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Posts posted by Cordeos

  1. 4 hours ago, Brannigan said:

    Finale was fairly straight forward for this series for the most part, kind of jarring actually.


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    Love that oliver will continue to be around, should be a fun dynamic with lenny.  The sphere capturing David was pretty much the one left field thing, partially because it's such a weird thing to happen since it is in the real world and not astral plane shennanigans.


    I really love the style of the show, the DIY nature of the tech, all the wardrobe that seems era agnostic. I am interested to see where the show goes from here.

  2. 8 minutes ago, dium said:

    That trailer seems bad and nothing in this "CU" interests me and nothing directed by Zack Snyder interests me. 


    And yet... Gal Gadot and especially Jason Momoa are such perfect casting choices for those characters. Feels like a waste.


    JK Simmons as Gordon, on the other hand, is one of those choices so obvious, such a hallmark of fantasy fan-castings, as to be embarrassing to see happen in real life.

    I'm not sure how I feel about Gadot, she is so skinny its hard to see her as a warrior

  3. The slow mo hair flip that wonder woman does at 1:20 is such a perfect example of what is wrong with modern CGI action films. The fights are all about looking cool/badass the entire time, about having clippable/gif-able moments instead of being a well choreographed fight scene. Also fast cuts need to DIAF

    The colors of this movie just look too serious. I dislike how goofy Marvel movies are, but this feels like too much of an over-reaction.

  4. Just finished Nixonland. Its a fantastic political history and has a lot of parallels to modern party politics. Goldwater being sidelined by his party only during his presidential run is a good example of what the GOP could have done to Trump if they wanted to.

    Was surprised how Nixonland does a much better job covering segregated cities in the north than my history classes in middle school did. Ditto for what the DNC did to McGovern. His 1972 acceptance speech is fantastic

    The book also made me appreciate how much more dangerous Trump would be if he were half as smart or devious as Nixon was.

  5. 3 hours ago, Chris said:

    Yeah I love those games a lot and have talked about all three of them in Thumbs. They're a bit different though in that (increasingly across the series) you have SO much control over your traversal that you're basically a superhero: it's almost like how you traverse the world in an extreme sports game but on a massive scale. Still fantastic, but a bit too low stakes to be an appropriate comparison to BOTW.

    Yeah totally, just what sprung to mind when you talked about a game encouraging you to go everywhere. I wish more games cared about how fun traversal of the world was. Part of why I don't play GTA is I never found driving in that game compelling. I think a lot of games don't consider making your primary activity/locomotion method interesting to be enough of a priority.

  6. I hadn't played King Kaiju in a while, the game is really coming along. I wonder if they will add health at some point. Really enjoyed knocking bi-planes out of the air as the giant cat. Probably my favorite demo game for newcomers to VR


  7. 4 minutes ago, preston said:

    After watching my dog throw up green bile for 2 hours, I took him to the Emergency Vet. They took some x-rays and found 3 corn cobs in his intestines. Exploratory surgery was required. He's been better.


    solid cone of shame picture

  8. 4 hours ago, Brannigan said:

    Aubrey Plaza and Dan Stevens are both really working it on this show.  Latest episode really escalated...everything.  


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    David is truly creepy when he's letting the devil control/share his body, even before he starts dancing around and mass murdering division 3.  The silent section was pretty tense as well.


    Such a great episode, I have no idea where the show is going and I love it

  9. 1 hour ago, SecretAsianMan said:

    Random teeth thoughts:


    I have a slight gap between my top left canine and the adjacent premolar.  Aesthetically it doesn't bother me but whenever I bite into something meaty like a steak I inevitably get some stuck in there and it drives me NUTS.  As a result I end up flossing a lot.


    I totally understand the logic behind it, but I still find it strange that a lot of people around me keep toothbrushes at their desk.  I brush on a regular morning/evening basis but I legitimately never thought about keeping a toothbrush at work.


    Masticate is a pretty good word.

    I keep one at work in case i eat something for lunch that makes my breath smell bad. Also sometimes we have lots of sweets and i get sugar mouth.

  10. 9 hours ago, Brannigan said:
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    I think it fit with the western-ish themes it was going for.  Also while there were obviously villains, I liked that it came off more about Logan facing his past.  Rather than trying to shoehorn a villain's story in there as well.


    Its easily my favorite comic book movie of the current crop. Nice to see a director realize small stakes can make a good movie, doesn't have to be a world ending plot every time.

    If you haven't seen it yet, there is no post-credits scene so don't wait for one.


  11. 15 minutes ago, Brannigan said:

    Has anyone else seen Logan yet?  While pretty god damn brutal, I enjoyed it.  Felt like a pretty good end to the run.

    Planning on going tonight