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Posts posted by tegan

  1. It's over! Highlights:

    • SMTxFE still exists and looks amazing
    • I still hate Yoshi, but I want one of those yarn amiibos
    • Smash character voting is going to be a clusterfuck. Goku confirmed
    • DS and N64 games on Wii U! Finally! DK64 is a terrible game, but I'm kind of amazed they managed to get it rereleased
    • an Animal Crossing game with NFC trading cards about interior design is basically everything I want out of life
    • I can't believe they did a trailer for a difficulty level
    • Splatoon looks pretty rad still. Now release it already
    • About damn time we got Fatal Frame. It's perfect for Nintendo right now, since it's one of the only games actually improved by the gamepad and since everyone's into horror games right now.

  2. Kinda underwhelming, pretty sure I'll grab Tropical Freeze as practically nothing else is jumping out at me as even moderately interesting except maybe Animal Crossing though I think the zeitgeist has completely passed on it.


    For what it's worth, I have thus far sank 490 hours into that game and recently got back into playing it every day.

  3. Today is the day Playstation Home closes down. I bring you this tweet from the internet:


    "Playstation Home died as it lived, in beta."


    GB's coverage was pretty incredible. I was aware that Home pulled in boatloads of money, but I wasn't aware that was mostly from marketers filling it with stuff like "Clearasil Kart Racing" or the ability to dress your avatar as the Uncharted 3 promotional Subway cup.

  4. I figured we needed a catch-all thread for Nintendo Directs since they come fast and frequent and usually get shuffled into the 3DS, Wii U, and business threads. There's a new one tomorrow!









    I predict Splatoon, Mario Maker, maybe a little Xenoblade, and not a whole lot else.

  5. You can't even turn off the automatic screen dimming on the Vita after three years on the market. I think you're giving Sony far too much credit as to how much work they're willing to do on a feature once it's out there.

  6. I think you guys are reading this in the complete opposite way I intended it...


    Asexueals are LBGT too and have ZERO representation, so it is kinda frustrating to see an asexual romance turned into a lesbian one. I'm pretty sure some poor kid who identifies as asexual is crushed to hear everybody insist they are actually lesbians. 


    I'm not sure if I'm simply looking for nomanclature that doesn't even exist yet? I mean, people can't even decide what's the proper genderless pronoun. An asexual couple would be called "in an asexual relationship", right? 


    I've seen lesbians in cartoons since I was young since I was raised with anime, but asexuals? This would have been a first, which is why I'm kind frustrated.


    So, yeah, I'm mostly upset because the first asexual couple I knew of is now just another lesbian couple.


    I've been treating the Steven Universe lesbian/asexual relationship the same way I've been treating the Korra lesbian/bi one: I feel like both interpretations are valid and -while I personally have a clear idea in my head about which I personally prefer to read it as- I don't like the idea of deciding that if one reading is correct, the other should therefore be treated as "wrong."


    Also, gay relationships are absolutely a new thing for western cartoons, so I'm pretty pleased that we're starting to see them outside of anime; especially since most of the gay character depictions in anime either end up getting butchered by the time they reach North America, typically only reach much older niche audiences, or have inherent problems that come with Japanese societal views on homosexuality (namely that it's deserving of ridicule, simply a phase for teenage girls, or built on a strict power relationship in the case of gay men).

    Keep in mind that it was a pretty big deal when two men kissed on the cheek in Clarence (after being cut down from having it be a kiss on the mouth with one of them holding flowers), and that was just last October. Adventure Time was allegedly explicitly not allowed to say that two of its female characters were once in a relationship. Gravity Falls had to straightify an elderly lesbian couple and remove a transgender symbol from an episode that aired in November. Kids aren't getting anywhere near the levels of representation that you think they are.

  7. The gems are physically genderless (or at least mono-gender), but they pretty clearly identify with and are codified as female entities (and as SAM said, presumably chose those forms themselves). In any case I wouldn't shit all over a group that already gets next to no representation with "uh technically"s when the show's creators are pretty clearly on board with those fans.



