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Posts posted by tegan

  1. I've been thinking about it actually. I'd like to use Patreon to fund ongoing comics, but I dunno if I'd make any money and I'm not sure what kind of risks Patreon involves.



    Also, in case anyone missed it in the Life thread, I think I found a job in Halifax! All I need is to nail down a place to live and come up with the funds to move and make my first payments on it (deposit and rent).

  2. See, that's the kind of shit I'm talking about when I say questionable charities. Zoos get us valuable research, provide a safe environment to breed and raise members of endangered species, and help raise public interest in zoology; and most of the animals that wind up in zoos are rescued from the exotic pet trade, circuses, or poaching operations, not captured in the wild. It's the same reason I get angry when vegans say that eating honey is cruel when honey production is both a) not at all harmful to bees and B) reason number one that we as a species haven't wiped them out yet.

    I get it, zoos are a compromised solution and there are likely better ones that are either too expensive (zoo budgets are already notoriously low since they draw most of their funding from public interest, which bullshit like this actually hurts) or just things that we haven't thought of yet. But thinking that it's less cruel to release unprepared animals used to the safety and regular feeding of a zoo into the wild to either die of starvation or get eaten is a childish, idiotic belief.


    (to make it clear: I am one hundred percent okay with rescuing animals from circuses [which Simon also did] or zoos that abuse or neglect their animals, but the concept of zoos is a valuable one and I hate it when PETA assholes think they're doing a good thing by shutting them down)

  3. Hey, if anyone else is still playing Animal Crossing, I'd appreciate a hand getting the last few paintings for my museum. I have everything but the following:

    • The Milkmaid - Johannes Vermeer
    • The Birth of Venus - Sandro Botticelli
    • The Gleaners - Jean-Francois Millet
    • Sunflowers - Vincent Van Gogh
    • Arearea - Paul Gaugin
    • Otani Oniji II - Toshusai Sharaku
    • The Hunters in the Snow
    • Venus de Milo - Alexandros of Antioch
    • Bust of Nefertiti - Thutmose

  4. Regarding torture vs action movie injuries, I don't understand what you mean by the fantasy vs reflection of reality distinction. If one action movie features both torture, and Hollywood-style trivialized injuries, what is it that makes one of those things a fantasy, while the other is a reflection of reality and A Problem?


    There's a lot of little subtleties that go into painting the tone of a piece and affecting how a person interprets potentially the same actions of a given character. The protagonists from Drive and Batman Begins are both overwhelmingly cool men: they drive cool cars, they wear cool clothes, and they're out to take down the mob and get the girl. But one of them is classically aspirational and the other one, while still arguably a good person, is someone you would never want to be, doing things you would never want to do.

  5. Jesus. This is a bad couple of weeks for nerd icons. I've been a big fan of Pratchett ever since high school. It's sad to see him go.



    Not to change subject, but I also just wanted to mention that I may have found a job in Halifax. Yay.

  6. See, I can't wait for the police to get phased out and replaced with robots. Robots don't shoot unarmed black teenagers because they're scared or torture people for fun.


    For as much as I like to play up the "future is horrifying" aspect of this thread, I don't think there's any horrible act that a robot could commit that humans in their same position wouldn't also try (and, in every single case, have already tried).

  7. I considered downloading it before it got pushed onto my system, but decided that I absolutely shouldn't. I'd say it's safe to describe myself as having an addictive personality. I'm not about to willingly walk into thinly-veiled gambling if it means spending real money.

  8. So as some of you likely know, I'm currently in a kind of lousy-ish situation: I'm living in Moncton with no job and no jobs have been popping up that I'm qualified for. Virtually everything entry-level is biilingual-only, requires heavy lifting that I can't do, or is a call center job (and my last call center job was a huge disaster that not only made me miserable, but ended up putting me into debt faster than I could make money). So after deliberating on it for a long time, I've decided to finally take the plunge and move out of New Brunswick, to Halifax. I've been making good, but inconsistent money taking commissions, but I want a "real" job to supplement that with a more stable income. Halifax is a much nicer, bigger city with much fewer bilingual requirements, more varied entry-level jobs, and a higher minimum wage.


    I really want this, but moving is expensive, I don't have much to my name, and my only friend in Moncton who can help me move is going to be moving to Germany in May. I'm currently seeing what the government can do to help me financially, but time is of the essence. This isn't the first time I've asked you guys for money and I hate doing it every time, but I'm willing to offer compensation in the form of artwork if anyone wants to take advantage of the offer and is willing to wait a little due to moving time and the queue (though, naturally, just straight-up donations are also very much appreciated). Hopefully you guys can help me make the best of an increasingly desperate situation.


    Paypal is teganrobichaud at gmail or letsdrawvideo games at gmail for commissions (remember to specify that you won't need anything shipped since it's my drawings are digital goods). The account was set up by a relative so it won't show my name, but I assure you it goes to me.

  9. It makes me almost want to go back and see how much that may have colored her interactions with Stephen's dad. I always got a bit of a tension there, but assumed it was just a slob thing, like with Amethyst.


    I always figured they were naturally resentful of him for being responsible for Rose's "death."

  10. Oh, also, on Steven Universe:


    Pretty sure Pearl loved Rose. It would not at all surprise me if they tried to sneak LGBT themes in and it seems pretty abundantly clear from context.


    Plus, you know, gems are a seemingly all-female species anyway.

  11. Nintendo was very briefly selling "replacement parts" in their online Nintendo store that included replacement battery covers for the New 3DS in every available configuration (red, black, MH4U, gold) and the charging cradle that was previously only available in JP. All of that shit is sold out right now and the Gold MM battery cover disappeared in like... 30 minutes of it being discovered, but it's still kinda interesting. Cradle is highly recommended, I imported mine and it's pretty darn convenient (enabling me to keep my 3DS on at all times for everyday streetpassing).


    Fuck. I had the cradle in my cart and everything this morning and decided to hold off on it for a while. I loved the one I had for my old XL.

  12. Goddamnit Nintendo, I was willing to overlook your shitty, insidious microtransaction game; but then you force the icon onto my system through Spotpass? That is way over the line.