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Posts posted by tegan
Holy shit, Gravity Falls.
Holy shit.
Guys, I've been thinking about my ideal Thumbs-themed game.
It is the near future of 1997. This is Neo York.
*the camera pans from the sky down as a helicopter flies past the Statue of Liberty, now equipped with a giant futuristic eyepiece. Standing on the shore looking out toward the statue, Steve "H0T_5C00P5" Gaynor touches his NFC-enabled cyberlighter to his ecig and takes a long drag*
"It's time to put an end to the tyranny of Lord Remo."
One of my favourite things ever is the legitimately endearing way that Japanese game devs are seemingly obsessed with making slight changes to the way they do things and then describing them as an entirely new system with its own ridiculous name, and I think that this one from Tokyo Twilight Ghost Hunters might be the best I've ever seen.
I love everything about it, from the fact that it's just Vanillaware-style animation under a new name to the fact that they really tried their damnedest to make an acronym out of it.
I'd say he's scaled up to iPad now.
One interesting thing about the Apple Watch Edition that I noticed was the weird Twitter tension between "really nice watches cost this much" and "this costs too much, period". I sympathize with the latter position, mostly because I feel the first sentiment is a bit snobby because it totally doesn't acknowledge the fact that a smartwatch has an inherent end of usefulness (whether that's due to obsolescence with regard to functionality, the rechargeable battery dying, or software eventually becoming incompatible with it) while a luxury watch will theoretically serve its intended function forever.
Also, a ten thousand dollar watch is usually handcrafted by some savant hermit in Switzerland who lives alone in the mountains and does nothing but spend months making a single watch. The Watch Edition is literally the regular one with a different material for the strap and a small amount of gold instead of a small amount of aluminum or steel. The target demographic for it is just a Powerpoint slide labeled "Kanye West" and I don't really get why they even bother letting the average consumer know about it. It's like having a black Mastercard.
I'm not interested in starting with The Phantom Pain, just in playing it. All the stuff they've shown has had a very nihilistic and somewhat surreal tone that I've been enjoying a lot, but I know that the series has a reputation for callbacks and grand reveals that are only apparent to people who have been following every game and I'm trying to decide what level of prior knowledge seems most reasonable. That is to say: do I try to play the whole series? Just the numbered entries in the Solid series? Just the Big Boss stuff? Just MGS3? Would I be okay if I just watched a whole bunch of Metal Gear Scanlon? It's hard to tell what level of prior ignorance is acceptable when entering a Kojima game.
Also, if I only get to spend like an hour as this fucked-up version of Big Boss who -from my understanding- has lost everything from his organization to his arm and doesn't know what to with himself anymore, I'm gonna be sad.
Oh, and the version of MGS1 I'd been playing was the PSone classics version on Vita/PS3. Despite my difficulties with it in its original form, I've heard from multiple sources that Twin Snakes is a poor way to experience the first game. The only one besides Phantom Pain that looks really interesting to me is MGS3 and maybe Peace Walker, but I'm not sure whether the PS3, Vita, or 3DS is the one I'd want (I'm not gonna bother ebaying a Gamecube copy).
I have a feeling that may just be a UK specific thing.
I'm interested in doing this, but I don't know how to make games and will likely be busy moving soon.
I straight up muted apple watch on Twitter. I don't even care if it's gauche to announce one's mutes but it seriously just made Twitter more bearable today. I honestly just have never owned an Apple product.
I owned a third-generation iPod Touch for a while and thought it was very stylish and fun to use, but poorly-made for something so expensive. It stopped working in the same amount of time that it took for me to break cheaper players in the past and would have cost a fortune to repair or replace, so I moved on and bought an imported luxury Korean media player that cost me just as much but was much more flexible and has thus far lasted me five times as long.
Post-Jobs Apple just feels kind of shiftless. The Watch will sell for a time, but it's fundamentally damaging to the all-in-one convenience that is essentially the impetus behind the iPhone. Making a device that does an adequate job replacing multiple devices is smart, but I feel like they're throwing that under the bus by definitively saying it's still too inconvenient to have to pull it out of your pocket and offering an incredibly expensive solution to an incredibly minor problem.
I don't like the specifics of a lot of Apple merch, but this is the first time they've made something that I feel is fundamentally just a useless novelty. I don't even care about the $10k model because at least that one's not even pretending that it exists as anything but an overpriced status symbol.
That sucks, I've heard a lot of theories on not so good Simpsons changes having a lot to do with his absence. If I recall he didn't leave amicably.
He managed to arrange things so that he would get royalties an residuals for what turned out to be his entire lifetime past his season five leave, and ended up giving away all of it to charity when he found out he had cancer.
