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Posts posted by tegan
in Idle Banter
I just got another email from my mom. She's seeing a psychiatrist now, which I guess I should be happy about, but she wants me to see him too and he seems super sketchy. His email is reg7psych at whatever and he has a one-star rating on ratemds.com; having apparently gotten things like patients' ages and even sex wrong.
in Idle Banter
I actually did some really productive things today (washed the dishes, cleaned most of the apartment, sorted all of my papers, etc) and yet I actually feel significantly more down than I've been for the past few days. They keep prescribing me larger doses of these antidepressants (I'm apparently one step below the maximum dosage as of now) but maybe they don't work on me at all. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Also, I still haven't written back to my mom. I just don't know what to say, or if there's even anything to say at all.
I notice that sometimes the forum lags behind and only adds to your visible postcount in batches. If you post infrequently enough, you can keep it perpetually at 0 while still having a presence. I never thought it was really worth bringing up.
Eva reference / lifted concept? Also, notice helmets full of juice, reliance on memories, monsters in the ocean, etc.
This is pretty much exactly what I was thinking, but mostly because I'm still secretly longing for the long-awaited live-action big-budget Evangelion film.
...Starring Robin Williams as Vice Commander Fuyutsuki.
keep in mind that you won't necessarily be able to grab every gem as soon as you see it. Sometimes you'll have to do something in another room first. There's a particularly annoying one that show up in the first room you start in in one level, but can't grab until the very end.
I love how that went. Hot off the tail of a good Hunter Run, I'm all like "fuck yeah we can do a Rush Run, this'll be a fuckin-
I hate the stupid ghost dog enough in the main game. I don't think I could stand a whole mode centered around it.
Oh man, that was great. Starting a new room for a shorter one before dinner.
I can start a room now I guess?
Just a reminder: Today is Free Comic Book Day. Here's this year's lineup.
So Jeremy Parish left IGN after only two months. Eesh. I'm glad that he's finally got a chance to have his honeymoon, at least. And it sounds like he's got some really big plans for what he's going to be doing after that. Maybe it'll have something to do with Retronauts, since that's its own thing now.
Argh, I meant to do the last two on Tuesday all in one go, but I just can't muster the effort for some reason. Also I keep forgetting about it. Maybe on the weekend.
Tomorrow is both Free Comic Book Day and Star Wars Day. I'm going to go down to the comic book shop and count the Portal t-shirts.
Not comical, but a picture. Perfectly divided gynoandromorphy in a Malaysian jungle nymph. The left side is male and the right side is female.
Alright; I've gotten friend codes from Mike, Toblix, and Sno. That makes four, which sounds pretty good. Toblix, how's your schedule? I'd prefer late Saturday but I can do Sunday too.
The secret best thing about living in Canada is seeing all the French titles for movies (that, in my experience, no French person has ever used). We used to make a game out of seeing who could find the most hilariously awkward ones when I worked at Blockbuster. Here's some favourites:
"The Teeth of the Deep"
Jaws. This was my friend's favourite.
"The Eighth Passenger is an Alien"
Alien. Note that in French, it's still written as "Alien," not "Extraterrestre," thus making the rest of the title completely pointless.
"Brother Christmas"
Fred Claus. I like this one because it's a much better title, and make a pun in both English and French.
"Is There A Pilot on the Plane?"
"The Strange Christmas of Mr. Jack"
The Nightmare Before Christmas. This one's my favourite.
Also fun: We would take two movie titles, mash them together, and then come up with a premise for them.
"An eleven-year old kid is left at home while his family goes on vacation and must rig hilarious booby traps and pratfalls to protect the house from Lovecraftian abominations from beyond the stars."
Home Alone in the Dark
"A pair of plucky children help a homeless man win on a gameshow, on the condition that he donate half the proceeds to their makeshift animal shelter."
Hotel for Slumdog Millionaires
"A rowdy frathouse band together to protect their toga party from a horde of bloodthirsty zombies"
Animal House of the Dead
"Two estranged killer cyborgs from the future travel back in time to learn about life, love, and laughter."
Terminators of Endearment
I only ever get tuna, lettuce, and mayo. I don't know why I bother, because the tuna is always super dry and the mayo is always clumped into one part of the sandwich and is either in far too great a quantity or far too little.
I sometimes wonder if everyone sees colors the same way. For example, when I see blue, others see red or orange or purple or whatever, but we all call it blue and to them that is just what blue looks like. But if I could somehow swap eyes or brains with them for a second, the world would be totally different. Then I start wondering the same about sounds and other things, which eventually leads me into an existential crisis that I usually resolve by turning my brain off and shooting video game dudes in the face.
Dude, I think about this all the time. I have a specific reason for it though: My eyes actually perceive colours very slightly differently from one another, one gives things a slight yellow tint and the other gives thing a slight cyan tint. It's hardly noticeable, but I've always wondered which one is seeing things "correctly," or if both are completely incorrect, and if so how incorrect, and blaaaaagh
The weekend works for me.
I've got Mike and Sno added, but I'd like to get a fourth player in. Also, we should pick a date and time.
If I hadn't fallen asleep in the middle of the yesterday, I would have finished the novel I'm reading (Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett) in less than 24 hours. That would have been a first for me. Oh well.
Every week I go into a small room with two or three other guys and have stupid conversations about video games. We record the whole thing on computers and then we post it on the internet
I've often hypothesized about an alternate universe Idle Thumbs. In the alternate timeline, you never played Far Cry Instincts, thus never ruining your TV speakers, which allowed you to fully experience the Ultrasonic Effect, which drove you mad. The current alternate universe Idle Thumbs consist of Nick "Congrats Nick" Breckon, Sean "Bandanaman" Vanaman, and Patrick "Scoops" Klepek.
I often wonder how many people are like me, and pretend to force push/pull elevator doors open when they're alone.
I don't even really like Star Wars, and I still do it.
I've never done it with elevator doors, but I always pretend to be Magneto when I'm alone with automatic doors. Also, sometimes I give my shopping cart a little push and let it roll along in front of me while I walk behind, putting one hand on my temple and extending the other in front of me.
I Had A Random Thought...
in Idle Banter
What if her four children are named Tech Enthusiant, Vegetarian, Liberal and Deadhead (Interesting Person is what they're planning on naming the new baby)?