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Posts posted by tegan

  1. Just wanted to give a big thank-you to all the people who helped me out! I just realized that I'm petty sure I owe some people drawings! Just shoot me a PM if you want a thing drawn. I honestly haven't been up for drawing anything for the last few days, but I swear I'll doodle something when I get a chance.


    Tegan, I plan to give you some money once I buy the car. It'll be the end of May, will that be too late? I don't need anything in return, just keep being my Eva-loving online friend.


    That's cool, every little bit helps. Thanks in advance!




    LIFE THING: yesterday I saw a pheasant. I have never seen a pheasant in an urban area before. He was fighting with his reflection in the window of an abandoned building. He was so distracted that he didn't even notice me, so I got within a few feet of him and watched for a moment.

  2. On the one had I want to second Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei, but I also know that it's ridiculously hard to get into. It's one of those things that you practically have to watch with a guidebook because there's so many blink-and-you'll-miss-it puns and pop culture references and other things that flat-out do not translate. I'd love to see a total localization of it that made all of those things work in English, because it's the kind of thing that I would totally get into.

    Also the opening animations are always spectacular and there's an episode late in the series built entirely around setting up a shot-for-shot parody of Asuka's big action sequence from End of Evangelion.


    One thing I should note about my previous recommendation of Ouran High School Host Club: the English dub is one of the best I've ever seen, and the tone and humour just work so much better when you watch in a language you can actually speak, so I highly recommend watching it that way. I also recommend watching the outtakes from the dub, because they're amazing. The lady who plays Haruhi spent so long flubbing a line about swimming that she eventually settled on "POOL GOOD" and one point a dude forgets his lines and resorts to quoting Star Wars while staying perfectly in character.


    EDIT: oh heeeey, here it is! (spoilerz y'all)



  3. Oh, also, this week's Pokémon Smash is supposed to be revealing new info. They've been teasing Sylveon's type in some comedy sketches they've been doing, and while it's not really clear what they're actually revealing through said sketches (both due to the language barrier and due to Pokémon being frankly terrible and starring a celebrity known for her terrible grammar) and it's becoming gradually more likely that it's a new type.


    Awesome thing: if we're interpreting things correctly, the new type seems to be weak to Poison (called it!)


    Hilarious thing: ...and strong against Ice. Poor Ice never gets a break.




    So I'm training an Eevee with its Dream World ability in Black 2 right now. The idea of an Espeon with Magic Bounce is almost too good.

  4. Alls I know is, Nier taught me to give characters like the sorceress the benefit of the doubt.


    As a side note, anyone remember the artwork from Muramasa that caused a minor internet controversy? I'm linking it just in case, but I really feel like this is the same situation. The same dude was making something that was actually a fairly clever play on a very recognizable source (Dream of the Fisherman's Wife, in that case), but people immediately assumed it was meant for the lowest common denominator.

  5. I currently live like a fifteen minute drive from a dude I've known on the internet for years, but I've never met him in person. I'm always nervous about meeting internet peeps in real life.


    I definitely have that weird dysphoria that comes with listening to the cast every week and registering the thumbs as friends, then realizing that they don't know who I am. I get the same way with Retronauts, since I've had occasional contact with Jeremy Parish and Kat Bailey.

  6. I just posted the clip where they called her Derpy, which was the only time she was directly addressed by name on the show! They've since stopped referring to her by name at all to avoid controversy, but she's very definitely been given the official name Derpy Hooves.

    Derpy is featured in her Nightmare Night paper bags costume in the Castle Creator flash game, with the file name for her asset containing the word "Derpy".[14] A December 2011 update to the game contained another Derpy asset, wearing a reindeer cap and a red nose, this time with its file name containing the phrase "DH_definitely_canon".[15] The day Hearth's Warming Eve aired, The Hub's Facebook page posted a message encouraging readers to "spot fan favorite Derpy" in the episode.[16]

  7. I watched the first season of My Little Pony and thought it was okay, but it really did turn into a boys' cartoon. Specifically, I feel like it gradually started catering to the weird peripheral adult fanbase that it gained, probably culminating with "Derpy Hooves" becoming an extremely ill-advised canonical name.

