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Posts posted by Cordeos

  1. As much as I dislike how much wealth and power the 1% has, I have a hard time believing that they are so evil they would kill or enslave 99% of humanity at the drop of a hat.

  2. And everyone with their robot warriors would quell the rebellion.

    again, possible, but I have a hard time believing that this would be allowed to happen. As rich and power as the 1% are, they are less powerful than they have been in the past. Plus I doubt thinking machines would accept a non-egalitarian system. The biggest flaw in Sci-Fi is giving robots human emotions, AI should be immune to greed, avarice, jealously etc due to a totally different evolutionary path and a lack of built in hormonal and evolutionarily ingrained responses. 

  3. The half life on playstation discussion reminded me of the part of God of War 3 where you watch from the eyes of some god while Kratos beats them. Its an odd moment of punching yourself in the face.


    I can't remember who brought it up but the new Unreal Tournament is in a pre-alpha stage, however anyone can download and play it. Also looks like they are keeping some of the silliness and are trying to ditch the dark FPS aesthetic that has ruled recent FPS games including UT3. Part of this may be because of the way this game is being developed by the community and the developers at the same time. I doubt the Bombing Run game mode would be included if Epic was making UT4 by itself.




  4. There's an unquestioned assumption in the concept of the Singularity that always bothered me. Regarding AI, the Singularity proposes that we'll make an AI 10% smarter than us, then it will make an AI 10% smarter than it, that will make an AI 10 more percent smarter, and so on until the power of compound interest makes an unfathomable supergenius. The problem is that it assumes there's a linear difficulty curve: a 200 IQ human can make a 220 IQ AI, a 220 IQ AI can make a 242 IQ AI which can make a 266 IQ AI and so on. What if the law of diminishing returns will apply here as well as it does to everything else? A 200 IQ human makes a 220 IQ AI which makes a 230 IQ AI which makes a 235 IQ AI and things plateau rather than explode exponentially.


    Broadly, the whole thing is based on looking at the curve of the technology graph, and assuming that trend will continue indefinitely.



    Smarter is a tricky concept, however even the most basic AI would have access to pretty much all human knowledge which would give it a big edge.


    The part of the "Singularity" that I am most interested in isn't that far off. Robots are getting cheaper and better, 3D printing is getting cheaper and better, autonomous cars are getting better and legalized in more states. A huge number of jobs will be eliminated by these advances. It seems very likely that all truck drivers, taxi drivers, etc will get replaced by robots (humans are the cause of 90% of auto accidents). Fast food workers could be easily replaced with robots once their prices drop enough. Take these jobs and add all the jobs that even a basic AI could do, clerical work, data entry etc and we could end up with 80%-99% unemployment. The only solution to this would be to


    a) A guaranteed basic income for all people.


    or preferably


    B) elimination of the money economy, then we all live in star trek.



    Life extension tech sounds like a nightmare. Imagine if all the old white guys running the world now lived forever.


    If the technology is robotics based they will probably be afraid of it and not know how to use it properly :) 


    "You can have every email I've ever sent -- I've never sent one," he said. "I don't know what that makes me."

    - Probable Presidential Candidate Lindsey Graham


  5. I had forgotten about this scene until I listened the podcast. When Bobby and Sally are talking, oh man it was so cool to see Bobby being an actual human. He has figured out that Betty is sick and is failing at making toast. Considering the only other time he really did anything was that camp episode, it was fun to see that actor get to do something. Totally on team Bobby now :)  

  6. I haven't decided exactly how i feel about this episode, but I did find some parts rather disappointing. I enjoyed the episode up until Peggy and Stan's confessions of love. That scene felt really forced. They made sure Peggy, Roger, Pete and Joan all had neat little happy final scenes, but left Don's ambiguous. Was the coke ad supposed to imply he goes back to Mccan? Side note, that smile looked so odd. I have a hard time believing Pete and Trudy will be able to remain a happy couple, same for Roger and Marie. Overall I liked the show and I know endings are hard, I was just hoping for more. Interested to see what other people thought.

