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Posts posted by Blambo

  1. I want a VR experience where I'm explicitly just a ghost that can move through walls and peek into other areas.


    Designing around 3d limitations would be interesting. I can't remember if this is a real project, a putative project, or something hypothetical that was mentioned on this very podcast, but I seem to remember a game where sticking your head into normal level geometry would show a crazy hellscape.

  2. So, after the discussion of a Thief trailer, I thought "Hey! My favorite YouTube Cellists, 2Cellos (sorry, ThePianoGuys), definitely did a version of Smooth Criminal!" So I mashed it up with one of the trailers for Thief from 2014, and after a little futzing with timing and adding in some more clips from a different Thief trailer to pad out the bits where I cut out Garrett sinking particularly far into the uncanny valley, I think it's pretty good (for less than an hour's work).


    Uhhhhhhh this super works and I would've bought the game if this is what they did

  3. The ending of the movie, in which Dash's conflict with his mother is resolved by using his speed but not to misbehave at school and not in a way that endangers his family, makes it clear that the movie's message about power is not the objectivist "Excellence vs. Mediocrity" but rather "Responsibility vs. Irresponsibility."  And the entire family, in the end, agrees that they need to be held accountable and use their powers on the same terms that a policeman uses a gun.  This is a movie where trial lawyers and lawsuits help rein in the anarchy of super powers unaccountable to the rest of society and in the end the world is better for it.


    I watched the movie again and I think this makes a lot of sense, though I think the "Excellence vs. Mediocrity" idea is still addressed as a state of mind rather than pushed as an ideal value system. I think a significant  part was about how Mr. Incredible tries to resolve his midlife crisis through reaffirming his exceptionalism and reliving the past. But the only way he could indulge in unrestrained use of his powers (in a way that doesn't endanger his family or anyone else) was in this isolated island as part of a weird honeypot trap Syndrome set up for him. He and Dash attach a value system to being super and fear being mediocre, at the cost of Bob's job, badly injuring his boss, etc.


    Also I guess Syndrome's whole "if everyone is super then nobody is" thing isn't about making him a villain for glorifying mediocrity; his deal is really wanting to be super then feeling extreme spite when he can't be. He like embodies an obsession with being exceptional.


    I like that there were characters that handled having powers differently, how Violet's powers don't have the same kind of coolness that super strength or speed have, so she just generally feels like a freak instead. Her arc is totally different from Dash's or Mr. Incredible's, though definitely kind of bland and simple.


    Also the visuals looked so bad on rewatch :[. I'm 3D spoiled.

  4. Oh man I watched The Incredibles and man this movie is... Whew this movie sure is, um, uh, I kind of hate it? It feels like Andrew Ryan commissioned a propaganda movie. I'm going to have to think on this but if you want my take on it as I was watching it start here:


    What was particularly Ayn Randy about the Incredibles? Not really challenging you or anything I just don't remember anything about the movie. I do remember some hints of poking at the whole "everyone is special so nobody is" idea (actually I guess that's the whole villain's agenda), but it never really resolved it?

  5. Yeah I thought the same as Gorm since it appeared to raise the stakes of the plot artificially in the same way regular shonen shows do. But in the end I felt that the language used highlights a different goal. If one "serious punch" was all it took to defeat this near omnipotent destroyer of worlds, then it makes Saitama's actual, present strength (not his potential strength) incredibly vast and unknowable, which makes his ennui seem even stronger. Saitama's goal isn't exactly to become stronger but to feel the thrills of life he had before he become super strong.

    I just wish this series was more about him eventually giving up on the hero fantasy, and undermine the idea of "a good death", rather than purely showing the horrible loneliness that this lack of purpose inflicts.

  6. I think I totally misunderstood the comparison there between a hundred million dollar manned fighter and a swarm of locust drones. I'm like imagining a big box of bombs being carried by a hundred quadcoptors like the balloons in Up.

  7. Whoa Vainamoinen it took a while for me to see that the tones are actually super precise hatching! I can't get my strokes that close together or fine when I try stuff like that. It looks practically like a tone cutout.


    I've been drawing on and off since failing 2015's Inktober, since I'm trying to get myself to be quicker without losing my patience (two problems I noticed I had while trying to hit the deadline each day). It doesn't help that ink is the ultimate "fuck up once and you die" medium to me. I'm relatively new to drawing people, so not pictured in each one of these is the spider's web of construction lines I needed to slowly eke out something that looks vaguely human. There are elements of anatomy that I'm not fully practiced with, like the hands and wrist area, or the bone/muscle structure around the elbow and forearm.






    I also spent too many dollars on a used cintiq companion from ebay after selling my old intuos4, hoping that it would get me to draw more (it didn't, but that's just a function of me being bad). I'm starting to think digital drawing only makes me more fastidious when it comes to anatomy but not much actually better at drawing it, since I can go back to erase and fiddle with committed lines rather than drawing them over. I love it for painting though!






