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Posts posted by tegan
Guys, I finally found the perfect image to describe GG.
They should replace their rating system with Dan diving every developer into "dorks" and "cool guys."
I'm getting good at breaking Rogue Legacy.
I really, really hope that the six new Steven Universe episodes coming next week aren't an indication that the show is being cancelled. If they're just trying to push out the last of it as fast as possible, I'm gonna be really sad.
Oh, also...
It's the Mirror of Erised. It's like the weakest possible name for a magic mirror. COME ON.
Google makes it absolutely clear that it is anti-GG.
GG is, naturally, kind of freaking out right now, because they still think they can convince the company that knows everything about everyone that they aren't a hate group.
Five Nights At Freddie's may not actually be scary, but The Five Nights At Freddie's fandom is fucking terrifying.
Assuming you're just playing solo stuff, the cost effective solution is to buy a long USB cable for $5 from monoprice or wherever for those fun/sad marathon sessions. One related accessory that I have and really like is a charging cradle. Instead of having to get out the cable when the battery is low (which for the PS4 is pretty often), I can just drop it on the dock whenever I'm not using the system. I think it was $20?
As a longtime proponent of charging docks, I approve of this course of action.
Wait, what? What did Denmark ever do?
"Roosh couldn’t get laid in Denmark, that’s why he wrote Don’t Bang Denmark (in reality he just found the women to be ugly, sarcastic, and unpleasant)."
IIRC, Roosh got continuously turned down because Denmark has unusually strong social services especially weighted toward helping women, so none of them are desperate/stupid/socially pressured enough to fall for his bullshit.
So I finally got around to watching Big Hero 6. Spoilers for the compulsory post-credit sequence:
I have been saying for years that the eventual logical endpoint for Stan Lee's increasingly gratuitous cameos in the Marvel cinematic universe would be to make a Marvel movie where he was a superhero himself, and it finally fucking happened.
I probably have actual thoughts about the movie, but that little two minute sequence destroyed them.
I beat Gunman Clive aka Cowboy Mega Man aka This Game is Two Dollars You Should Buy it as part of my backlog reduction program. Really fun little jump 'n' shoot-man game and holy crap does it go in a weird direction toward the end.
Also, "if Toad gets disagreeable, he'll just sound like Marge Simpson" might be my new favourite Idle Thumbs quote ever.
Someone should take advantage of the combination Hover ad/200th episode to buy a bunch of terrible Thumbs redirect pages.
I recommend something in a .ninja, .juegos, .motorcycles, .graphics, .blackfriday, or .cancerresearch.
So for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, the Department of Justice has concluded their investigation of the Ferguson Police Department, and frankly the city would be better off with no police force at all than the one it has now. My favourite part is the guy who was resting in his parked car and got arrested on suspicion of pedophilia, for making a false claim (saying his name was "Mike" instead of Michael), for not wearing a seatbelt (in a parked car, mind), and with simultaneously having an expired license and not having a license (what).
So what happens now? This isn't the kind of shit you fix with a sensitivity training course. The entire thing is corrupt from top to bottom. The only feasibly effective solution is to fire and replace the city's entire police force and court system, and that's not likely to happen.
I also don't use Facebook. I don't even have a cell phone. Tumblr is like my one thing.
I don't do twitter. I know I should, because it's a great way to advertise commissions and stuff, but I think it's more trouble than it's worth. On top of Twitter's existing issues with not being condusive to discussion and having a very obvious harassment problem, it's way too easy to make an idiot out of yourself. Corporate twitters in particular are the worst. Remember when DiGiorno tried to use a hashtag about domestic abuse as a way to sell pizza? Ugh.
Natures are generally pretty easy, there's only a handful that really matter. You can safely ignore all neutral natures (Hardy, Docile, Serious, Bashful and Quirky) and will almost never want something that reduces either Defense or Special Defense (Lonely, Naughty, Lax, Hasty, Naive, Mild, Rash, and Gentle).