  7. I finally, two years after purchasing it, finished Fallout: New Vegas last night. I didn't end up doing any of the DLC, and there's still a good chunk of the map left to explore, but I'd had enough for now and I want to move onto Witcher 2. Man, that's the thing about Bethesda games, I love them all so much, for about 20 hours, and then they're 50 hours long.


    Yeah there is an overwhelming need to do all the things, and there are so many things to do. I recently picked up an old FO:NV save where I am not doing any quests, I just roll into a town/city and kill everyone. Currently purging all the New Vegas Casinos. Interested to see how this affects the ending.

  8. Finished the single player campaign of GTA5 today :tup: . I found the story rather lacking, or rather, was there a story? It just felt like a bunch of events strung together. In general I think it's a good game, but there are so many things wrong with it (things they did better in previous games).

    Property: it sucks in this game. If you somehow stumble into enough money you can buy property, which grants you: annoying missions that can pop up on the worst possible times which you have to complete, otherwise you do not get any income. I'd rather have the ability to buy a property and then have to do a bunch of missions before it will start making you money (and leave you alone).

    Goal-less submissions: in most cases, getting the correct get away vehicle and hide it at a suitable location. Tedious at best. You can waste quite a bit of time here to find something useful and not park it too close to something or another. Or the thing I wasted too much time on: get a firetruck. At least give me a hint where those fuckers are.

    Making a lot of money: not really required, but if you want to buy a lot of property (no idea why) the only way to do this is to play the stock market at the right time and doing some missions at the right time.

    Buying cars: just don't, it's a waste of money. You will lose the car when you start a mission.

    Vague/shitty instant fails: quite often I had to restart from a checkpoint because of some stupid instant failure trigger. One of the most annoying parts was driving over a train. Once you lost momentum it became almost impossible to reach the end without failing. And losing momentum was just way too easy. There are lots of other examples where you are so easily, and unexpectedly, treated with a "FAILURE" reward

    Anyway, the heists were fun. I didn't replay any of them to see what the alternative method would play like. The crazyness of Trevor was fun up to the point that switching to him was following by waiting for half a minute before you could control him again.


    So now there's only the online part.


    How long does it take to get the full map unlocked? I will probably pick GTA5 up on a steam sale so I can load it with mods and mess around.

  9. Saltybet is an audience betting on fights between two bots playing as random fanmade MUGEN characters from a pool of something like 1400. Sometimes characters are legit attempts to recreate a specific fighting game character, sometimes they're a rip of a Popeye sprite that does thousands of points of damage and has a hitbox half the size of their opponent. It's amazing.


    That is so great and bizarre. I love all the strange nice communities that develop thanks to the internet.

  10. I have recently started watching two streams that are on all the time. is a research vessel in the Gulf of Mexico that livestreams video from their undersea robots. When nothing is happening on that steam I switch over to the International Space Station stream . It usually just shows a feed from one of the cameras on the exterior of the station, but also shows, space walks, docking and other cool things that happen in space.


    Does anyone else watch a good 24/7 video stream? I'm looking to have some more backup streams if both the ones mentioned above have nothing going on.

  11. I loved the Scene with Roger and Shirley, it was a combination of Roger's ignorance about why the lower level employees are unhappy about moving and that he isn't a terrible person. He lives in the rich person bubble and forgets that people that don't think like him exist.




    I'm conflicted about what I want for Joan. Part of me just wants her to run off with Kevin and the developer guy (what is his name?). At the same time I want her to fight hard and bring McCann down a few pegs. 


    Every time Diana comes up, I really hope its the last time, so heres hoping. I am pretty sure Don is heading for California to get rejected by Megan again, or to go to Anna Draper's old house. He went to Rachel's funeral, Betty has moved on and is maybe happy? I'm starting to get a sense that Don is regretting all his choices and all the lives he could have had. I felt like when he was sitting in the house in Wisconsin he was again thinking here is a life I could have had. There seems to be a theme of Don intruding on other people's lives and noticing their children: Rachel's kids, the girl on the stairs, Don making milkshakes and later missing Sally and the boys.