  8. I'm catching up on the last batch of episodes from Mystery Inc. I've gotta' say, it's not the first time the show's done a subtle take on a classic horror film, but seeing this in a kids' show blew my mind a little.




  9. Regarding Zuko:

    You don't always do what's rational when you're going through serious familial issues. I'm fine with how he was handled on the whole.

    Personally I liked Korra a lot, apart from the eleventh-hour plot twists about the villain. I'm really excited for the new season.


    If you like Avatar in general, though, I recommend tracking down a French animated series called Wakfu. It's a little sillier and the animation is done in Flash rather than by hand (though it's easily the best Flash animation I've ever seen), but it's the closest thing to Avatar that I've ever seen in terms of tone and character. There's a special episode about the series' main antagonist animated by the Kaiba team from anime studio Madhouse that really has to be seen to be believed (though you shouldn't watch it you're close to the end of the first season).

  10. What's it called? Mystery Incorporated?



    That's the one! It's Scooby-Doo for people who both love and hate Scooby-Doo.


    On a related note, I feel like I should be sad that Futurama got canceled again as its another of my all time favorites, but since it's come back it feels like just a caricature of itself. All the characters are just boiled down to their most recognizable traits and it's super full of 2010's pop culture references that just seem out of place.


    This is the most egregious thing about modern Futurama for me. It feels like Fry is from The Present now, rather than specifically from 1999. It's like seeing that one episode of The Simpsons where Homer and Marge met in the nineties.

  11. Asian locations are difficult :)


    I find the Asian locations easiest. There's usually a sign around, so you can narrow it down at least to Japan, Korea, etc. by the type of writing used. The first location I got was the gate with the pair of Shisa, so I immediately knew to go to Okinawa. I ended up being like 4km off.

    It's the North American ones that are getting me, because they're all so samey and familiar that I always just try either Atlantic Canada or New Mexico. Also the Alaskan one that's just a dirt road in the middle of the woods is complete bullshit.

  12. The latest Adventure Time was weird and kind of neat from a behind-the-scenes standpoint. The horse is named after James Baxter the animator, who also provided the voice and animated the horse itself as a guest animator. The end result reminded me of the movie The Last Unicorn, in which the unicorn character was animated at double the framerate of everything else.


    Also, more of BMO's unsettling attempts to be human without actually understanding what that means.

  13. I look at these games and all I want is a really tight action arcade game, I don't really want RPG elements... Experience has taught me I rarely know what I want. Done well it will be fantastic!


    Muramasa is super arcadey. You really should play it. Other than the combat (which is exactly as strategic as you want it to be), the only somewhat complex systems are sparse and completely optional (though I do recommend getting into the cooking system just enough.to make boiled yams, since those things saved my life pretty much constantly).

  14. New Corocoro scans have been leaked! Not actually confirmed, but it seems way too elaborate to be a hoax.




    The first scan shows a handful of new monsters. The Panda is a fighting type, the robin is a Normal/Flying type, the lizard thing is an Electric and possibly Normal type (it's not entirely clear due to the camera glare), and the goat is a grass type. We can also see a little bit of what looks like the new Pokédex design (which, of course, is a hologram) and the new stats screen. The most important thing is that the goat's flavour text calls it the "Riding Pokémon." Notice that in the scans, it's shown being ridden in the overworld by the player characters. This is something that I'm incredibly excited about. HeartGold/SoulSilver's overworld monsters were the coolest thing, and actually having a practical use for them sounds even better.






    The second scan finally gives us a good look at the protagonists' designs. It looks like they're keeping the older protagonists of generation 5 rather than the allegedly-preteen protagonists of previous generations (also both designs look like they were designed by someone with actual fashion sense for once, so kudos). We can also see more concept art and screenshots of riding the goat, along with another one of those shots showing off the new, more dynamic camera. Most interesting, though, is what looks like a character customization screen. It seems that you can choose your character's hair and skin colour, which is pretty awesome. It's also clear now that the sunglasses visible in the previous trailers are on both trainers, which kind of leads me to believe that they're a mechanically-relevant item rather than a simple fashion accessory. Note also the Pokégear-esque wristband dealies.



    I am so excited that I am going to explode, you guys.



    EDIT: updated with a better view of the character options.