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Posts posted by Kolzig
The extra long shoehorn is actually the best. Absolutely the best. I've had one always since I moved out to my first own apartment ages ago over 15 years ago. I always used to have a plastic one, but those break at some point so some years ago I invested in a metallic long shoehorn. Thanks @Chris for once again bringing the shoehorn up in the endorsements.
For me the gift curse used to be my grandparents from my mom's side giving me set of empty recordable VHS tapes every Christmas after I once in the 90's said I record a lot of stuff from tv. Last year I got it was 2007 when my grandfather was still alive.
I feel like shit now remembering it because I had stopped the recording VHS stuff around 2002 or so and I was never grateful enough to my grandparents for that. I just had piles of VHS tapes from them at my apartment.
Same thing when my mom was sick with leukemia and the last Christmas in 2014 she bought me some stuff for just that Christmas that I had never actually liked, but that year because of the the sickness making her really tired she had thought I had always liked it, I should've told her that I liked it. I kind of just blankly looked at the present and didn't show any proper appreciation. I really feel like shit because of that... I never manage to do the right thing in situations like these because I freeze up.
Haha, I had to take a three month break on Important If True because I wanted to finally see The Usual Suspects before Jake talked about it.
Finally watched it on Friday, cool movie! Just was on my watchlist for almost 20 years. I think in late 90's I started thinking I need to see it some day.
The New Remo Order is the best story.
Thanks, did it like that and finally got the second account created. Shame there seems to be some geoblock with the Amazon app as it says it can't be installed. Somehow it's checking that I'm trying to download it from Finland...
I'll ask Amazon why the app has not been extended to all countries where Prime Video is available. Hopefully they will answer something at least.
Strangely we've never had a generic Xbox 360 thread at Idle Thumbs forums as far as I could find.
I have a question regarding accounts to anyone who might know about the accounts on 360. I have a Finnish account, but it lacks for example Amazon Prime Video app. Prime Video started here December 2016 and strangely PS3 has quietly got the app for Finland sometime during last year. However for 360 there is no app available with my Finnish account. I know the app is available in USA and UK, so I was planning on making a dummy account with locale set to UK for example and then downloading the app to the console.
I tried to do that several times already, but every time I ran into some strange errors on the Xbox and it did not allow me to have a second Xbox live connected account especially to another locale. Am I doing something wrong or is it just not possible?
I know for example with the PS3 creating accounts to other regions is super easy and that way I got years ago bunch of apps downloaded like the NHL app from my US account.
Saw the movie today. Holy shit it was a weird mess. At least an hour too long and just not a good movie at all.
SpoilerI'm too tired to say much about the disappointing and boring movie, but why did they ruin Luke's character so completely? The plot was all over the place and very messy and dumb. There were way too many throwaway characters that nobody cares about. Snoke, Phasma, Del Toro's character etc.
The whole scene with Leia floating in space was something that just didn't fit at all. One of the many dumb plot points of the movie.
I'm done with Star Wars. Not going to watch any of these new ones ever again. I don't care about the end of this trilogy, especially since J.J. is back.
Can't even imagine Rian Johnson with a new full trilogy when this movie was like this.
I need to forget these new movies somehow, I have managed to do that with the prequels during all these years so I suppose it will happen with these new ones since my memory is what it is.
Oh well, in the words of Mark Hamill. "It's just a movie."
Installed it two days ago, but it keeps crashing all the time to error codes. Today it hasn't crashed yet.
My friend code is 81648826676. I sent you a request Jenna.
I love the original Outcast and it's unique graphics.
I have ever since the Kickstarter been very suspicious regarding this HD remake. I might check it out eventually after some sale, but really not that highly interested in it. I just don't feel the need for a HD remake for this since it will not have the same feel the original had.
I've been looking for Switches right now in Japan for over three weeks. About two weeks left anymore. It's nuts that no regular electronics shops have the console in stock. Always out of stock.
Netshops have it in stock for some reason, but those bastards have all raised the price from the real retail price of ¥30000 to ¥40000 just because they know people will pay anything. That's about 300€ and still cheaper than the European rip off 370€ price in Finland.
Looks like I'm not getting a Switch for about a year still. Maybe next year this price bullshit is over in Japan and I'll pick mine during the next annual trip.
I finished the second season last weekend. I still really like this show. So much good stuff in it, but of course still lots of dumb stuff. Most has been already discussed but
SpoilerI still really hate how bad all the Demogorgon/dog monsters look in season 1 and 2.
The ending closing of the gate was fine cgi, but I don't understand why they made so bad cgi monsters even now in the second season.