From there, if your Pokémon is meant to attack and be fairly fast, you want either Timid (+Speed, - Attack) or Jolly (+ Speed, -Special Attack), whichever one will lower your least useful Attack stat. If it's meant for attacking but isn't likely to outspeed anything or doesn't need to due to reliance on priority moves like Aqua Jet or Extremespeed, you want either Modest (+Special Attack, -Attack) or Adamant (+Attack, -Special Attack) instead. If your Pokémon has useable stats in both Attack and Special Attack and you want to try a riskier mixed attacker build, that's one of the rare cases where you'd sacrifice a Defense stat in favour of Speed with either Hasty (+Speed, -Defense) or Naive (+Speed, -Special Defense).
If your Pokémon is meant for purely defensive use, you'll want an ability that boosts a Defense Stat at the Expense of an Attack Stat: Bold (+Defense, -Attack), Impish (+Defense, -Special Attack), Calm (+Special Defense, -Attack), or Careful (+Special Defense, -Special Attack). I generally try to lower Attack since that`s what confusion damage and Foul Play are calculated using, but you can lower Special Attack if your Pokémon has decent enough Attack to use. If your Pokémon is for a Trick Room team and thus wants the lowest possible Speed; choose either Brave (+Attack, -Speed), Relaxed (+Defense, -Speed), Quiet (+Special Attack, -Speed), or Sassy (+Special Defense, -Speed); whichever best suits its build.
Overall, you're almost always going to use two pools of four Natures each: Offensive (Timid, Jolly, Adamant, and Modest) and Defensive (Bold, Impish, Calm, and Careful). Once you pick the one that works for your Pokémon, you can lock it using an Everstone to ensure that all future offspring carry that same Nature.
Some examples from my shinies:
Scolipede, Jolly (specializes in speed and has no Special moves)
Mega Gengar, Modest (Special Attacker, already naturally fast and relies on a Baton Pass from Scolipede, so Speed isn't necessary enough to choose Timid)
Heracross, Adamant (pure Physical attacker, probably should have actually gone with Jolly on this one since it's a little slow)
Mega Aggron, Impish (purely defensive and has no Special moves)
Milotic, Calm (augments its already high Special Defense, has no physical moves)
Metagross, Jolly (needs the Speed boost more than it needs the Attack)
Hawlucha, Adamant (physical attacker, relies on Unburden for Speed)
Gourgeist, Adamant (this is a weird build based on using Gourgeist's high HP and an Assault Vest to take advantage of its great physical movepool)
Tyrantrum, Adamant (physical attacker, too slow to benefit from Jolly, in my opinion)
Aurorus, Calm (Aurorus is kind of crappy Defense-wise, but its Special Defense is decent if you sactifice its unnecessary Attack)
Goodra, Sassy (the original plan here was to use Gooey to wear down the opponent's Speed while also making them averse to using physical attacks and compensate with a high Special Defense, but sadly mine ended up with Sap Sipper)
Mega Gardevoir, Modest (in the same boat as Mega Gengar above)
Mega Gallade, Adamant (exists solely to help me catch legendaries with Heal Pulse, Hypnosis, False Swipe, and Swords Dance. False Swipe is so weak that it needs the Attack Boost, but it doesn't need its Special Attack at all)
Mega Charizard Y, Modest (pure Special Attacker and already pretty fast)
Greninja, Timid (pure Special Attacker. Timid makes it crazy fast, Protean and Life Orb make it crazy strong)
Mega Altaria, Bold (Altaria's more about being defensive and bulky than anything else. It doesn't need Attack and Pixilate gives it a nice boost and STAB for its Hyper Voice)
Azumarill, Adamant (relies almost entirely on Aqua Jet's priority, so it doesn't need to be fast at all. It just needs to hit really, really hard)
Florges, Calm (Florges can easily heal itself and its teammates with Wish and Aromatherapy, so it really just needs to be able to take hits in the meantime)
Mega Beedrill, Adamant (this was a toss-up between Adamant and Jolly. Both are fine choices)
Vespiquen, Impish (Vespiquen relies on bulk and healing, I picked Impish over Bold because its Attack is actually high enough to use)
Volcarona, Bold (Volcarona is a good defensive Pokémon. It gets its Special Defense from a combination of a naturally high stat and Quiver Dance, so it's more important to focus on its Special Defense)
