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Posts posted by tegan

  1. It's kind of weird in general that women are marketed food on the basis of how healthy it is, while men are marketed food on the basis of how unhealthy it is. "The new heart attack burger is only for real men" is something that should not be a thing.

  2. My mom sent me a job posting for a graphic designer in town. I'm only familiar with some of the software they would need me to use though. Also, looking at it, the pay is good but there's not so many hours. Think I should apply anyway?

  3. When it comes to kids and religion is that I actually do wish that they were taught more about it, despite being an atheist myself. The big problem is that any time someone says "I think religion should be taught in schools," what they actually mean is "I think my religion should be taught in schools." Despite religion being a massive part of art, history, literature, culture, and international, politics; we don't make any effort to give kids objective lessons in it. Of course there are very good reasons for that, but I think it's something that we really ought to think about moving toward. I think that most people's preferred faith is based on what the rest of their community believes in rather than what they find actual truth or spiritual fulfillment in, because they always end up getting an extremely lopsided view of religion. If you asked your average North American how much they actually knew about Buddhism, or Islam, or Hinduism, or whatever; they're probably going to have little to no knowledge whatsoever, and what they do know is probably going to be inaccurate. And I'll bet that you seem the same pattern in most of the world. That's kind of a shame.



    Incidentally, I read Osamu Tezuka's eight-volume graphic novel biography of Buddha a few years ago and I highly recommend it to anyone even remotely interested in this sort of thing. It's fictionalized to some extent (ie: there's at least one character invented solely for audience perspective), but it's absolutely fascinating.

  4. I like goofy smileys. Ones I frequently use:


    OuO = happy

    OnO = sad

    QnQ = sad enough to cry

    o u o = blissfully ignorant

    3__3 = tired

    UuU = tucked in

    u_u = sleeping

    x__x = out of it

    ♥u♥ = wuv

    =u= = the Konata face

    =n= = unhappy Konata face 

    :0 = dull surprise

    :0c = dull revelation (the c is like holding a hand up to your face or chin)

    :U = aghast

    :T = ambivalent

    :Tc = thinking

    :3c = nyoro~n

    :I = poker face

    :J = smuggy mcsmuggerson





    = gradual anger








    = chewing


    B   :J

     B  :J

      B :J



    = deal with it

  5. Didn't one episode of the cast a long time ago mention a hidden gay pride parade in SimCopter or am I imagining things?


    It's in a really early episode. I happened to be listening to it just yesterday. I want to say it was episode six or so? It came up in a discussion about the Halo Wars team being dissolved. The Yes Men had distributed fake copies of the New York Times the week before they recorded the cast, if that narrows it down any.

  6. I felt pretty weird in high school because all of the other kids were playing Grand Theft Auto and I was playing Phoenix Wright and Trauma Center. I feel that the anti-violent sentiments of both games override the actual violence contained in them, especially since the player never really gets to actively participate it the violence in either case.

  7. I don't think the N64 was really trying to be a powerhouse. It doesn't even have its own sound chip.


    In addition to the withered technology philosophy, I feel like the Wii U is really playing to Nintendo's creative side. They deliberately designed it to take advantage of all the crazy crap they've been trying to do for the last decade or so: multiple screens, touch interface, motion controls, asymmetrical gameplay, stuff like that. They won't always succeed with the strategy, but I think it's smart of them to design their consoles to be interesting rather than trying to take part in a power contest that they know they can't win.

    If anything I think the Wii U's biggest failing is the complete lack of software. It's been five months and I can only think of one memorable game released outside of the launch lineup. They keep showing us all of these great games coming to the system eventually, then pushing them back further and further. Remember how Pikmin 3 was supposed to come out in November and now it's coming in August?

  8. But don't worry too much about not drinking, I say it's overrated anyway. Not that I can drink really, a genetic mutation causes me to get a hangover upon drinking nigh any alcohol almost immediately. Which gives me a good perspective on the whole thing, which seems mainly to be about getting drunk most of the time. Now candy, candy though is worth its weight in gold.


    Because I have something of an addictive personality, I decided to never ever try drinking, smoking, or using drugs. Thus far the results have been pretty good, but I want to start going to gay bars in the future and I feel like I'll get laughed at if I ask for chocolate milk.


    (I also try to avoid juice and soft drinks because they're super bad for you, so it's pretty much just water and milk for me)

  9. Thanks! I always liked how the Wipeout stuff turned out. I actually made more stability improvements to the new Eva today after posting those pictures, but I think I'll wait until I've got the colour matching down before I post any more pictures.

