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Posts posted by Blambo

  1. var xDir=0, yDir=0, num=1;
    for (e=0;e<numberOfRooms;e++){
            //choose a direction
                    while(free = false){
                        roomDir = irandom(3)+1;
                        if (roomDir = 0){
                                xDir= 0;
                                yDir = 0;
                        if (roomDir = 1){
                                xDir= 0;
                                yDir = -1;
                        if (roomDir = 2){
                                xDir = 1;
                                yDir = 0;            
                        if (roomDir = 3){
                                xDir = 0;
                                yDir = 1;
                        if (roomDir = 4){       
                                xDir = -1;
                                yDir = 0;
                        if (e>0){
                                if (open[e,1]+xDir=open[i,1]) && (open[e,2]+yDir=open[i,2]){
                if (open[e,1]<layout_width) && (open[e,1]>0) && (open[e,2]<layout_height) && (open[e,2]>0){


    Gah could anyone help me out? I must be doing something stupid here. This is level generation code that chooses an active tile, picks a random direction, and creates another tile adjacent to it. That works fine, but when I tried to make it choose again if the tile in the chosen direction is in the coordinates of a previously placed tile, it either doesn't work outright or gets stuck.


    I know now that it gets stuck due to an edge case where a tile can be placed surrounded by other tiles, but I can't seem to see what I'm doing wrong elsewhere.


    Sorry for the unusual looking code conventions. I'm doing this in GameMaker so it's super weird.

  2. It feels weird to have multiple projects moving at once but it's actually helping me be more productive. After I get bored on one thing another project becomes really attractive and I jump back and forth like that. Totally undisciplined but it's helping so far.


    Figured out a crude dungeon generation algorithm for a weird monaco/hotline/ftl thing:



  3. Thanks guys! I'm not familiar with either of those softwares, but I've seen them used around.


    I'm hitting a lull right now while I'm getting coursework done, but my working title is "Cool Spot has a Chill Day". Feel free to give input on the title but I wouldn't see why it's not already the best possible.


    Thanks BigJKO for the mockup, it's really captured my imagination.

  4. I seem to remember hearing Scoops on an extremely similar game design interview podcast with the same kind of style and tone. It even had the interviewer/interviewee channel split thing (which may or may not just be a common thing in the world of audio interviews). I don't remember what it was, but it definitely had Steve on it as a guest and it was definitely similar.


    EDIT: Found it:


    It's like proto-tone control!

  5. What makes me groan is this.  The feminst angle gets pressed on so heavily I feel that the forest is missed for the trees.  I think that video games are almost completely bereft of good characters, male or female.  In fact I believe the most well drawn character in all of video games to be the female character GlaDos from Portal.  So to me the issue is not why do game designers exclude women, it's more like why do game designers put human shaped things in their games that they have no desire to inject with human qualities.  I think the example that comes to mind is the characters in the Gears of Wars games.  I can't even look at that stuff and this is the most popular stuff out there and for some reason all I hear in the press is "where are all the female characters?"  Where is any character?  Bioshock Infinite itself is touted as some highpoint in video game art but I can't take the Booker Dewitt character for two seconds.  This is my frustration.


    Fair point, though that doesn't eliminate the specific problem of women being portrayed as traditionally oppressed characters in what are portrayed as ideal scenarios. And you're right, there is an overarching issue of characters and stories being underdeveloped in game narratives, but that seems to be a much more self-evident issue than misogynist leanings in stories, which can often slip by without notice.


    Also (sort of tangentially and not completely directed at you) there can exist oppressed female characters in stories without the story itself being misogynist, and not ALL games have to tastelessly tout any sort of "feminist agenda" or political stance to be considered legitimate but the point is that there's a dearth of stories that are at the opposite end of the spectrum already.

  6. No Sean come back!


    Kishijugo: The fact that the sentiment of separating video games and politics coming from (often times) the same people who want to push video games as an art form and a legitimate part of our culture is super weird.


    It's possible that you do not believe video games or game systems to be art or capable of human expression, and that might justify your statement about politics, but there are people who do view games as a part of culture and extract human meaning from them, so the politics and sentiment from these games do matter and the matter quite a lot.


    Edit: Also that sentiment seems to come from the fear that people will for some reason stop measuring things based on metrics other than having an opinion, and that's...weird and wrong.

  7. Photoshop with default chalk brush and a custom one for foliage. I'm trying to rely only on brushwork, instead of using too many custom brushes and stuff.


    But in terms of brush settings, it depends on what kind of traditional medium I want to emulate, like if I'm rendering smooth surfaces or painting an oil-style painting I use pen pressure for opacity/flow jitter, and if I'm doing starkly lit, more indicative stuff I control opacity with the number keys and size with the bracket keys. Another holdover from listening to Feng :/

  8. -eyes shift back and forth, dives out window-


    Yes D:


    He's my painting background noise of choice, and he's really good


    Also I've been trying to make my forms and shapes more dynamic, so I've been imitating a lot of what feng zhu's doing


    EDIT: also I'm struggling with getting the teeth and texture that he puts into his paintings. My style is very bland in comparison

  9. Thanks! I'll definitely look at Unity for this. From now on I'll have to build my paintings with parallax in mind.


    I guess now that I've settled on which settings I want to explore (right now it's the library, the mushroom town, and the far post-apocalypse), I should start linking putting together some plans for map structure at least.


    I've been thinking of building this like multiple little short stories with disparate times and settings that have tendrils that link them together. As a test for the future asset pipeline I'll probably focus on the mushroom town first, since I have a stronger conceptual grip on what this is at the moment.


    That all said I'm no writer, so it's gonna be super hard turning my ideas for setting and atmosphere into narrative.