    I've also been trying regularly to do anatomy studies from There's lots and lots of references (though they're mostly of buff guys and girls) of people in lots of different poses, and it even enforces a time limit for each one. I super recommend it! I'm really stingy and slow when I draw, so hopefully this'll help me be more confident and accurate:




    I'm glad this thread exists and I hope to post here semi-regularly to get me just motivated enough to practice, but not feel pressured enough to stop. Happy drawing!

  8. This reminded me suddenly that I have Nick Breckon on my contacts lists on Skype for god knows what reason. Sometimes I see him log on and think about sending him an extremely painful greeting, or maybe somehow sending him another sabotaged stuffed animal.

  9. I think cultural identity can be a bit like an accent. You can't always hear your own. But as an Australian, American cultural identity and the subtle ways it exhibits itself in americans is fairly apparent to me. Americans have all sorts of cultural traditions! They have particular folk heros, they have proud and shameful history, they have traditional dress (leather jacket and jeans and wayfarers, for instance) that they mostly don't wear but sometimes invoke (like most other cultures), they have unique holidays like thanksgiving with very specific rituals, the list goes on. I don't find it that different from any other immigrant culture in Australia, except they don't tend to think of themselves as immigrants.

    Yes this! And just like I would be pretty put off if someone repeated a really bad, exaggerated version of my accent to me all the time.

  10. Culture to white people, or at least in my experience seems to be informed by some association through nationality of your parents or by choice. Most of my friends consider themselves Italian or irish, to the point that if you ask them what they are they will only say they are American in the company of non Americans. Otherwise they seem to consider their culture as being related related to their job or hobby. I just don't tend to see the same idea of a shared experience as being central to it. The ideas tend to be more rooted in where you came from or your goals than your experience.

    That may be true for more than just white people, I think. Issues tend to come up when people mush the mundane collection of things that make up a shared experience into a fixed identity.

    Gonna stop derailing the thread, heh.

  11. @Blambo, not at all and I wasn't trying to say you were overtly emotional. It's just that while I too take snide look at what I perceive as 'false claim of authenticity', it's relation to ethnicity is largely lost on me probably cause how I grew up? I'm just having problem taking in anything cultural as this fixed thing with a point of reference for 'authentic' since what was suppose to be mine changed so drastically.

    So for me everything that tries to invoke 'cultural authenticity' just slides right off cause it's mostly meaningless unless we are talking about historical artifacts for research purpose or IP stuff so original creator (and I can't see ethnicity having any bearing on stuff that's been done by people who are long dead) gets the credit I guess? This goes back to the idea of cultural appropriation being completely lost on me cause of above stated reasons.

    Again I'm not trying to vilify the "false claim of authenticity" itself because I want to preserve the sancitity of cultural boundaries or anything, I'm just saying that posing something as authentic food but then butchering it speaks to the priority of the marketer, which is selling authenticity and the idea of the culture that exists in society. I'm trying to say that this has misrepresentative effects in culture, in the act of attempting to represent something so fluid and diverse. I fully recognize that ethnicity is complex and reflective. But I don't see how that prevents me from making observations about situations in which that is not the cultural norm.

    Though I do see what I'm saying as a nitpicky point that's so broad to be relevant to anything, haha.

    To your second point, I'm also trying to make an effort to care less about a perceived cultural heritage in my personal life. It's just kind of difficult for me since I grew up in a predominantly Chinese community but also went to mostly white schools and have met people (Chinese or otherwise) who have invoked a sense of otherness in "them" and myself.

    As a side note, it's really sad to me that I'm slowly losing my ability to fluently communicate in Chinese to people I care about, so that's definitely source of a lot of waxing prideful about Chinese culture or whatever. As much as a prescriptive ethnicity is "untrue" it's a difficult thing to let go sometimes.

    I also think it's kind of folly to completely throw out the idea that cultural differences exist in a gradient across human existence, just because there doesn't necessarily exist discrete boundaries between them. I know that's not what you're saying, but I've often been led to this argument by people who don't feel the effects of cultural appropriation or equate it with cultural assimilation or acculturation.

    Sorry if I wasn't clear enough before, or if I'm assuming things about your argument.

  12. @Gaizokubanou: I was just describing the phenomenon as an example of cultural appropriation, where an essentially "Chinese" aesthetic and identity is used to represent a culture that does not uniformly reflect it. I'm not saying that everything needs to be authentic, but that the act of selling authenticity without actually pursuing it betrays and profits off of an essentialized image of a culture. I suppose anything being marketed as authentic at all invokes a fixed identity.

    Did I come off as emotional? I should say that I'm not trying to express resentment at "fake Chinese" out of a kind of extreme pride for my ethnicity.