  10. Impressive Lego EVA, Tegan! Nice to see more Lego fans here. Do you have other MOCs worth posting?


    I've got a Flickr photostream for recent work (currently only includes two Wipeout-style hovercars) and a Brickshelf with a bunch of old models. The only major things I've done in the interim have been a redesign of a Ganmen that I did ages ago and a mecha thing that involved me chipping my only transparent dome. Unfortunately when I moved out of my parents' place I had to abandon about 90% of my Lego; and I've only been able to buy a few sets to try to replenish it since. It hasn't been fun.

  11. I don't drink and I don't have any candy. Booooo.



    So I got another message from my mom.


    You have been on my mind, and I am trying to see myself in your place.  I am sorry if I have caused you emotional pain, but you are important to me and I still love you and accept you for who you are.  It has taken me a long time to come to this.  I want you to succeed in life and to be happy with who you are.  If you want to return to school I will try to help you, but you must have a plan to try to save some money to get to school as well and do the research on what the job situation is for graphic design etc.  Maybe you are not up to doing anything about school at this point, but I want you to try to get help with how you are feeling emotionally and when you are feeling better it might help to have something positive to look forward to.  I know you are a very good artist and that you would probably enjoy working in art.  Let me know what you think.



    It sounds good in a vacuum, but I find it hard to accept a sudden change of heart and olive branch like this.

  12. So I watched Evangelion 3.33.


    The ending was confusing, but the rest was pretty swank.


    Also, seeing Unit 02's current state (and its state in the preview) was the most depressing thing. I love Unit 02.

  13. In the spirit of recent Eva discussion, I've been engaging in my secret dork hobby: makin' robots outta' lego.





    Sorry for the messy desk.

    It's mostly accurate to the Rebuild movies, but I'm missing certain pieces in certain coours. The right side is mostly colour-accurate outside of the tan pieces in its midsection, liberal use of yellow as orange, and the grey parts of the knee cover; whereas its left has a lot of substitutes until I get the proper parts. I also may rebuild certain sections at some point. I actually dismantled the first head I built but I'm not struck on this one either. It also has some severe stability issues, especially around the hips. It's a shame, because the proportions an poseability are otherwise pretty great.


    Bits that I like:

    • I've tried to do an Eva-style midsection for years and only just now feel like I've got it right. I had to sacrifice mobility for accuracy, but hey.
    • Even though they look like they're attached to either the arms or the body, the pylons move independently. They're attached by a swivel on a ball joint which is affixed to the body with a hinge, so they can actually one of the most easy parts to position.
    • The mouth and Entry Plug hatch both open and the feet bend at the toes. No reason.






    more: hunched pose front hunched pose back head abdomen hands feet shoulders entry plug hatch




    And just to keep this from being a shameless plug post, here's a much better Evangelion model by Japanese builder Dou Moko, built to the scale of a Lego minifig. I've been waiting patiently to see him finish this since last June, and he finally completed it this week. It's 1.2 meters (almost four feet) tall and weighs 9.4 kilograms (about 20.6 pounds). It's so massive that all of the main body joints have to be gear-operated and attached to linear actuators to keep it from collapsing on itself.

  14. It took me ages to be able to say "Starring Sturly Stembleburgiss as the Duchess and Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as the irascible coxswain Saunterblugget Hampterfuppinshire" without messing it up, but it was worth it.



  15. Nnnnnnope!


    Though she has been a non-playable character since her first appearance, she has her own action figure in Japan.

    She appears in almost all Donkey Kong games to date, usually hosting minigames or helping the Kongs by selling things to them. She has also appeared in comics and in the official Donkey Kong Country cartoon.

  16. The new Scooby-Doo is fantastic, but I haven't seen the last batch of episodes they put out. I really love the background design on that show, and how it's simultaneously a tribute to fourty years of Scooby-Doo while also ruthlessly poking fun at it. Surprisingly dark, too. I remember being pretty shocked that the Chimera from the amusement park in that one episode

    flat-out murdered two people in the cold opening. It's not directly addressed, but it's all but outright stated that they didn't survive.


    I have to watch Adventure Time "elsewhere", because my American friends will post or even draw spoilerific fanart within minutes of the show ending.


    The whole Ice King and Marceline thing in the past is heartbreaking, she had to drink the red of her plush monkey to survive.

    I think it's just faded. Marceline got her long life and strange appearance from being a half-demon, but she didn't become a vampire until she was a teenager.