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Posts posted by Blambo

  1. For the second time in 13 years, I watched spirited away. I probably would've enjoyed it more if it wasn't part of a ghibli marathon looking for protagonist tropes.

    The first time I watched it was actually very affecting because of the little things that were in it that are very specifically designed to be scary for children that I don't find scary anymore. It sucks that I can't watch it in the same way I watched it before.

  2. I have no pics from before I ate it but recently I've been eating only udon and tempura its delicious but please make it stop.

    I could slice my own udon but ~poor~ and ~no time~ so I buy sliced, precooked stuff, boil it up, add thinly sliced pork, mushrooms and carrots, and bok choi at the last minute. The soup is water, a little soy sauce, some white pepper, and some meat broth if I have it. Tempura is just shitty mix batter stuff.

    Apparently this is super wrong and I should brew the soup first, put the raw/semiraw ingredients together in the pot, pour in the soup and let them all cook together. Anyone make udon before?

  3. I've been told that a lot of nonwestern cultures retain a separation of masculine/feminine identity but do not emphasize a power structure inherent in it, or have abstracted feminity and masculinity as collections of traits independent of gender. Can someone who's looked into this kind of thing back this up? I'm Chinese, and I can't say that it's true from the people I've interacted with that identify with the culture.

    Edit: I guess my real question is, can you retain the aesthetic of politeness/courteous submissiveness stereotypical of feminity while simultaneously promoting a culture that doesn't prescribe behavior based on gender? Is it even worth it?

  4. Haha I should totally end the con by ordering door size prints and attach it to the back of his closet door. There's a window of opportunity where I can have him see it, return before he does, and remove them.

  5. For the last two months I've been sneaking thumbs jokes into my roommate's life, who listens voraciously but doesn't know that I do too.

    The boldest thing so far was putting horse stickers on his backpack, listening to him chuckle about horsebag and clumsily attempt to explain it when I ask.

  6. Lol hopefully. I think it's less likely, as you already know yotsuba so you already have a knowledge of the character, whilst I have never seen Kenny Loggin's beautiful mane until I googled him that very night. As your avatar is that of a real dude's face, I just assumed that that was your actual face, having never met you, or seen a real picture of you to associate your name to. The internet is weird!


    Yeah it's a real identity danger zone.

  7. Nichijou mango spoilers (it's weird but there are some)


    The Nichijou manga just made an insane leap in time. The translation I'm reading doesn't go past the first chapter in the sequence so I'm left here without any context. It's probably just a long flash forward that has to do with the theme in the volume. Is this kind of thing common? I'm verging on learning Japanese so I can order full volumes as they come. This is a spiral of insanity.


    Earlier in the volume the high school aged main characters created a time-capsule, and some secondary characters were talking about memories and how they'll forget today in ten years. Also some characters almost die from a rogue daifuku.


    Hakase's going to high school (and apparently to science conferences worldwide), Yuuko left Japan, Nakamura lives with Nano, Hakase and Sakamoto as a robotics intern.




    Something about the themes of appreciating mundane life is helping me through a rough patch.



    Just downloaded a raw of the volume and it ends with the timeskip chapter. Dangit.


    NOTHER EDIT: Found out that the guy who does the nichijou OPs voices both the male and female voices through digital modifiers:



    Which I guess isn't surprising when I go back and listen to it.


    K that's my Nichijou dump/scoop. 

  8. Whoa I used to call French comics bandes dessinées at my high school snob club. Well we called all comics that because we thought "comics" was too infantilizing and categorizing of a deep, rich art form, which in retrospect is dumb to the core.

    But we didn't make the distinction between anime and cartoons. That's insane person talk.