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Posts posted by clyde

  1. I'm pretty sure I found your armored fortress @adsmz

    You are pretty close to me I just haven't been traveling North until last night. I was also surprised to see how close I am to the first place I spawned when I came onto the server. 

    I am not the person who removed half of that wooden house but I did paint over the sign to remove the reference to a sex-crime.



    I made a sachel charge for the first time to blow up my own wooden door. Now that I'm getting familiar with what can be crafted in Rust I'm wanting to go spend some time on a violent server and see how well I do solo. 

  2. I watched a beginner's video that explained stashes and the standard locks. I like the idea of the standard lock personally because it would be so exciting to loot my body and find a key then go around looking for my house.


    After I respawned this morning I got chased up a rock by a bear and ended up settling there. It has turned out to be a really neat house. I hid a key to the door in a stash nearby. I'm not sure if I want to make a sleeping bag.

  3. I just got killed by the helicopter for the first time. I thought I had read that you would be fine if you didn't have a weapon in hand; I had an axe (which is a tool!).

    It was pretty cool. I heard a gunshot in the distance and didn't see the folks I recognize active on Steam so I was trying to quickly build a fortification near the launch-site. I was actually looking for the house someone stole from Deadpan but couldn't find it. I did wake up safely in Cwester's attic though which I wasn't sure would happen after a day of being off. Man, I lived for a long time, 5 hours.

    This game is fun. I kinda hope more thumbs join. I'm enjoying the low-pop server with mostly friendly neighbors.

    Going back in. This game is fun.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Deadpan said:

    Welp, somebody's been through my house, picked it clean and changed the locks.


    I'm pretty sure that the server is public so anyone can wander in and exploit our neighborliness.

  5. I had so much fun playing with Blueberry, Deadpan, and Cwester this morning.

    I hadn't had a chance to learn the systems and stuff and this server is not only peaceful, it is helpful. So many awesome neighbors!

    If you bought Rust a while back and tried it out but decided to wait longer ( *cough* @Dinosaursssssss ) I recommend checking this out. It's at least a few hours of surreality. If you find each other.

  6. 19 hours ago, Deadpan said:

    Facing a small setback since my house and everything in it disappeared while I was gone. None of the stuff outside of it.


    I went for more exploring and am currently parked on top of the dome oil tank.


    Did you rebuild your furnace or did it survive the apocalypse?

    I stole some meat out of it by the way, I was hungry.

  7. This was a cool little performance that I watched on the Gear. Just what I wanted, stereoscopic 3d.


    Birds Happen


    Finding this stuff is absurdly difficult. I don't even know if it is viewable on other headsets. I also think this may have been hand-stitched because like the Felix & Paul stuff, you can't find any information on what equipment was used. I wonder if this stuff will become easier to find once the Facebook cameras come out.

  8. Sorry to go back to this but I have an update for y'all.

    I was just talking to my wife about the way I differ in thinking about the concept of self-reliance from how y'all do and she pointed out that the only television shows I watch are Korean rom-coms. I think that might have a lot to do with why I have such a distinctly different association.

  9. It's so interesting to see how pervasive this perception is among y'all. If you said you know someone who lives alone, my first image would be of a woman.


    I'm not trying to prove anything with this search result, but I thought it was interesting what the first google results on an image search for "diy" is.

  10. 35 minutes ago, jennegatron said:

    I would absolutely agree that self-reliance is coded as a masculine trait. Not just as a sign of physical ability, but also as an economic one. It is 'feminine' to rely on a male provider, which is why things like women entering the workforce decades ago and becoming the primary earner today are seen to be so emasculating. It's why women would live with their families until a suitor was able to prove that he could provide for her so that she could leave to become his property instead of her father's. The man is the farmer and the woman is the farmer's wife.  The farmer can exists on his own but the farmer's wife cannot.


