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Posts posted by tegan

  1. How's everyone's life going?


    I'm constantly worried about money and on top of that I'm going through some really lousy stressful shit that I can't talk about. And I'm super bummed about a Christmas-related thing even though it's February.


    I kind of hate myself right now.

  2. It's weird seeing the little bits of Japanese culture that creep into Nintendo. The classic example is the Tanooki leaf, but the weirdest one for me is the two Pokémon that make up a Japanese comedy routine.


    Wobbuffet may be based on the late Japanese comedian 林家三平 Sanpei Hayashiya, who was famous for repeatedly touching his hand to his forehead while saying one of his trademark lines, そうなんす、奥さん sō nansu, okusan, "That's the way it is, ma'am."


    Sohnano is nearly homophonous with the phrase そうなの sō na no, which means, "Really?" or "Is that so?" with only a difference in tone. It is played off by its evolution, Wobbuffet, whose Japanese name of Sonans is homophonous with the interjection そうなんす sō na-n-su, which roughly means, "That's the way it is." Together, they make for a potential perpetual conversation of, "Really?" followed by, "That's the way it is," and so on, as seen in Camp Pikachu.

  3. Because Gargoyles and 90s TV themes were both brought up: I secretly hope that if we ever get a Saints Row V, it takes advantage of both the time travel set up by the ending of SRIV and Keith David being a member of the Saints and finds some opportunity for him to say "1000 years ago... superstition and the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness... it was a world of fear."


  4. Is this meant to be a replacement for the "An email I sent to Giantbomb[sic]" thread then? I thought we were keeping the GB talk fairly confined to there, but I apologize if I've been cluttering up other threads with it. I'm a huge fan of theirs, and it's their podcast that eventually lead me to here, so I think about them a lot.


    There's a ton of bombtalk in the "ethics in relocation" and podcast threads. I thought it might be good to pull it all into one place, without the thread necessarily being about Dan specifically like in the letter thread was meant to be.





  5. I figured we needed a catch-all GB thread because we generally have a lot of GB discussion, but cluttering up other threads.


    I just wanted to start off by saying two things:


    1) Last night's GB Unplugged was tremendous.

    Brad pickpocketing Dan and Dan trying to slap him was the best. Between that and one of them dying immediately in the campaign, we're off to a great start.

    2) Metal Gear Scanlon 3! So good! I can't wait for the ladder sequence. Not for honour, but for Drewwwww.

    3) So does Danny O'Dwyer work there now or what? I mean, I know he still works for Gamespot, but he's just there seemingly all the time, even as a seemingly permanent fixture of the site thanks to Danswers and the DnD campaign.

  6. As far as I remember, that is not a thing that happens in the anime?? I mean, there is no dialogue and you kind of stop paying attention a bit after the amazing opening half-hour so that totally COULD be a thing in that movie...


    Dang now I want to rewatch the Daft Punk anime. It's good.


    It's literally the entire plot of the movie. The Earl de Darkwood's been kidnapping aliens for centuries, disguising them as humans, and brainwashing them; all so that he can sacrifice them after they become award-winners, which will give him control of the universe for some reason.



    The aliens shown in this sequence are probably supposed to be stand-ins for a young Mozart, Jimi Hendrix, Ella Fitzgerald, Janis Joplin and Robert Plant.

  7. I'm playing through Cave Story with a few self-imposed rulesets now that I've beaten it for the first time. Normal difficulty on both, and I'm going for every health pickup, but I've added a couple of condiitons:


    1) Best ending (save Curly, get the Booster 2.0, run the Bloodstained Sanctuary, fight Ballos)

    2) no machine gun (using the Spur in my regular file and the Snake in my Curly Story file)

    3) in my Curly Story file, no rocket launcher until I hit the Bloodstained Sanctuary


    Tough, but actually maybe easier than my first completed run, so far.

  8. I watched Only Lovers Left Alive over the weekend and it is great. It's more a hangout movie than a vampire movie, but I LOVE the idea that all the great artists either were or stole their ideas from vampires. I mean, you have all the free time in the world! Of course you'd be able to learn all kinds of intruments and languages! And the movie was just fucking gorgeous. And Tilda Swinton!  :tup:  :tup:


    Wait, is this like the Daft Punk anime where all of history's greatest musicians were aliens?

  9. So here's a thought: Huey, Dewie, and Louie are among the few characters in the major Disney canon to age. Like how around the turn of the millennium they all looked like some variant of Jonathan Taylor-Thomas.