He picked some questionable charities (namely PETA), but he was a legitimately admirable guy.
So if I were interested in playing The Phantom Pain but can't even beat the first room in MGS1 and probably couldn't make it through an entire series, what are my options?
Tegan, did you play the PC or iOS version of Gunman Clive? I found the iOS had terrible controls that made it harder than necessary, while the PC version is almost easy since I can actually control the character.
The 3DS version.
Also, I beat Rogue Legacy.
Really satisfying podcast game. Just something I can tune out and play without really having to pay attention to what was going on. I kinda wanna fill out the upgrade tree since I was so very close to finishing it.
So I finally got around to seeing The Book of Life. It felt like a really excellent movie that decided to deliberately hamstring itself by playing into the expectations of western animation; namely grating and incongruous pop music interludes and female characters that -while generally admirably written- are designed to be the same conventionally attractive heart-faced, almond-eyed, small-nosed, long-haired CalArts Stepford Wives from every other animated movie despite ostensibly inhabiting the same world that the male cast of expressive and inventive puppet people does. It was still a film that I loved and that I personally feel like the world needed, but it was like watching as some beautiful animal deliberately stepped in a bear trap.
Also, every single shot feels about three-quarters of a second too long.
I was just watching an Aziz Ansari standup on Netflix, and at one point he did a joke about playing Halo with his cousin that went "Cause every time the board starts he grabs the rocket launcher and kills everyone", and I realised that Aziz Ansari is the kind of person who calls multiplayer levels in video games "boards." Why do people call them that? Maps, levels and stages I understand, but board is a weird term to apply to it. I've never seen an actual video game use the word "board" to describe a level outside of something like maybe Mario Party, which makes sense because it's specifically based on boardgaming. It's a weird term to use and I can't get over it! I want to meet Aziz Ansari and ask him what the deal is.
I feel like "board" is some weird holdover from midway games or something, like how some people still inexplicably call controllers "paddles" presumably because the controllers for Pong and its derivatives were filling in for actual ping-pong paddles. I've always felt like it might have to do with how early arcade games only had a single, non-scrolling screen, resembling very primitive electronic games where electronics might be use to supplement an actual tabletop-style game board. Like all the weird vintage crap that the Game Center CX guys would run into whenever they visited old Japanese arcades.
The PA guys have kind of not been doing anything to discourage gater-like behavior at PAX since the Dickwolves fiasco. This is just payoff on something I expected to happen months ago.
As much as I love both things being depicted, that's maybe too NSFW to not at least put behind a spoiler or something.
So I've been thinking about it and I think I've narrowed down the identity of the guy on the last page who doesn't understand the function of hugs.
in Idle Banter
One kind of fascinating thing about Miramichi (my old hometown) is that the use of the word "lad" as a pronoun. Everyone; regardless of age, status, or gender, was "lad." Sometimes there were "young lads," but mostly it was "that lad" or "those lads" or or "the lads." In this case I guess it would be "you lads."
I'm not going to start calling you "you lads."
All it needs is a crying Statue of Liberty in there somewhere.
I can't believe nobody's been making any jokes about how Valve managed to fin another thing to add a "2" to the end of instead of making a third thing.
Brad Bird just needs to set up some kind of Speedtree type deal where he sells whatever tech made The Iron Giant have deliberately imperfect linework, because that shit still looks good. That and more studios should consider resisting the urge to run their CG at the full available 24fps and instead force it to run at 8-12fps like their hand animation.
I'v'e always loved the story about how Pixar deliberately designed Buzz Lightyear to be the coolest toy ever, and then there was a massive shortage of the actual toy after the movie came out, because they had designed the coolest toy ever and every kid wanted one.
..who THE FUCK is "riff raff". Who?!
He had that radio station in Saints Row IV.
Disclaimer: I have no idea what a sensory deprivation tank actually consists of, or if you'd even have that freedom of movement, but it seems like a good idea to me. Had I the money I'd probably try to figure something out. U:
EDIT: heh, we were saying the same stuff nine years ago!
Have no fears, we've got stories for years, like:
Marge becomes a robot,
Maybe Moe gets a cell phone,
Has Bart ever owned a bear?
Or how about a crazy wedding?
Where something happens, and-do-do-do-do-do.
Official Giant Bomb Thread Mostly for Complaining About Dan
in Idle Banter
I've generally been enjoying Danswers, but I had to stop listening to this latest one. If your podcast's audience primarily seems to be people looking for relationship advice, maybe don't invite on a guest who says things like "back in college, I just wanted someone to rape me" or hooks up two friends for sex because one of them is drunk.