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Posts posted by SL128

  1. 1 hour ago, SgtWhistlebotom said:

    As someone who hasn't beaten any Dark Souls games yet, does the Souls series actually have good stories or are people just impressed at the way it hints towards that story with morsels through item descriptions and the game space? Or is it a combination?

    It has good stories, good storytelling (once you start to piece things together), and excellent worldbuilding. Here's a summary of the first game's stories from Dan Floyd:


    And starting at 18:20, Super Bunnyhop discusses more here:

    I think my favorite big-picture video, though, is this from RockPaperShotgun's fail forward series; 9:48-15:32 being the most interesting part:


  2. I wasn't going to comment because I don't have anything interesting to add, but I've decided to anyway. This episode is definitely the best you've done in a while; it's truly incredible.


    My favorite moments have always been ones where I am baffled at the nature of what I'm listening to (Ancestry -> cave-dwelling Scottish serial killer Breckon is one of the peaks), and there are so many great instances of that here.

  3. I also have the hoarding problem in games, to the point where I finished Fallout 4 with over 400 stimpacks (generally sticking to cooked food, which was also hoarded). 


    One interesting solution to this problem is the cypher system from the Numenera table-top game, wherein there's no hard cap on these consumables, but holding too many can harm the player. From here:


     They’re one-use cool powers that can heal, make attacks, or produce effects like nullify gravity or make something invisible. The sky’s the limit. But they’re always consumed when used. And they cannot be hoarded. Collecting cyphers together in one place, or carrying many on your person can potentially have a detrimental effect–from the long term (illness) to the short (explosion!).


    I haven't played the tabletop game or Torment and so don't know how it is in practice, but it's always sounded cool.


    Edit: The cypher system works effectively in Torment

  4. 20 hours ago, newgameplus said:

    Omg, I'm listening to the preroll supercut, and I just remembered this one time that I was falling asleep listening to old episodes. I thought that my podcast app was set to stop once the episode ended, but it wasn't and it just took a minute or so to load the next episode. Just as I was nodding off suddenly Jake loudly declares, "Get ready for a surprise!" and I bolted back up and fucking lost it. I didn't fall asleep for like another hour. :lol:

    I've also listened to a lot of Thumbs while going to sleep, and remember once waking up from fairly deep sleep to the NOB! music. It was so bizarre that I went on to assume it was actually just part of a dream or a hypnagogic hallucination. Then (maybe just a few minutes later), I reset the podcast to the last stuff I remembered hearing, and once again woke up to NOB! I was able to get through the cast fully awake the next time, but in listening to 300's compilation, I was yet again woken up by NOB! I don't know when, but I'm sure it will wake me up again in the future.

  5. It's been almost a month since I've been sent the clips, so here's an update:


    Over the past few weeks, I'd been instead working on job applications. Starting today, however, progress is resuming. At this rate, I expect to be finished by the end of the month.

    Also, here's one of the best and most naiive clips I've found while moving through them:

  6. To me, the most important thing about Idle Thumbs is the community.  As long as it's maintained, I'll continue being here to support you. :tup:


    During the 'trying stuff out' phase and since the normal schedule is now at night, would you consider reintroducing the 30m pre-episode game streams?


    After the show, Chris decided to answer some questions about the future of Idle Thumbs in the Twitch chat: