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Posts posted by coaxmetal

  1. Yeah I'm probably gonna get a 2DSXL (and not a switch, funnily). They come out with a new console and I get the latest rev of a 5 year old handheld instead (I mean i've never had a 3DS though)

  2. I was surprised but happy to see metroid news. I don't have a 3DS though, but I've considered getting one. Might for whatever the thing is. Metroid Prime isn't really the metroid I want either, but maybe they will have 2D parts? I'm not sure, ill have to see. I'm glad they remembered Metroid exists though!

  3. On my way home from work today I was walking down Mission street to the train and saw a man remote and a strange white box robot he was remote controlling crossing the street at 17th, and I thought of this podcast. Then on BART i started listening to this episode and hear the discussion of how San Francisco now just has a bunch of weird robots. That's the whole story I just loved the synchronicity

  4. I have a pretty specific memory of having an opinion based on something I heard and then completely changing my mind on it. When I was a college sophomore, I was listening to the Giant Bombcast and they were discussing Demon's Souls, mostly focusing on how bad and impenetrable it was. Later, I was at a friend's house and he had demon's souls, I mentioned that "oh that game is terrible" because I had formed that opinion based on what I thought of at the time as an authoritative voice on video games. I ended up playing it anyway, as like "haha ill play this bad game let's see how bad it is" and fell in love, it is still one of my absolute favorite games, and I've been a fan of every souls game since.

  5. Hey y'all. I work at a game company now but I just do backend, want to learn regular game dev but can't rn. But, if anyone wants to make some kind of multiplayer or game that otherwise involved a networked backend, with any degree of game of matching of business logic at all (leaderboards, server side content, w/e), hmu. I'll even host it. Not usually a jam thing I know, but that's what I'm good at so putting it out there.

  6. Hi I haven't posted in here yet, and, although I am not attending GDC, i do live here (and now even work in the games industry) so I will be down for various forms of hanging out. I'll be at the Saturday night thing, though I'm going to see the first F1 race later that night.

  7. This was a really cool episode, since I hadn't heard most of those shows before (and, shamefully, have not dived into idle weekend yet, though I plan to have it in my regular rotation). I enjoyed all of the clips, except for the esports today one. I don't mean that in a disparaging way at all, I simply lacked the context to know what was being discussed, so I couldn't really follow it (I follow neither dota, esports, nor traditional sports and have no notion of how teams and drafting and those dynamics work, and don't know the names of any dota teams or personalities).


    I particularly did enjoy the book club segment and will likely listen to the show, despite never reading any literature myself. I tend to use books as escapism, as entertainment, and literature often feels like work, so I gravitate to genre fiction. I do, however, very much enjoy listening to good discussion about it.


    e: also can you say "neither... nor" with more than 2 things? For some reason that feels incorrect, but it seems like it works.

  8. I just bought undertale today and an really looking forward to playing it when i get home. I think i was sold since i saw the screenshot about the cactus (the most tsundere of plants). 



    On the goty subject, I have been thinking about gotys recently, and I came to the conclusion that i really dislike the notion of site-wide goty awards. I think stuff like people's individual favorite games is awesome, its really fun and interesting to read/listen to someone describe why one game is their favorite. But, site wide goty picks (I'm most familiar with Giant Bomb's, which is also fascinating because they make the deliberation process transparent) are much less interesting. Invariably, they end up being some safe, popular pick, since people need to agree. I don't think there is much value in saying "Our site thinks game X was the best game this year", especially for a site with a set of diverse opinions and games played. All of that is lost, in exchange for putting a gold star on a game.


    To be clear, I don't think that big AAA easy picks are chosen as goty picks for cynical reasons as much as I think they are the compromises when people with a diverse set of opinions and experiences try to pick a single game. And I'm sure there are people for whom those safe picks are their favorite, that's totally legitimate. I just wish that, instead of going for that kind of award, sites would instead choose something that most people probably haven't played or heard of, and choose to highlight that instead.


    Nobody that is reading a goty list is going to be surprised to see MGSV and decide to play it for that reason, but if the pick were something like Undertale, or SOMA, or even more known but not as widely played titles, like Splatoon even, I would find it a lot more appealing.


    That said, I am not arguing against doing them, more articulating my own dislike of the concept. 


    e: as a follow to that, as much as I often dislike the arguing and such, i am kind of looking forward to giant bomb's goty deliberations this year, just to hear what Austin has to say, as his is definitely the most interesting voice on the site.

  9. The songs in MGS V are definitely master tracks. The Man Who Sold the World is a cover, true, but it was released by Midge Ure (singer for Ultravox) in 1985.


    That being said, I'm using Danger Zone as my entrance theme:




    Yeah, they mentioned several times that some were covers and that confused me. I think the man who sold the world is the only cover, and as you mention that cover is 80s appropriate, vs the original bowie which is earlier. I'd assumed the songs were originals and so was second guessing myself, thinking that maybe i just don't know the originals of some of them well enough.

  10. It looks like I finished this game. I did not expect the game to end at that point, especially not in that way. I have no idea what to make of the ending. So much stuff left unexplored. A real shame.

    The puzzle mini games were tedious as fuck. Luckily you can skip them if you want.


    Wait you can?


    I was also pretty dissasitified with the ending, but I still really like the game for what it was trying to do and how well it started. What if the entire game was in that yurt? 

  11. I quite liked Madoka (I didn't watch the last movie or whatever it was, just the regular series). I think that was a combination of I went in without any expectations (I thought it was just a well-reputed magical girl anime, didn't know where it was going to go) and also the super cool art. Good/Weird art goes a long way with me I guess. I also really liked Beyond the Boundary based mostly on the art/animation, as well as Redline. 


    Recently started Steins;gate, which I am liking a lot. Also went in without knowing anything about it, quite happy with it so far. About halfway through.

  12. I just played some more yesterday, my first time in a bit, and first time with the new stuff. New music is, much like the old music, great. New weapons seem cool but after messing around with a few I went back to my trusty old splattershot jr. its the first weapon in the game and i still find it the most effective. This game is still mad fun, I've still only played the base mode though, never tried ranked or any of the new stuff.


    FWIW for team making and levels, I haven't noticed that player level really makes much of a difference, it seems pretty balanced with respect to that.