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Posts posted by Blambo

  1. This is a deep rabbit hole.


    I think I'll stay away from it.


    I am now watching Tatami Galaxy, recommended by an acquaintance. It looks like the twin peaks of anime (I have never watched twin peaks or much anime so that sentence is pure, 100% distilled garbage).

  2. Ok I just finished Nichijou. I have a crazy amount of post series depression, especially considering that the series is just a string of skits with little plot connection (the best). How do people watch whole TV shows back to back and not become horrible twitching masses of tears and cheetos at the end.

  3. I don't watch any anime. The thing that I liked about this show was that it takes a lot of anime tropes and inserts it into mundane life. Also it doesn't sexualize any of its characters (they're all drawn like weird cubey people), which makes me feel way less creepy for watching a show about high school girls.

  4. There's this cognitive dissonance between accepting games that are promoting violent messages (not necessarily containing violent content) and rejecting sexism and problematic messages in games. I have no idea why this is the case. It could be the subconscious 4chan within all of us that says "you can hate as long as you hate everyone equally."

  5. For some reason I want to cook something with bok choy. Anyone got any recipes?

    I don't have a strict recipe but I love making nian gao with bok choy. It's chopped up rice cakes, carrots, bok choy, oyster mushrooms, some fen shi (transparent rice noodles), sliced pork and chicken broth, with elements stir fried and all boiled in the same wok. My parents made this at home and I'm assuming its americanized as hell but dang its good.

  6. Yeah. It's very very columbine killers esque in the language the main character uses, so I'm assuming that there's some vague story about his upbringing.

    It obviously hasn't come out yet. I gotta say I'm kind of intrigued to play it (or pirate it) just to see if they pull it in a certain direction. I have close to zero faith that they will though. Again, this will only be saved if it just remakes The Visit on the second level.

    Edit: this is totally unrelated but I had an insane moment of fear when I saw your avatar because I thought some gater has sneakily swum up to our side of the pond and dragged its scaly belly into the conversation to make a bogus argument about gameplay. I am very bad.

  7. As far as I can tell (as far as my poorly researched perception tells me), neo-nazi or fascist elements in Poland are really wrapped up in nationalism and is part of a big wave of reactionism in europe. I don't know how much these people take those kinds of politics to heart but I can see its pathos being part of their worldview. It disturbs the shit out of me that the weird video game reactionism is coinciding with existing elements.

  8. "I don't know, I do think a carrier exists. I just haven't figured out which one." -iPad on becoming carrier agnostic.


    "I reject the ability of humanity to even assign a probability to the existence of a carrier, much less deny or accept its existence." -iPad on becoming strong carrier agnostic.