Vulpes Absurda

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Posts posted by Vulpes Absurda

  1. Yeah I would say the level 40 boost is best saved for a second character. The story missions are fun the first time through but it's kinda boring the second time so the level thing can let you skip some of it the second time around.


    And hey if you two ever want to do the raids (which are by far the most fun in Destiny and I say that as someone who like 90% of that game) just post in here and we'll try to get a group going. I'm always down for some raiding.

  2. I haven't sat down to figure out my overall GOTY list but my off the top top ten would be this:


    1. The Last Guardian
    2. Dishonored 2
    3. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (It's my top 10 list and PS2 games can go on there if I want them to!)
    4. Dark Souls 3
    5. Shin Megami Tensei: IV: Apocalypse/Final (From here one there's not really an order yet)
    6. XCOM 2
    7. Pokemon: Sadomasochism
    8. Titanfall 2
    9. DOOM
    10. Stories: The Paths Of Destiny

    link to my write ups here:

  3. Anyone want to group up this weekend and do some holiday stuff? The strike scoring sounds fun and I want to give the racing a go this time around and everything is more fun in a group. Especially when that group isn't just me talking to my Kirby Amiibo about how great I am at the game.

  4. As long as Noctis is at least level 40 and you stock up on potions and phoenix downs you should be fine. The game gives you enough endgame gear that you don't need to worry about buying anything but items.

  5. Tablet. I would imagine it's okay on a large phone but I wouldn't play it on say, an iPhone 4s. Another thing to keep in mind is that if you have a physical PS1 copy you can also just rip an ISO and play it in an emulator. Maybe start messing with all the mods (of which there are a surprising number) for free. Not that I would do such a thing of course. :P

  6. It's fine. They did that weird upressing on it but the base assets for the game where high enough res that it looks fine. From the little bit I've played of it my only real issue is that it feels speed up a little but it lacks the slowdown of all the other versions and has all the new stuff from the PSP port so it's a bit of a wash. And it didn't seem to have any issues with me turning off wifi mid game so I don't think it needs a constant internet connection.

  7. So I beat this as Emily and I have to say I only have two major issues with it: It may as well not have a story, and the last two levels aren't as interesting as the prior ones.

    I did notice the performance and sound issues others have had but I didn't personally care so whatever.


    That said the environmental story telling is top notch and brings the world to life in ways that few games ever do the. The art is just phenomenal, if I see a better looking game anytime soon it will only be because they put the HD port of Okami on PC. And that seems unlikely. And it just plays so well. If they can just get a better story in the next one they'll have one of the all time greats on there hands and I'm now excited to see what Prey is even more.

  8. On a similar note to that video I watched an npc freak out over a dead body (that I did not make) run around screaming, and then trip over a burning garbage can that a homeless man was using for heat and then burn to death in an instant. And it did not count as a kill on my part. The homeless man was nonplussed about the whole thing.

  9. The real issue is that his response wasn't "Oh I see what you're getting at with this article and I think it makes some valid points that I will take/have taken into consideration!" and was instead "Excuse me but I am a very smart man and you simply don't understand all the things I am doing as an artist and also for the fans who are all important why have you bothered them with this?".


    But this is hardly anything new for this guy. And whatever I hope he works it out and he starts taking criticism better and ditches the gamer gate crap. In till then I'm not buying anything by him and that's fine.