Leavanny, Naive (my Leavanny is a mixed attacker with great natural Speed, so I can't risk lowering either Attack stat. I use a Focus Sash to compensate for its shitty defenses, which has the bonus effect of activating Swarm and making it even stronger)
Mega Lopunny, Jolly (Mega Lopunny is already a great physical Attacker, Jolly helps it take on faster foes. Adamant is fine if you think it can take a few hits though)
Mega Pinsir, Jolly (Mega Pinsir is a weird build where I didn't specialize much, but it doesn't need Attack nearly as much as it needs Speed)
Roserade, Timid (Special Attacker that also has the option of laying down Toxic Spikes or Stun Spore, so Speed might be all it has going for it)
Shuckle, Bold (the immovable object, Bold to reduce confusion damage. Compensates for the defensive balance with maximum IVs in Special Attack)
Hearing the 8-4 guys talk about trying looking at an enormous Portal robot while using the HTC Vive on yesterday's Bombcast got me thinking: Sony kind of has an edge, in my mind, because they have an enormous back catalogue of software that could be ported for the Morpheus while waiting for the real software to arrive. Can you imagine a VR remake of something like Jumping Flash or Shadow of the Colossus?
Are we allowed to talk about Microsoft's AR revolution and other AR-related things? In general, just any big, stupid-looking goggle device you put on your head?
I'm actually more interested in AR than I am in VR. I want to have a
application that can tell me about anything I look at, or get together with a group of friends wearing AR goggles to solve a procedurally-generated murder mystery using clues hidden in my apartment. -
The Sonic twitter account is now out of control.
Man, there is nothing worse than corporate twitters trying to use hashtags.
The one good bit of self-awareness from the Sonic Boom shitshow has been one of he writers for the TV show declaring that the Knuckles Jump Glitch was canon while linking to this video:
Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but this year's Awesome Games Done Quick featured some dudes from The Behemoth commenting and chatting with the runners during Battleblock Theater.
Sometimes it's hilarious insights like a story about all of the cats talking like gangsters because of endless dorm room plays of Burnout Paradise, other times it's them being made aware of massive bugs in their own game ("this note just says 'build onix'?").
So two artists I follow on tumblr finally released the project they'd been working on for a year just two weeks ago. They got some complaints about it being culturally insensitive (I haven't gotten around to reading it, but it's set in Japan and both the creators are white, though they have mentioned having a BA in Japanese and working in Japan at some point). After some deliberation on their part, they've now decided not to continue it. Not entirely sure how I feel about the whole situation, but kudos to them for deciding to agree with their critics and accept that their work was in poor taste, especially after having previously defended it. That takes a certain level of distancing oneself from one's work and self-image that most people aren't capable of.
Steam Link sounds like exactly the kind of thing I'd love to have in my entertainment center. I've been thinking of building a gaming PC and wondered whether I should try to connect it to my TV or leave it as-is. If Valve wants to do all the work of setting the thing up for me, I'll gladly give them fifty bucks for it.
(Which reminds me, tegan do you happen to have a 4 or 5 IV Ditto that you caught in your game? It's probably a long shot, but since you're in Canada, it would help me out. I understand if you mostly focused on getting a good Ditto some other way. I barely caught any myself.) This would go for anyone on here that has a pretty good Ditto who isn't from the US.
I don't, sorry. North American all counts as the same region anyway.
whatever nature decreases attack and increases special attack.
in Idle Banter
By the way, the fire yesterday turned out to be somebody's car. Nobody got hurt and there wasn't any damage except to the car and the siding of the houses next to it.
The terrible wallet scourge of the Amiibo.
in Video Gaming
A South American retailer is listing a May 29th release date for Greninja, Jigglypuff, "Splatoon Boy," "Splatoon Girl," and "Splatoon plus amiibo Squid". Interesting.