    That clarifies a lot. I guess that I'm thinking of the perception now rather than the historical one. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Problem Machine said:

    The "mother bear" scenario is not considered typical gender behavior though, the way that scenario is usually presented is that a mother's caring nature is so overpowering that it overcomes her typical feminine inclination towards non-violence and peaceful resolution. Like, the entire reason it's A Thing at all is because men are the ones who are stereotypically supposed to be the defenders.


    I appreciate you clarifying your point. I strongly disagree but I don't have evidence or anything. I just have the impression from personal experience and perspectives of those around me that the mama-bear thing is very much part of femininity.

  12. 7 minutes ago, TychoCelchuuu said:

    A week ago in the class I was teaching (it just ended) we were talking about gender and I had the students list various stereotypical traits of men and women. "Self-reliance" was one they listed for men (and not one they listed for women). The class (30+ people) was in general agreement about the lists we ended up coming up with. So @clyde, you're differing rather strongly from a fairly widely-shared view, I think.


    But that isn't at all what I'm diverging from. The word "self-reliance" is gendered male. The concept is not. The question I have is what the students had in mind when they said "self-reliance" is masculine besides a picture of a man.

  13. On point 2 I agree, I'm saying that the only relevant aspect of those words is how they've been gendered though.

    I disagree with points 1 and 3 so strongly that I'm not sure we are talking about the same things. It might be helpful to narrow what we are talking down. I don't know how to explain my position on point 1 any more clearly than I already did so I guess we just disagree there. I mean think about how infamous mothers are in how they will defend their children. Is that not "protecting" them? And that's assumed in the generality that feminity nurtures.

    On point 3, are you talking about "self-reliance" like if you get stuck in the woods alone and have to hunt and make shelter men are more expected to be capable of surviving?

  14. 25 minutes ago, Problem Machine said:


    Positive masculine values are generally along the lines of dadliness -- self-reliance and a desire to protect and provide for another. These aren't exclusively male traits obviously, but are traditionally considered masculine, as opposed to the more feminine equivalents of community-building and desire to care for and nurture another.


    This sounds like a cultural non-description that circumvents any useful observations about the masculine/feminine spectrum. Self-reliance isn't associated more with masculinity than feminity; the word "self-reliance" itself might be, but not the actual concept. Same with "nurture". We might not use the word "nurture" when describing masculinity, but we say "teach", "provide for", "protect" which are all the same things. It's just that the words themselves have gender associations.

  15. One question I ask myself while trying to figure out what masculinity is, is:

    "If an act or characteristic is done by a woman, does that disclude the act or characteristic from being a masculine act or characteristic?" I'd say no, so that kinda implies that masculinity is a context rather than an act or characteristic.

    Like "spooky" or "cute" maybe?

  16. I went to a local fair and talked to someone who was representing the local timebank. The concepts share a lot of commonalities but I don't get the impression that the timebank attracts the same level of feverish predatory speculation.


    Btw if crytocurrency interests y'all you should totally watch Justin Timberlake's movie In Time , not because it is masterfully executed (it is not).

  17. They have added a lot of stuff since I've played last. I had a few adventures last night. Coming across stuff I've never see before is exciting.

    I hope the game will let you remove items I put in your house Deadpan. I thought a lamp would be like a torch and once I placed it on the floor I couldn't figure out how to pick it back up.


  18. 4 hours ago, WickedCestus said:

    I don't understand how you think that fits into cultural appropriation? I'm curious. I don't know the song very well, but according to the article, it's a Puerto Rican guy singing in Spanish over a video shot in Puerto Rico. Is it the Justin Bieber association? Maybe I'm misunderstanding something here. 


    Yeah the Justin Bieber part is essential.

    I don't know how it fits into the discussion on cultural appropriation, but it has a lot of the aspects that come up in that discussion:

    -Power dynamics between cultures.

    -Use of other cultures' symbols without having a full understanding of the cultural context.

    -Profits being made on distribution channels of much larger scales due to white-supremacy.


    It's an interesting anecdote to examine in terms of cultural appropriation.


    Here is an article that explores it:


    I think this is also relevant: