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Posts posted by Alliser

  1. Greetings.


    I have got a more technical or organisational question: Is there a specific reason that you have changed the data title of your 3ma-episodes from the beautiful clear version like "ThreeMovesAhead465.mp3" (the last episode with the "normal" title) to "highlights" like "3MA - Difficulty-F.mp3" for episode 467 or a more normal one like "3MA - We The Revolution.mp3" here.


    Additionally since episode 466 mostly no id3-tags are included any longer: the 3ma-cover is missing and no information regarding title, episode number and artist and the like is available (exception: episode 470).


    This "problem" results undepending about the way I download: If I make a download about the regular website or by my RSS-feed (FeedReader as a browser plug-in) .


    Is this a technical issue because of soundcloud as the provider? I am listening to different podcasts and it is not the only time that a podcast published via soundcloud leads to different "difficulties".