesh this out eventually. Fix the combat and expand the castle and put in some environmental storytelling and OF COURSE a giant boss somewhere.


    RE: Audio, the zombies have the zombie noise on loop once you get close to them and the thunder/rain athmosphere can be heard under the music on loop the whole time! I definitely used all the assets I sent you.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Zirrrus said:

    All the games look great, can't wait to check them out.

    Sadly I keep getting timeouts when trying to download games(Downloads from other sites appear to be working fine). Are there just too many people checking out the games?


    Hmm, weird. I just tried one and it worked fine.

  4. What is up with the thumbnail for the trailer? That looks terrible.


    Trailer looks great, tho! The close-ups are especially fantastic. The line-width and general look of the in-game Ben looks weird to me, but I can live with it.

  5. @toblix did some ACE BRILLO music for this and I got punching sort of working, so this is all quickly coming together now! I also realised blend trees are a thing, so Mr. Puffin has a smooooth blend between walking and running now.


    I don't have any progress .gifs so here's a .gif of Mr. Puffin surrounded by dancing zombies.