    So what if this new series had them aged up to the point where they essentially become a trio of Nathan Drakes?


    ...Fuck, Nathan Drake sounds exactly like the kind of stupid bird pun name that a Ducktales character would have.

  10. It'd be one thing if there was a consensus on this, but there isn't at the moment. I'm not going to start calling everyone "ze" because a small minority wants to be called it. I have no problem using whatever pronouns someone wants after talking to them, but if I don't know, I'm going to stick with "them". And I know straight people are the opposite of a persecuted class, but I don't think generalizing ALL straight people is a good way to go about things.


    You also act as if there's no price or reason in using or not using certain words. Around the parts I grew up in, the way you spoke decided whether or not a group of 8 people would gather round and kick your shin bones till they broke.


    1) you're misinterpreting me, because that's exactly what I'm saying. Nobody wants you to refer to all people as "ze," just the ones who want it. What made me object to griddlelol's post was that he made every indication that he wouldn't use it if someone to whom it applied asked for it.

    2) yeah, I feel real fuckin' bad for straight people. I've definitely never been in a situation where I've had to hold my tongue for fear of violence like that at all, for sure. Protip: the "I'm an ally, so it's hard for me too and you should be fucking grateful for it" approach is not a good approach. Next tell me something about "not all men."

  11. I like how the hero can't kill the villain but they must still always die. I've been hearing lately that children's media contains a lot more deaths than other media (whether on screen or just informed eg. My parents died when I was little)


    The only animated Disney films I can think of in which both parents of the protagonist are confirmed to be alive throughout the entire movie are 101 Dalmations, Peter Pan, Mulan, Tangled, The Incredibles, and Brave (and Mary Poppins if you want to count that). Killing them off is a convenient way to keep them out of the protagonist's hair so that they can grow and learn lessons for themselves without having their parents willingly abandon them. It's a lazily overused trope.

  12. Wouldn't he die by falling when the balloon he's riding on pops as it reaches the stratosphere?


    Probably! The important thing is that it gets Muntz out of the way without making any of the characters responsible for his death, which is why so many Disney villains die by falling.

  13. I think that's it, I don't need to understand. I just have to be supportive if I meet a trans person.

    Basically my original point. I'd feel awkward saying "ze" and it'll never leave my mouth. 


    I'm sure you'd do an absolutely fantastic job of being supportive by immediately refusing to use their preferred pronouns.


    In regards to gender neutral words. I think pushing for entirely new words is a bit of a fruitless endeavour. Typically I always just use they're, their, they, and such.


    I only use home-grown free-range organic words, not any of these crazy newfangled words cooked up in a lab.




    Seriously, it is hilariously easy to get straight peeps to use bullshit made-up words to describe things, but suddenly it gets fucking crazy when trans or genderqueer people get involved. Like, people will pretty much unquestionably indulge in people like Ben Haggerty or Stephani Germanata's desire to be called things like "Macklemore" and "Lady Gaga". In the case of this forum specifically, we're mostly willing to adopt idiotic-sounding descriptors like "metroidvania" or "roguelite" if it fills a void in language that makes it more conducive to the needs of our discussion, which is exactly what gender-neutral pronouns do. I get that "ze" and other gender-neutral pronouns sound silly, but I guarantee you're not setting a new precedent for stupid shit you're willing to say when you adopt them. Agreeing to use them in the unlikely hypothetical situation where it would make someone more comfortable is literally the least you can possibly do to support that person.

  14. There's a lot of really interesting stuff on the Up Blu-Ray about the intentions and the process behind it. Muntz is basically kept alive and relatively spry by sheer tenacity; he refuses to die until he finds the bird. The original ending had him get lost in the labyrinth of the "twisty rocks," with the implication that he'll be obsessively hunting shadows in the mist forever. Another ending had him get caught on more balloons at the end and, instead of falling to his death, he just floated away screaming, never to be seen again.* I have a hard time watching it now because it's so disjointed and doesn't make a cohesive whole, but I recognize that most individual scenes from Up are all pretty great and admire their original aspirations.


    *he's still the billionth Disney villain to fall to his death, but this would have been the second instance of one dying by falling up.

  15. Also if they were part of best film animated movies would never win and likely not be nominated.


    They are part of Best Film! There have only ever been three nominees: Beauty and the Beast (which came so close to winning that they added the "Best Animated Film" category so that they wouldn't have to associate with the riffraff), Up, and Toy Story 3.