False Dmytro

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Posts posted by False Dmytro

  1. I'd be interested, though my reading is ofter erratic. I too read only classic literature. Feel free to propose something!

    Alright, sorry busy with work for a while there.

    I'd be interested in reading something American; perhaps Pynchon, Nabokov or Bellow? I've read V., Lolita and More Die of Heartbreak (as well as some of Bellow's essays) and I'm interested in more from all three. Otherwise Coetzee interests me. Or if you are not adverse to poetry, I could settle for a headache and Milton? :fart:

    But this is just me looking at my shelf, tell me where your interest lies?

  2. Would any of you be interested in starting a book club? I feel that discussion and being forced to clearly articulate my thoughts and ideas about what I read really helps me learn from and think about literature - the closes you can get to literary. Due to my inclinations I'd prefer "literary" fiction (by that I don't mean obscure postmodernists or arcane Restoration-era poets but rather good adult stories with some style) which we would decide on and read together.

    What do you think?

  3. This is where I lament that I sold my Playstation…

    Anyway, here is how I'd explain the things going on and WHY it is hailed as such a great game. Note: These points are all gathered from my extensive experience with the predecessor, but after viewing some videos of the sucessor I think I'm same in my assumption that they are the same for both.

    1. The system of discovery, learning and understanding which makes the core concept so rewarding.
    2. Nigh-perfect combat mechanis (it only suffers in pratice at some points) coupled with perfect tactility of controls.
    3. The implementation of character development is such that it directly translates to your performance in combat (i.e. you feel every stat-point, ability and weapon. More or less).
    4. A fiction and aesthetic which fits the systems of the game very well to how it is presented and looks. You are lonely, you don't know what the hell is going on, everything is opaque.

    These things, synthesized so well together, is what makes the game so compelling to me.

  4. I just finished Cambridge Spies (loyal comrades). While it was a bit too British and poor in some cases it was still nice to see a spy-fiction in which people aren't cynic alcoholics (while some of the cast become) but rather ideological warriors, fighting for their cause.

  5. It's annoying that you don't absorb artistry from fine art as you do from reading literature.

    I'm not saying that the Old Masters et al haven't got anything to teach, but it's just that fine art have a component of motoric and spatial skill that writing doesn't (or if it does, it is eradicated in the finished "product").

    I wish I could paint a Rubens or a Goya, or for that matter a Turner or *****. Oh well.

    P. S. It would also be nice to absorb Keith Jarrett while listening to music... It's interesting how these different disciplines of art are connected differently (just thinking about the actual physical feat required: reading/writing - viewing/painting - listening/playing the piano. There seems to be something going on here, as one can argue that listening is the thing that is easiest to do, while viewing art and especially reading requires more attention and energy.

    The forum filter seems to ruin Francis вacoп...

  6. The description of that book, Reamde, reads like the ramblings of a madman, or Idle Thumbs podcastman. MEANWHILE, a young computer engineer gets abducted onto a plane WITH her ex-boyfriend AND a brilliant Hungarian programmer, they're travelling to meet with Chinese secret service, but als the Chinese maffia, AND an Al Qaida terrorist cell!

    Why are you quoting Cato in your signature? :legalese:

  7. Mine is like this:


    I used to have one with a button below (but topographically above). Tapping to click is what I hate, but having an affirmative click that I can feel and hear all over the touchpad is great. I understand your feelings about this are the other way around?

    Then we disagree! But can't you click in the left/right corner for some physical response? I'm pretty sure I can do that on my MBP, will check later.

  8. I absolutely despise tap to click touchpads on any laptops, because they lack affirmative feedback and cause me to continually click by accident. Having the whole touchpad clickable rather than a button on my MBP was weird at first, but I was used to it within a week :tup:

    Just want to make sure we are on the same page:


    This is how the 'pad looks on a 1st gen MacBook Air. The area above* the elevation works as on a MacBook Pro; it is clickable and can be used for everything if activated! I hardly ever use the elevated area for anything unless I'm trying to copy something (or highlight in Diigo).

    * Bellow? Above the elevated area on the picture. Topographically it is bellow the elevated area. Obviously.

  9. So I traded my 2-year old MacBook Pro for a 1st gen MacBook Air. Here are some of my thoughts:

    This Mac isn't as dirty as my old one (physically), and is much cleaner (digitally) and faster.

    [iI] I love how light this computer is, will be even easier to haul about.

    [iII] The touchpad is kind of ugly with the "clicking" part being elevated. Activating "tapping" on the touchpad makes the elevated part redundant... Stupid is what it is!

    [iV] The fans make much less noise which is nice (I've got a tendency to keep 20-tabs or so open at all times which strains the computer).

    [V] It seems to run 720p Youtube with no problem – I don't do anything heavier with my computer than this...

    [VI] The new charger is better connected, but feels less secure.

    [VII] Sound is generally worse – both the built-in speakers but also when wearing headphones.

    Overall, I enjoy it. I would have enjoyed a second generation MacBook Air even more though. Considering the SSD and all…

  10. I did like that poem, actually, (and I like Shakespeare, too) but other than evoking a few images and feelings, does it have a deeper meaning? Am I over-thinking it?

    Feeling is the best thing about poetry!

    For me, meaning comes from the contextualizing of the poem either in history (cultural & social trends, studying the poet etc) or to your own experiences, knowledge and life.

  11. So uh, has Limitless been mentioned before?

    I had a whole movie reviewer spiel set up for this post, but I decided I'd just say this.

    Possibly the smartest, most entertaining movie I have seen in nigh on 4 years. Highly enjoyed.

    Is Limitless the Bradley Cooper/DiNero joint? If so I've seen it but can hardly remember anything else than thinking it was an incredibly shallow and ridiculous movie.

    It seems that won't see eye-to-eye on many things…

  12. Wow, I made it to the point where he threw the item over the fence and then switched it off. That was practically unwatchable. Who wants to listen to some one do the equivalent of jam a remote control up their arse over repairing items?

    I like the degradable weapon systems, and that just sounds like the worst nerd rage ever. Embarrassing.

    To be fair, he had a pretty good angry-voice.

  13. What has Actinides to do with it.

    Is it the russian tsar who ruled for about a year in 1605? I don't know if that is the answer to the ARG or just a (false) step.

    He's going in a different direction with this.

    You are more on the right track, but check out Ἔτος Κτίσεως Κόσμου. There is more than one timeline for these things.

  14. I'm curious to what you Amerikans think of the GOP and Obama, as an outsider not well versed in the politics of your nation learning about your views would be valuable. I respect that you might not want to discuss politics here but for me it would be interesting to hear some opinions formed from the reality of life in USA.

    I'll repost this here, we got slightly distracted by my curious mythologizing. I'm still curious about you Americans' opinions!

  15. also how the hell come no-one knows how many siblings the real you had

    Stalin did historians no favors, Kremlin is of no help either. I believe that my truth, along with certain other truths regarding the steppes and Mitteleuropa, still are hidden deep beneath Lubyanka. Free us and usher a new era of revisionism!