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Posts posted by }?pZ'o@8~4$b@!t?

  1. Thanks for the great season. Always looked forward to listen to the next one.

    I listen to the Gambit Looking Glass Podcast series you mentioned and it's also great. For learning about game development in general and throughout the 90s PC Game industry especially. Read "Masters of Doom" recently  and although it's a tad more dramatized than a interview series like Tone Control or the Gambit Looking Glass Studios Podcast. It was a facinating contrast of the range of 90s PC development.

    So I recommend the Looking Glass Studios Podcast http://gambit.mit.edu/updates/audio/looking_glass_studios_podcast/ to everyone waiting for the new Tone Control Season.

  2. Hi I'm new to the forum but thought might as well chime in.


    I draw primarily as a hobby but recently I become more interested in doing something for a game. At the moment I try to learn do draw digital with the drawing tablet I got last year. In the future I would like to learn animation techniques (If anyone knows good tutorials I would appreciate it.)


    Being self self taught I lack a grasp of perspective, composition  and anatomy so I'm glad for advise.

    Here is my blog: http://iiiisiiii.tumblr.com/

  3. Hi


    came to Idle Thumbs last year. Listen to every episode since.

    I'm 25 and live in Berlin.

    Currently I write my bachelor thesis in museum studies about video games as museum objects.

    I got into deep into video game stuff around 2008 while still playing PC games prior. Games like  TES Morrowind, Deus Ex, Far Cry 2 (right at home at IT).