
Phaedrus' Street Crew
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Posts posted by jeremywc

  1. Tegan, I keep typing posts to respond to you and then deleting them because they never seem to come out the way I want. I'm just going to ramble and put this out there and hope it makes sense.


    I've had my own battles with depression after my youngest son was born. Being at the bottom of an emotional well is literally the worst way I can think of going through life. Every day feels like you are just drowning. You hate your situation. You hate others around you who seem to have it better. Worst of all you hate yourself. I know this isn't news to you. People say cliche things like "never give up!" and "keep fighting!" and it feels like complete bullshit. It's so hard to do when all you want is to crawl into a hole and hide.


    What I can promise you is that it sounds like you are taking the right steps. The struggle against depression is not some glorious crusade. You can't beat it that way. It is a slow and steady march where you put one foot in front of the other. "Today I did a little more than yesterday" is the best way to set goals. Some days even "today I didn't go backwards" is huge. The most important thing to remember is that the peace of mind you seek will always be there for you to find. It's not like there's a time limit that you hit and then it's gone for ever. Take things at your own pace and it will be there waiting for you. Vent to who ever is willing to listen in a supportive manner! Not being happy with the situations you've gone through is the correct way to feel. That proves you're aligned with reality.


    One day there will be a light at the end of the tunnel for you. When you get there, you come to appreciate things that so many people take for granted. Most of all, you learn which people in your life are worth making emotional investments into and which people only seek to drain your emotions. What I've realized is that the people in my life who provide me with healthy emotional support have also had rides on their own emotional roller coasters. I don't trust anyone these days who isn't carrying around some emotional baggage.

  2.  was really looking forward to this game but I think I'm going to have to pass because of how much this game just reinforces the damsel trope. So the main girl is all powerful and can't control her powers and people want to kidnap her or something, has to have a man take care of her, what a load of shit. 


    You're not doing yourself any favors with this crap. It just makes it look like you can't handle big boy discussions without carrying a grudge.

  3. Yeah, I was there.  Turns out I was actually in the restaurant, on the other side of the room, while Ian (BSidesSF organiser) and Valerie (from the Ada Initiative) were discussing the talk - but I was too busy figuring out rpy2 to eavesdrop. I'm not on the BSides mailing list though, so I'd be interested to hear what went on there.


    Most of the drama occurred online or via twitter, not at the venue itself, because the talk was cancelled at the last minute and nothing had really been announced about it beforehand - plus we're all more comfortable on Twitter than in our shoes.


    This was my second week in the dang industry and it just up and WHAPs me in the head with intersectionality and a chance to be all RAR FEMINIST and I'm all "D-do I say something? S-should my first big act in this industry be writing a blog post calling everyone out for behaving like schoolboys and giving InfoSec a really bad professional image?  What if I speak out and then get doxxed?  Should I get another iced coffee?"


    Thankfully I am old enough, large enough, married enough, and cat-hair-covered enough that I'm not a target of sexual comments or harassment (though that's mostly DEFCON behavior, and I'm not sure if we're going to DC'21), but... real fuckin' depressing start.


    I think most of the reasonable people felt like the decision to cancel the talk was probably the best given the short amount of time Ian had to make a decision. There is a concern that this might set a precedent that would basically require the BSides cons would cancel a talk anytime it's controversial (which so many talks are at sec cons). I think it's a reasonable concern, but some people really over reacted and seemed to make a bad situation worse. Basically they painted the BSides leadership as being pro-censorship for not coming down on Ian. Ultimately the BSides mothership just doubled down on their commitment to give the local BSides coordinators the freedom to make their own decisions on what they feel is appropriate for their venue, which I think is the right call.


    Just reading everything second hand, I think the talk was kind of a stretch to be relevant for a computer security con. Ideally, they should have announced the talk a lot sooner to allow time for feedback and/or prepare for backlash. But I also think that it's reasonable to ask someone to go to another track if they're not happy with a single presentation in it. Tough call to make, I'm glad I didn't have to do it.

  4. (I'm still slammed with C and terrified that I'm rubbish with it, plus I got an interesting introduction to my new industry with a Controversial Violet Blue Talk Cancellation and associated drama caused by sperglords.)


    Were you actually at BSidesSF when that went down? Seems like that caused a pretty big stir on the BSides mailing list.

  5. Sorry to dig this thread up but something came up, via Gamasutra, that I think is related.



    Seems like Apple came up with their own solution for playing games on a bigger screen. Uh, and it's free (provided you have a receiver of some sort).


    AirPlay was introduced in 2010 and it was really more intended for streaming movies and music to your TV than anything else. Very few games have taken advantage of it. 

  6. Clayton is a senior designer at Microsoft! I think he's got a pretty sweet setup where he has a really stable (probably much better paying than DF could ever be) day job, while getting to do his indie-scale stuff on his own time with Ron.