Bob was awesome as was Doc Owens. I liked the twist that the company man wasn't evil this time.
One thing that felt weird to me was Dustin and Steve in the tunnel by the rope when the Demodogs come running and those just run past/through the guys. That can't be El's doing, right? She can't make people invisible like that. Was it meant that Kali was there closeby somehow?
Here are some spoiler references regarding the 2nd season:
I'm worried that the creators have been talking about making four seasons in total. That would mean there's still two seasons to go. While I love the characters and the setting of Hawkins, I fear things will go overblown in the next seasons. I wasn't a big fan of episode 7 of this season. It had it's moments, but overall it felt not like a good episode of Stranger Things.
Ahhh Spelunky 2 is such awesome news. Switch is for sure after six months or so from the initial release.
Tank Troopers is one of the latest My Nintendo discounts starting today. I'll take it, 5.59€ with the discount seems reasonable.
I also have received the birthday discount and can choose from 22 3DS or Wii U games. Seems to be much more on the list than last year. Still no Switch discounts...
Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia or Kirby Planet Robobot will be my choice for the birthday discount.
I made a decision to continue it in December. I just don't seem to have enough time right now to really focus on playing Deus Ex. I just have tonight and maybe tomorrow morning time before I will fly to Japan.
I'll need to continue Deus Ex HR in December when I'm back home. I'm focusing all my available time for Affordable Space Adventures on these last days before vacation, might be able to finish that at least.
I started the Wii U version yesterday evening. I really like the tablet ui when the game really starts after the intro, but I really disliked heavily all the combat in the first intro mission.
Soooooo coool!
I had completely missed that Hidden My Game by Mom is coming to Switch and 3DS. This is awesome. I have been playing this for a long time already on Android, but it's really great that they get ported to Nintendo platforms as well, especially since the console that mom is hiding from the kid in the original game is a 3DS.
A 30 second video recording will be now possible with selected Nintendo made games and a very specific way of transferring save files from Switch to another.
I should play the third Deus Ex on the Wii U before Miiverse dies, but I fear it will not happen in time since next Tuesday I'm flying to Japan until December and Miiverse dies in beginning of November.
I may need to play it during at least one evening to just see how the leaving of audiologs etc works.
Deus Ex HR DC was especially made first for Wii U and ported later for other platforms.
Exactly what Gormongous said. I couldn't have answered to pabosher as well as that, but those are pretty much my thoughts also on the books.
I have been totally losing interest in Marvel movies. There are already so many that I have completely skipped.
But yeah Deadpool was really refreshing superhero movie, however the other Fox movies have been really bad in my opinion. Especially the last X-Men movie was just a mess. Logan I still haven't seen, but I've heard it's good. I really love the Old Man Logan comic book that came some years ago.
Rogue One was ok, but it felt not quite as an Star Wars movie and I was completely turned off by the use of computer generated human characters. Those were just uncanny valley style. It would've nice if there had been Grand Admiral Thrawn somewhere in there, I'm still hoping they would put him in the movies as well.
My original wish since a teenager was that they would make Timothy Zahn's trilogy in to the movies as Episodes 7-9. I still wish they would've gone that direction.
I really, really disliked Episode 7. It was such a bad movie in so many ways. Makes me even more sad that the morons hired J.J. Abrams to do it again for the ninth episode.
When I saw Eps 1-3 I disliked all of them. I can't even watch Ep2 and Ep3 anymore these days because those are so bad. The first Episode at least has an amazing fight scene with Darth Maul. I also really liked Ewan McGregor as Obi-wan.
Will Disney ever realize that they need to stop with Star Wars before they overflow it with too many movies? This yearly thing just doesn't work. Lucas at least kept a three year pause between the episodes in the turn of the millenium.
Still I can't help myself because I will very likely go see this one, only because Mark Hamill is finally in it in a real role and not like the joke that was Episode 7.
I started the mobile game a few days ago. It is quite nice game, how long did it took for you to play through it?
The trailer was released two days ago, it's weird when Star Wars is an ip that I used to be really big fan of, but these days I just don't care anymore. I got no other special feeling from the trailer except that I seem to really dislike the porgs or what those things were called. I kind of still thought Star Wars should make me excited and hyped, but I don't know. The Force of Star Wars has left me after Disney started to produce these on a yearly basis.
And to not forget here is the trailer:
Also the X for goat's butt is hilarious.
The game does indeed look really, really good. Is this DF's first game made with Unreal engine?
Idle Thumbs Readers Slack & Discord
in Idle Banter
So uuhh, Slack seems to be down for the last eight hours or so, it seems I ended back at the forum after way too long period of not being here.