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Posts posted by blueninj0r

  1. In some ways the book felt like a kind of B movie (perhaps something Luther Stallings would star in)...

    Lots of really cool and interesting stuff on a micro level - some nice character interactions, great sections of dialogue, generally cool scenes. But, on a macro level, it just fails to come together. It's almost like someone with a bunch of stuff filmed and no budget to finish off something that can be brought together as a whole.

  2. If you're a fan of point and click adventures there's a bunch of really nice wee games that have come out in the past few years (including the previously mentioned Telltale games).

    I'd recommended Ben There, Dan That & Time Gentlemen, Please and Gemini Rue.

    Ben & Time were both written by a couple of English guys and have a really great sense of English/British humour (says the Scot).

    Gemini Rue is a nice wee scifi thriller that's just really well done.