    I'm sure he's very happy there, but I (selfishly) would like to see him at the helm of a larger game again. I don't think he's been a lead on since Voodoo Vince, which I've always heard really good things about. I haven't had the chance to play it because I couldn't really justify going out and getting an original Xbox for it. But I think the characters he's had a hand in creating like Vince (and DeathSpank, to a degree) are the kinds of characters you'd see coming out of a place like Double Fine. Also, I guess I will always have an irrational soft spot for anyone who worked on Total Annihilation. :-)

  7. lcjvbty otaewot uvyyvzd tfzhhak uskpbdt jhudxpd oiznbqt aduyxbb qvgnemb fsntmmt gzwhejk cegoipl miumiu 財布 kntmeeq jvtbszs wamxxge rsldwdy dnjczaa akkfnns egnbkvu fgemqct xizhjak ysgdfiv ミュウミュウ 財布 ieeneku nobpzec hwpblvu gzznjlp wrjytga kabiafw uezfljv tuxvesk ixrzqtk qlejorm ocfpzeq pjhszea miumiu アウトレット hwfzifp vlsvzuc vhfmxce snxrgwe pjbrplc ftddbwu jimwduu brcnxju ebfsziz miumiu バッグ jelzhto wdzbiim vhiqteb oygvuud yvwvqmu jhhqfbp lkxdbnf zkrojrq mvcudko qadwszb pcgywtd dhdthik byeqtcn wvgrqbw



  8. He's not joking--his previous non-DF game was also a casual iOS game, The Big Big Castle. Ron does a lot of mobile gaming and enjoys very small-scale development where it's just him and his artist Clayton, with whom he has been collaborating ever since the Cavedog days.


    Secretly I had been hoping things would work in the opposite direction and that he'd be able to talk Clayton into joining Double Fine. He's a talented artist. Not that Double Fine is lacking in that department, but it would have been awesome to see what Ron and Clayton could do with Double Fine's help. Still, I'm excited to see what they come up with next.

  9. I actually think the backgrounds, and combat systems look really awesome. I'm not exactly in love with the character models or combat animations. I looked into it in general. It appears that the tech they're building this on is Moai which is also what double fine is using for their adventure game. Are either of these 2 products expected to ship on android or iOS (the platforms Moai is apparently built to target)? Or are they all just using it because of it's built ins (like it's nifty lua scripting lang)?


    Not sure about Shadowrun, but DFA is going to be available on iOS and Android.

  10. I'm having this one problem: whenever I press the down arrow when I'm looking directly at the runes spelling out the way each of the Thumbs will die, I get these weird cuts on my left forearm. It's consistent, so I imagine it's reproducible, and it's only started happening since those runes appeared on the main page.


    Worst software bug ever?

  11. I'm trying to decide if the current Sinfest arc is about. Is it about two characters with deep emotional preconceptions about the world clashing against each other? Or is it about how boys are dumb? I'm hoping for something smart and funny to develop, because one of the great strengths of Sinfest has always been empathetically personifying cultural symbols, but there have been a few too many straw dudebros for me to be optimistic.


    I think it might be about you. ZING!

  12. It doesn't have to be funny and entertaining, but yes of course it has to be engaging. If being funny/entertaining is what it takes, then go for it, but that's not the only avenue for engagement.


    Being engaging is what grabs people's attention. It's what makes them come back for more. It's what makes them care. If a professor of literature lectures in a deadpan voice, only the most dedicated of students are going to retain any of that information. And that's in an environment where learning is the entire reason for its existence. In the case of this video, if the goal is to reach new people and share the problems of the video game industry's representation of the female gender, well, how are you going to reach most new people if the first video they see bores them to tears?


    And before you jump down my throat, defending the video and saying it isn't dull, well, that wasn't the point of this post. I thought it was boring, but obviously plenty of people here liked it well enough, so that's definitely something. I only take issue with your implication that a series like this, with the goal of introducing the topic to new people who maybe weren't aware of the problem, shouldn't have to be engaging.


    I hear you, but I think she's on a slippery slope. Look at how much hyperfocus there has been the two word line "regressive crap", which basically amounts to the only time she showed any emotion at all. I'm sure she's passionate about this issue, but showing that passion is just going to fuel her detractors even more. It's a hard line to walk.

  13. Limbo is an excellent example of directly subverting the damsel in distress trope.

    You spend the whole game looking for your lost sister after waking up in the middle of the woods, and when you finally get to her at the end she disappears and you wake up again in the forest. The way that game plays with the trope, forcing you to realize that she isn't the one that needs saving after all is so subtle and brilliant that I'm going to sit down tomorrow and play through that game all over again.


    It's been awhile since I played through Limbo, but if memory serves me correctly, you didn't learn about the girl until the end of the game. You just wake up in the woods and start walking. I don't remember any sequences presenting a girl that needed saving. I need to play through it again as well.

  14. You guys do make good points about the quality of the Wildman pitch vs. other Kickstarters. I've played so many Chris Taylor games that what I saw there instantly clicked and made sense to me, but going back and watching that first video again, it seems like they weren't as clear on their design goals as they could have been. They were obviously up against a wall financially as well; that didn't help the situation. Anyway, enough derailing on Wildman.


    I don't know that I'm going to pitch in on this Kickstarter, but I'm glad to see them get funding. I backed Wasteland on impulse, but epic-length RPGs aren't really in my wheel house. If I had to do it over again, I would have taken my Wasteland money and backed FTL or something else instead. 

  15. So now that I watched like four minutes of this video and learned that Miyamoto is evil, which Mario games should I burn?


    Maybe go back again and pay attention? At no point did she get up on a soap box and start calling to tear these games down. She said that she has played and enjoyed Mario games for much of her life.


    Calling something out for what it is does not mean you are trying to censor it. Saving Peach has so little to do with what makes the Mario games good; it's not like they would be in any danger if they tried using a different premise for Mario's conflict with Bowser for a change. Aren't most of us tired of Nintendo rehashing their games anyway?

  16. The thing is, I don't feel like she's discussing the trope as listing examples... That someone else gave to her.


    Even if that were true, how would that make the points any less relevant? Crowd sourced truth is still truth.