    While this isn't the first time I've seen someone pull out the "they can't be gay if they're all rocks" thing, I still haven't seen anyone realize what kind of next-level queerness that would imply about Greg's relationship with Rose.

  8. Is this meant to be good? I have a minty fresh copy of this inherited with a stack of PS2 games a friend was giving away and I've always been interested to try it but never got round to it. It just sits on my shelf depressing me with memories of when Capcom took risks as they had a glut of incredible games out during that time - Okami, God Hand, Killer 7, Resident Evil 4, Viewtiful Joe. I appreciate it's partly those same risks not paying off that has turned them into a Street Fighter/Monster Hunter/DLC factory these days but still, good times.


    Give it to meeeeeee.

  9. Does anybody know any tips on when it's the disc that's actually not being readable? The used game store where I bought them has some CD polisher/sandpaper like thing that seems a bit extreme.


    I have a CD polisher kit like that. I don't use the sandpaper, but the actual polish stuff and a soft cloth usually works. Barring that, toothpaste sometimes works, at least for audio or video discs. Not sure about games.



    Seeing the prices various sellers are pushing for new units, oof. I also remember seeing the glut of new PS2s between 2008-10 ready for the taking. I remember snagging one for about 50 bucks along with the ludicrously small GameBoy micro (with two extra faceplates). Haha, remember faceplates?


    I managed to snag a micro right before they got crazy expensive on ebay. I paid $70 for a practically-new Famicom one. It could have been cheaper if I'd bought one when they were new and failing, but I'm still pretty pleased about what I got.

  10. By the way, any North American Thumbs want a download code for Mighty Gunvolt? I got a code from the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter, but as usual it's only for North American eShop. We European suckers don't even have Azure Striker Gunvolt or Mighty Gunvolt in the eShop yet. Though we will FINALLY soon have at least Azure Striker Gunvolt.


    I can send the code (which hopefully still is valid and works) by PM. I don't know if it has some expiry date?


    Sure, why not?

  11. So I'm in a bad place right now.


    I want to go to Halifax. Or somewhere. I don't usually live in one place this long and, as much as I love this apartment, I'm getting really restless here. It's a small town. The minimum wage is bad, the job market is bad, and my only close friend/mentor figure is moving to Germany in May. On top of that, lately I've had reason to fear that my estranged abusive family might be figuring out where I live.


    But... time is of the essence here. After my friend moves, I'll have nobody to help me get my stuff to Halifax, and while I've received a potential job opportunity there, they haven't responded to my request for a phone interview instead of an-person one. And any real estate company I talk to understandably wants a co-signer or proof that I can afford a place, because my income right now is so low.


    The smart thing would be to keep looking for a job in Moncton and spend a year saving up for a move, but I dunno if I can even do that. It's a wasteland here and it's killing me. I just wanna get out.

  12. So Canadian electronics chain Future Shop closed today. They got bought up by Best Buy a few years back while Best Buy started setting up shop in Canada, and now all Future Shop locations are either being converted into Best Buys or shut down permanently (with no advance notice to the staff, of course). This is coming like two months after Target (who bought and replaced Canadian department store chain Zellers a few years ago) decided to pull out of Canada. Canadian businesses keep getting "rescued" by American chains that then turn around and leave us with nothing. It's infuriating to me.

  13. I hate that the building management here won't replace the laundry equipment here. I know that washers and dryers are expensive, but they've been using the same ones at least since I moved in and they've never worked right. It's a roll of the dice every single time I do laundry, from "will the coin slot get stuck and prevent the machine from turning on" to "will both washers just do nothing when started" to yesterday's super-fun "will I have to fish my clothes out of elbow-deep black water and run them through the dryer five times before accepting that they'll never be dry again."

  14. For what it's worth, amazon STILL has new slim PS2s in stock.


    I actually bought mine new at Blockbuster in 2009 for only fourty dollars. There's so many of them out there that you can probably find a replacement one fairly easily in case this ever happens again.


    Also I forgot you jerks got Gregory Horror Show and we didn't. It's one of the only PS2 games that hasn't been emulated too.